Solutions by industries
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The question is not whether climate risks affect your industry, but what you can do about it

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    Location Risk Intelligence

    You can act now and reduce your risks. That is, if you know which assets are affected and to what extent

    With Location Risk Intelligence you can assess locations worldwide with regard to their exposure to natural hazards and identify assets, infrastructure or suppliers at high risk. This will enable you to take the appropriate strategic decisions and cross this issue off your to-do list. Not just now, but also with regard to future decisions.

    Some good examples of how Location Risk Intelligence and its editions can make your life easier, specifically in your industry

    Discover the four solutions to the four biggest challenges you face each day as an insurer.

    The solution for the insurance industry

    Losses from natural disasters and climate change are on the rise.

    Woman and girl walking on drought.
    © Photo by cuellar / Getty Images

    See how you can turn your four key tasks into four key success factors.

    Banking has never been free of risk. But climate risks are a whole new challenge

    But these risks can also be a great opportunity if you can assess and manage them reliably, and thus stay a decisive step ahead.

    Smiling businessman talking on mobile phone and looking at computer screen in office
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    Climate change changes everything - especially for the real estate sector

    Take climate change into account and avoid financial losses by adjusting your portfolio on the basis of sound climate risk data.

    group of architects
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    It’s far better to keep climate risks on your radar before they pop up as interruptions

    And as supply chain, real estate and reporting are all involved in the automotive sector, it would be best to have one solution for all, right?

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    Climate change is an additional production factor that can make or break everything

    And as not only supply chains are affected in manufacturing, but also your production facilities and reporting obligations, you need a solution that covers everything. 

    Industrial female Engineer Working on a Personal Computer, Screen Shows CAD Software with 3D Prototype of Engine
    © [M] Munich Re [P1] gorodenkoff / Getty Images