GMP Newsletter
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GMP Winter Update

Our plans for 2021

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    What highlights can you expect for the upcoming months?

    Joachim Wenning
    With this brand-new GMP-format, we build strong group-wide networks and foster collaboration. It promotes honest and future-oriented discussions with Board Members. About 15 GMP-members share their opinions regarding a strategic and group-relevant topic in an virtual dialog with Board Members. We begin with Joachim Wenning (January topic: Ambition 2025; February topic: Group Purpose Statement; registration closed). For preparation, you work together with other GMPs in small virtual subgroups to share your opinions and decide what aspects you want to address in the session with Joachim Wenning. 
    It is less hierarchical status that drives professional success but strong personal presence and connectivity with others. In a small GMP-group you work with the Executive Coach Nicholas Pesch on your natural authority and how to navigate complex situations with inner clarity, focus, concentration and composure. Nicholas combines mind and body work to accelerate leadership presence. Several virtual sessions in 2020 have proven that even this topic can be addressed in a virtual setting! We have already sent out an invitation for sessions in 2021 (registration closed, there is a waiting list).
    © totojang1977 /
    This year we stick to the same successful format of our virtual GMP Labs but we would like to set the spotlight on a very relevant topic: “Leading with Purpose”. Working from home and virtual meetings still dictate our everyday life. Leaders need to find new ways to create team cohesion and foster motivation. Associated with Munich Re´s recently developed purpose statement you will discuss experiences and ideas on purposeful leadership together with a small group of GMP members and our Executive Coach, Nicola Madjno. “What does the purpose statement mean for yourself and your team?”
    (Re)connecting with other GMP members from around the globe and other business fields, exchanging real-life views on topics we consider crucial for GMPs, learning from an expert, and in a time-efficient manner – this is the idea behind the format “GMP Connect”. On 2nd March we will focus together with our expert Dominik Bachmair in a 2,5 hours virtual session on the topic “Re-Motivate – How can we keep the spirits up in challenging times”. The registration process will start soon. More sessions of this format will follow during the year.
    At the beginning of 2020 we conducted the first module of this successful GMP- business school program on the IMD campus in Lausanne. The second module was originally  planned for May 2020 in Copenhagen, but it had to be postponed because of Covid-19. Due to the continuing volatile situation, we will not conduct the second module  in Copenhagen, but will offer a virtual, high qualitative alternative for the participants. The virtual event will take place in the same week as Copenhagen was planned but will be reduced to 2-3 days. Participants will get more information in due course. 
    Especially in today’s turbulent times, Munich Re needs leaders who are ready and willing to use the unexpected as an opportunity. This meanwhile well-established development programme “Pit Stop” at Ashridge business school will help you to strengthen your personal resources on a mental and physical basis. Next run is planned for 14 – 17 June 2021. Registration process for GMP members nominated in 2020 will start in spring. If ongoing travel restrictions and limitations still apply in summer, the Pitstop will be further postponed to 15 - 18 November 2021. We’ll keep you posted.