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    Robert Lempertseder
    Chief Financial Officer

    Over his Finance and Risk Management career, Robert Lempertseder has successfully led and developed teams that drive profitable growth. He joined Munich Re Life US in 2024 as CFO, with responsibility for the company’s finance and corporate actuarial functions. Mr. Lempertseder is also a member of the Munich Re Life US Senior Leadership Team and Board of Directors. 

    Before joining Munich Re Life US, he led the Financial and Regulatory Reporting Division (FRR) at Munich Re Group, overseeing Financial, Regulatory, and Sustainability reporting. Most recently, he was responsible for the global implementation of IFRS 9 and 17. Prior to that, Mr. Lempertseder served in senior roles as CFO at Munich Re, Canada (Life) and as Head of Risk Analytics and Reporting when Munich Re developed its risk model for Solvency II. He is an Actuary with the German DAV and a recipient of the Certified Enterprise Risk Actuary designation (CERA).

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