Arbitration Agreements - A Powerful Risk Reduction Tool for Care Providers
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Arbitration Agreements - A Powerful Risk Reduction Tool for Care Providers

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    Arbitration agreements can be a powerful tool for reducing risk for care providers. Successfully getting a litigation matter into the arbitration forum is a game changer for health and senior care providers. Given the real threat of nuclear verdicts around the country, it is critically important to understand what arbitration is and how to develop a successful program to maximize enforcement to even the playing field against risk.
    In this webinar for healthcare organizations and insurance brokers, we’ll delve into how arbirtration agreements can enhance your risk management program. Topics we’ll cover include:

    • Examine what arbitration is and the benefits of this forum.
    • Understand the key components needed to create a sound arbitration agreement.
    • Identify strategies to maximize enforcement through education and training.

    About the moderator

    Kathy Shostek is a healthcare loss control expert for Munich Re Specialty. With over 25 years of experience, she is an industry-recognized healthcare professional specializing in risk reduction techniques and innovative approaches to improve patient safety and reduce liability risks.

    Kathy’s extensive experience includes leadership at the acute care level and a corporate multispecialty physician group practice. She has worked with national risk and safety consultancies and healthcare liability insurance companies, assisting health systems, hospitals, aging services, and physician practices in implementing risk management strategies and patient safety programs. Kathy is a past clinical risk consultant and developer for ECRI’s Healthcare Risk, Quality, and Safety Guidance System and publications, including Physician Office Fundamentals and Critical Care Safety Essentials.

    She co-authored a chapter in ASHRM’s Risk Management Handbook for Healthcare Organizations, 5th edition. Kathy is a past board member of ASHRM, section lead for ASHRM’s Patient Safety Playbook, past chair and member of ASHRM’s Patient Safety Task Force, and section lead for the FMEA Playbook. ASHRM awarded Kathy the Distinguished Service Award in 2018 for her career contributions to healthcare risk management and patient safety.

    Kathleen Shostek
    Kathleen Shostek
    Healthcare Loss Control Expert
    Munich Re Specialty – North America

    About the guest

    Kathleen Walker is the Co-Managing Partner in the Los Angeles office of Lewis Brisbois and is a chair of the firm's Healthcare, Medical Malpractice and Long-Term Care Practices.
    Ms. Walker’s litigation practice is devoted to representing the interests of long term care facilities including SNF, RCFE, AL, ICF and CCRC providers as well as all types of care providers including but not limited to acute care hospitals, mental health, home health, hospice, adult day care, group homes and individual licensed health care providers including but not limited to physicians, nurses, and therapists.
    For over 30 years Ms. Walker has dedicated her practice to successfully helping those in the care industry defend their interests. She is the designated preferred counsel for several national assisted living operators as well as many California nursing home operators.

    Ms. Walker also specializes in providing risk management support to a broad array of clients. She regularly presents seminars on trends in elder abuse litigation and in-service training to management and staff of nursing home, assisted living operators and other care providers with the goal of risk reduction. In addition, she provides crisis management assistance to several large healthcare providers.
    Ms. Walker also has extensive experience in the area of healthcare
    regulatory litigation and compliance and has litigated these cases in both the Superior Court and administrative law proceedings.

    Kathleen Walker
    Kathleen Walker
    Managing Partner and chair of the Healthcare, Medical Malpractice and Long-Term Care Practices
    Lewis Brisbois