Terrorism Insurance
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Terrorism Insurance

Comprehensive cover for terrorism and sabotage risks

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    We understand the risks your clients face, and we know how to help

    Our team of underwriters work closely with insurance brokers to offer robust terrorism and saboage insurance solutions which are tailored to suit policyholders’ specific requirements.


    We provide coverage for physical damage and business interruption losses as a consequence of an act of terrorism or sabotage. Business interruption cover can respond following physical damage to insured property, and in respect of denial of access and/or loss of attraction, even when there is no damage to property. 

    Cover can include (but is not limited to) buildings, contents and stock, and business interruption can include gross profit, gross revenue, rental income, AICOW and ICOW.

    Wide ranging appetite for Irish domiciled companies of all sizes from small/micro to large/corporate, either commercial trading business operations or property owners (non-consumer risks), including but not limited to high street retailers, independent and chain restaurants, bars, entertainment venues, green energy providers, commercial/residential or mixed used property owners risks.
    Risks domiciled outside of Ireland (subject to licencing and regulation).
    • Religious buildings
    • High-end government property
    • Consulates and embassies
    • Military premises

    or, risks deemed to be in close proximity or exposed to the increased threat from such risks nearby.

    Additional information

      Why work with us?

      Accessible expertise
      Our team of underwriters and claims personnel are accessible directly, ready to support you and your clients' needs with our specialist expertise.
      Strength in service delivery
      The service which we deliver to brokers and policyholders alike is something which we pride ourselves on, and brokers rely on.
      A Munich Re company
      We're part of Munich Re Specialty Group Limited, which means we're supported by the financial strength and stability of Munich Re.

      Get in touch with us

      Insurance brokers looking for more information about our terrorism and sabotage insurance solution for their clients can contact our team.

      Making a claim

      If you are looking to make a claim, you should contact us as soon as possible. Details on how to make terrorism and sabotage insurance claims can be found on our claims homepage.

      The information provided in this content is intended for Irish insurance brokers acting on behalf of their prospective or existing clients.

      Any description is for general information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any product. Policyholders who have questions or wish to arrange or amend cover should contact their insurance broker. Insurance brokers can find details of how to contact us here.

      Any descriptions of coverage contained are meant to be general in nature and do not include nor are intended to include all of the actual terms, benefits, and limitations found in an insurance policy. The terms of any specific policy will instead govern that policy. Any guidance for Irish insurance brokers is intended to provide general information only, and should not be used as a substitute for legal advice.