Product Governance and Distributor Product Information Documents
At Munich Re Specialty – North America, which is a trading name of Bell & Clements Ltd, we are committed to ensuring our products offer value to our customers by conducting our business fairly and honestly. We achieve this through a robust product governance framework that ensures the oversight and governance of our products.
This page is designed to provide our product distributors information on each of the products B&C co-manufactures with Great Lakes. The links below provide information on the products’ main features and exclusions, target market, fees, commissions, and distribution channels. The purpose of these documents is to allow our UK distributors to meet their FCA obligations, and also to provide all of our distributors with appropriate information to ensure a full understanding of the product and to ensure that Bell & Clements’ products are sold to the intended target market.
If you have any questions on any of the products, please contact: Compliance@bellandclements.co.uk