Solutions for insurance companies offering political violence and terrorism protection
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Terrorism & Political Violence Insurance

Solutions that protect your organization against impacts of terrorism and political violence.

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    Mitigating risks against acts of terrorism and political violence

    On both international and domestic fronts, terrorism and political violence present continuously changing and perilous scenarios. This creates an urgent need for companies to protect their people, property, and profits against unprecedented attacks, violence, and unforeseen events. Our underwriters work to understand and address challenges that businesses of all types and sizes face, providing thorough risk insurance solutions for the impacts of terrorism and political violence.

    Terrorism capabilities

    The risk occupancies we most commonly encounter and welcome are:
    Residential/habitational property
    Commercial real estate
    Manufacturing industries
    Retail and wholesale
    Sports and music venues
    Construction/builder’s risk
    Conventional power plants
    Renewable energy

    Out of appetite

    Risk classes that would be ineligible for consideration:

    • Nuclear, chemical, biological and radiological (NCBR) risks
    • Embassies and consulates
    • Military bases/housing

    Coverage details


    Up to US $450,000,000 any one risk 



    Coverage details 

    • Property damage to insured assets 
    • Business interruption, including extra expense/loss of profit, delay in startup for construction risks 
    • Contingent time element (denial of access, loss of attraction, customers and suppliers, and others on request) 
    • Construction/builder’s risk terrorism (up to 72-month period) 
    • Third-party terrorism liability 
    • Cyber terrorism 
    • Malicious attack/active assailant 
    • Event cancellation following an act of terrorism or threat thereof 
    • Terrorism/PV reinsurance 


    • Terrorism, sabotage 
    • Strikes, riots, civil commotion 
    • Malicious damage 
    • Insurrection, revolution, rebellion 
    • Mutiny, coup d’état 
    • War, civil war 
    • Counterinsurgency

    Value-added services

    Why Munich Re Specialty? 
    Primary, excess, or quota share participation
    Dedicated exposure management team
    Standalone coverage
    Innovative coverage solutions
    In-house claims team renowned for quality handling of all aspects of loss recovery
    Local underwriters
    Significant aggregate available

    Claims scenarios

    Terrorist attack on commercial property:

    In this claim scenario, a terrorist group attacks a commercial district and targets several office buildings. One of the buildings, sustains damage due to an explosion, resulting in structural damage and destruction of interior assets. The building is uninhabitable after the terrorist attack, and the commercial tenants  are forced to relocate—causing loss of rental income for the property owner. The property owner’s Terrorism and Political Violence Insurance coverage compensates them for the property damage, loss of rental income, and additional expenses incurred for rebuilding and security enhancements.

    Active assailant incident at a workplace:

    In this claims scenario, an armed individual enters a corporate office building and opens fire on employees, resulting in multiple casualties and injuries, as well as a temporary shutdown of operations as law enforcement responds to the situation. The company had Active Assailant Coverage as part of their Terrorism and Political Violence Insurance policy. This coverage provided financial assistance for medical expenses, counseling services for affected employees, and reimbursement for business interruption losses incurred during the shutdown period.

    Contact our experts
    Adam Posner
    Head of U.S. Terrorism & Political Violence
    Munich Re Specialty

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    About Munich Re Specialty

    Munich Re Specialty – North America products and services are offered by and provided through insurance companies and producers/surplus lines brokers that are eligible or licensed in accordance with the laws and regulations of individual jurisdictions. Products and services are not available in every, and may vary by, jurisdiction. The information provided on this site is intended as general information only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to purchase insurance or non-insurance products and services. Please be aware that the insurance policy and not any information provided on this site will form the contract between the parties thereto, and will govern in all cases. Munich Re Specialty – North America’s insurance products and services in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom are underwritten and provided by or through one or more of the insurers, producers/surplus lines brokers that are members of the Munich Re Group identified below. Each company is financially responsible only for insurance policies it has issued.

    For more information on Munich Re Specialty, including licensing, regulatory-required, and other information on the operating companies, please click here.