Property and Delegated Authority
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    We can offer coverage for direct and facultative property risks, as well as for portfolios on a delegated authority basis; for a range of commercial and residential properties. Our team of specialists consists of experienced underwriters, exposure managers, pricing actuaries and claim handlers working together to provide a coordinated and valuable response to our clients throughout the whole process. 
    Our Direct and Facultative Property team can consider risks from various jurisdictions utilising Lloyd’s licensing. We work closely with Lloyd’s insurance brokers to provide robust insurance solutions for property risks, tailored to clients’ specific requirements.
    We can consider most occupancies, including but not limited to:
    • Real Estate
    • Transport 
    • Telecommunications and technology
    • Food and Drink
    • Healthcare
    • Manufacturing 
    • Metal Smelting
    • Pulp and Paper
    • Hard Rock Mining

    We are happy to discuss your International client requirements based on their location. Risk profiles we can consider include, but are not limited to property damage exposures for: 

    • All Risks including Natural Catastrophe
    • Stand Alone Natural Catastrophe
    • Business Interruption 
    • Machinery Breakdown

    Underwriting limits 

    Offering up to USD 20m of capacity for non-natural catastrophe cover, limited to USD 5m for critical catastrophe zones.

    Get in touch
    Charlotte Macey
    Charlotte Macey
    Global Head of Direct & Facultative Property
    Munich Re Specialty - Global Markets, Syndicate
    Linda Dean
    Linda Deans
    Senior Direct & Facultative Property Underwriter
    Munich Re Specialty - Global Markets, Syndicate
    Stephanie Hinton
    Stephanie Hinton
    Direct & Facultative Property Underwriter
    Munich Re Specialty - Global Markets, Syndicate

    Our Delegated Authority property team offer a tailored solution for property binders that have been running for at least five years with a proven profitable history, for Coverholders who are looking for a trusted partner with a global presence.

    Where we can consider cover?

    We are happy to understand the requirements and needs of property binders in the UK, Europe, Canada, US and Australia.

    What we can cover?

    Risk profiles we can consider include, but are not limited to:

    • Commercial properties
    • Residential and commercial property owners 
    • Non-standard commercial (e.g. unoccupied, non-standard construction)
    • Mid Net Worth (MNW) and High Net Worth (HNW) household 
    • Non-standard household (e.g. unoccupied homes, let properties, UK and overseas holiday homes, and properties of non-standard construction)
    • Affinity / niche / specialist property schemes
    • Commercial properties
    • Residential and commercial strata 
    • Non-standard commercial (e.g. unoccupied, non-standard construction)
    • High Value Home (HVH)  
    • Household


    Underwriting Criteria

    Our appetite is open for established property binders that have been running for at least 5 years and can show a profitable history during this time. 

    Get in touch
    Martyn Dolan
    Martyn Dolan
    Group Head of Delegated Property
    Munich Re Specialty - Global Markets, Syndicate
    Clare Glensman
    Clare Glensman
    Senior Property Underwriter
    Munich Re Specialty - Global Markets, Syndicate
    Michael King
    Michael King
    Senior Property Underwriter
    Munich Re Specialty - Global Markets, Syndicate
    Rob Beere
    Rob Beere
    Senior US Delegated Property Underwriter
    Alaina Bakewell
    Alaina Bakewell
    Property Underwriter
    Munich Re Specialty - Global Markets, Syndicate
    Krunal Patel
    Krunal Patel
    Senior Property Underwriter
    Munich Re Specialty - Global Markets, Syndicate
    Danielle Mountford
    Danielle Mountford
    Assistant Property Underwriter
    Eleanor Keighron
    Eleanor Keighron
    Property Underwriter
    Amber Davies
    Amber Davies
    Assistant Underwriter, Property


    Our claims specialists are here to help with your queries.  

    Please note: If you’re the policyholder and have bound cover through an insurance broker, please contact your broker to lodge a claim on your behalf.

    For press enquiries, please contact our media relations specialists.