US Regional Leadership

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    Michael Kerner

    Munich Re Board of Management Member responsible for GSI (chair)

    Stefan Golling

    Munich Re Board of Management Member responsible for GC/NA

    Greg Barats

    President & CEO The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Co.

    Sabrina Hart

    President & CEO Munich Re Specialty Insurance – North America

    Andreas Kleiner

    President & CEO American Modern Insurance Group, Inc.

    Adrienne Mageras

    President and CEO Munich Re America Services, Inc.

    Marcus Winter

    President & CEO Munich Re US

    James Gouin

    Chief Information Officer Global Specialty Insurance

    Cathy Smith

    Chief Risk Underwriting Officer Global Specialty Insurance

    Brian Viscusi

    Regional Head of HR US P&C

    Oliver J. Horbelt

    Chief Financial Officer MRAm-Pooled Companies

    Daniel Cenzano

    US Regional Head of Marketing and Communication (non-voting)

    Marc Giguère

    President and CEO MARC Life

    Board of Directors – Munich Re America Corporation

    Andrew Buchanan

    Stefan Golling, Chair

    Michael G. Kerner

    Board of Directors – Munich Reinsurance America, Inc.

    Richard L. Alleyne

    Andrew Buchanan

    Alice C. Hill

    Oliver J. Horbelt

    Michael G. Kerner, Chair

    Elizabeth A. Levy-Navarro

    Adrienne Mageras

    Lisa A. Pollina

    Catherine B. Smith

    Dr. Marcus Winter