Acturis Cargo E-trade
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Acturis Cargo

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    Acturis Cargo E-trade is a fully auto-rated placement route for simple risks

    The end-to-end, quote and bind cargo electronic trading solution adds to the growing portfolio of products already available on Acturis platform, demonstrating our desire to embrace innovation by offering our broker partners simple, effective and process efficient ways of doing business with us.

    Cargo E-trade key features

    • Simple and easy to use
    • Quote and bind with minutes and available to trade 24/7/365
    • Caters for new business, renewals and MTAs
    • Identification and application of agreed broker specific wordings
    • Identification and application of agreed broker specific commission levels
    • Allows broker flexibility on commission, if required
    • Elimination of accounts queries
    • Provision of full audit trail

    Tutorials and FAQs

    For new business, use the ‘Cargo’ Product Target only. Do not use ‘Marine/Air Cargo’ Product Target.

    Scenario A – Manually traded but on the wrong Product Target

    If the risk is currently manually traded on Acturis using the ‘Marine/Air Cargo’ Product Target, use the Remarket Policy function and change to the ‘Cargo’ Product Target, save and select NMU and E-Trade on the Product Selection, then submit the risk.

    Scenario B – Manually traded but already on the correct ‘Cargo’ Product Target

    For renewal risks which are manually traded but already on the ‘Cargo’ Product Target, from the Renewal RFQ, use the Remarket Policy function and select NMU and E-trade, save and then submit the risk.

    To renew E-Trade risks which are already on the ‘Cargo’ Product Target, from the Renewal RFQ use the Remarket Policy function and select NMU and E-Trade, save and then submit the risk. 
    To make Mid Term Adjustments, for example to change the cover period or the  estimates and exposures, under an existing NMU Cargo E-Trade Policy select the ‘Process MTA’ option and complete the required changes, then submit the risk. 
    Scenario A – If you just want to change the commission level alone, view our video below.

    Scenario B – If you want to change the commission level after the premium has already been overridden by an Underwriter:

    1. First remove the Premium Override in the Rating Amounts screen, by reducing the Premium Override back to zero;
    2. then apply a Commission rate change, before altering the authorisation code to NMU Commission and resubmitting;
    3. You will then need to select ‘Submit to Underwriter’ to have the premium override reapplied. 
    Wherever the term ‘Limit’ is referred to, whether; Own Vehicle; Postal; Goods in Transit; Import/Export Conveyance; Exhibition; Tools and Samples; this should be the maximum single goods value limit per any one of those individual conveyance methods – it is not the total annual value of goods dispatched in that manner 
    Even though you have had a message to say that your RFQ has been referred for Underwriter review – please make sure that you then also hit the ‘Submit to U/W’ option, otherwise we won’t receive your RFQ and won’t be able to respond.
    Even though you have had a message to say that your RFQ has referred – you will then need to change the Product Target from Cargo E-trade to Cargo U-trade and resubmit in order for our Underwriters to receive your U-trade RFQ.

    No. The NMU Cargo E-trade product is not currently designed to include Stock Throughput risks.

    If you require terms for Stock Throughput insurance, please submit an enquiry via the NMU Cargo U-trade product. 

    No. Our Cargo E-trade product is not designed to cover Single Shipment risks. 

    Our E-trade cargo product does not support E-traded cancellations, and as such the cancellation will need to be submitted manually.

    Select the ‘Process Cancellation’ option and the system will advise that the Policy will be set to manual.

    Please then email our Cargo E-trade team at to request cancellation of your E-trade policy, including any relevant copy correspondence and detailing what measures have been pursued to try to obtain payment of the premium.

    Our E-trade cargo product does not support E-traded cancellations, and as such the cancellation will need to be submitted manually.

    Select the ‘Process Cancellation’ option and the system will advise that the Policy will be set to manual.

    Please then email our Cargo E-trade team at to request cancellation of your E-trade policy, including an explanation of the reason for cancellation.

    No. Our Cargo E-Trade product is designed solely for first party cover for cargo goods owners not third-party logistics providers such as haulage contractors, freight forwarders or warehouse keepers.

    If you require terms for Freight Liability Insurance, please submit an enquiry via our Freight & Hauliers Liability U-trade product.

    Get in touch with us

    If you experience any issues using Acturis, please contact our team at or directly below.
    Contact our experts
    Nick Bignell
    Nick Bignell
    Underwriter and Team Leader
    Helen Torrie
    Helen Torrie
    Inzy Ibrahim
    Inzy Ibrahim
    Stacie Fisher
    Stacie Fisher

    Acturis E-Trade Guides

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