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Marine Trend Radar 2022
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Marine Trend Radar 2022:
Developments to watch in the logistics sector

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    The Munich Re Marine Trend Radar highlights the most important changes in the logistics world. It shows the major developments and innovations affecting the dominant Marine lines of business: cargo, hull, energy and general marine.

    Marine trends that insurers need to keep an eye on

    Our team of Marine insurance and reinsurance experts, including underwriters, captains at sea, engineers and technology specialists, has compiled all the key facts that are rapidly and radically changing the transport world in the context of increased ESG regulations, climate change, the ongoing pandemic and heightened geopolitical tensions.

    The 2022 version of the Marine Trend Radar shows how Covid-19 has accelerated the adoption of new technologies in the supply chain and, unfortunately, strongly deteriorated working conditions at sea.

    Complex transportation chains mean high risk: shipping high-value industrial goods require not only insurance protection, but also experience in assessing risks at an early stage and reacting quickly in the event of problems.

    The Marine Trend Radar 2022

    • The radar is divided into four segments of major importance to the logistics world: Environment, Supply Chain, Emerging Risks, including societal changes, and Technology.
    • Within each of these segments, we have ranked the items, which we call clusters, according to their level of maturity.
      • Adopt: full integration into today’s world (e.g. Autonomous underwater vehicles)
      • Trial: trends that are still in the early stages of commercial application (e.g. Green hydrogen from offshore windfarms)
      • Assess: emerging themes that still need time and testing before they are taken up by the industry (e.g. Multi-modal AI)
    • Each cluster contains a number of sub-clusters, some which are still nascent, while others have already reached a high level of maturity. They are coloured orange, red, green or blue, indicating the dominant lines of business from an insurer’s perspective: cargo, hull, energy and general marine (including liability).
    Veenet Muthraja
    We always seek partners to co-create innovative solutions for the logistics industry. Let's team up!
    Veenet Muthraja
    Head of Marine Business Development & Single Risks

    Our offer: co-creation at its best

    Marine insurance will remain a highly demanding business in the foreseeable future. At the same time, we see a fast increase of clean technologies for ships and for offshore installations as well as various other promising technological adaptations along the supply chain.

    Munich Re can support you to identify adequate solutions to the challenges you are facing in Marine insurance. We offer advice, suitable reinsurance products as well as co-creation formats to develop solutions that match your individual needs.

    Find answers to withstand and overcome challenges and discover the right approach to seize the potential of upcoming trends. Let’s jointly identify new business opportunities, create the best solutions to grow your business sustainably, and strengthen your market presence.

    Munich Re’s Marine Division offers you dedicated co-creation in business development to seize the opportunities and challenges associated with the major trends in the logistics world – be it cargo, hull or general marine.

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    Veenet Muthraja
    Veenet Muthraja
    Head of Business Solutions Specialty Reinsurance
    Munich Re, Munich
    Antoine Estephan
    Antoine Estephan
    Underwriter Marine

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