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cDays 2023 – Digital Edition

13 July 2023 – Online conference

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    REfocusing on what matters in a complex market environment

    Welcome to Munich Re’s flagship client event, the cDays!

    The conference took place virtually on 13 July 2023.

    This year it was all about “REfocusing on what matters in a complex market environment”. Under the key theme, Munich Re aimed to discuss current and future market challenges and some potential approaches and solutions to address them.

    Some highlights included the global macroeconomy and inflation; the reinsurance market; regulatory challenges; climate change, ESG and sustainable solutions; and an assessment of the current state of digitalisation in our sector.

    For the convenience of all participants, we offered every topic twice in order to cover all time zones. The content provided was the same in each session.

    We thank everyone who participated in the event and look forward to a future edition in 2024!

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    Morning CEST Time Afternoon CEST Time Session Topic Speaker Description
    8.30–8:40 2.30–2.40 Welcome Florian Makoto Gruson Head of Global Sales & Distribution Munich Re Opening of cDays 2023 "Digital Edition" REfocusing on what matters in a complex market environment
    8.40–9.10 2.40–3.10 Global macroeconomy and inflation Andrew Buchanan CFO Reinsurance Munich Re Views on the global economic environment and the challenges it presents for the insurance sector
    9.10–9.50 3.10–3.50 Panel discussion – Market environment Moderator: Florian Makoto Gruson Panellists: Kerri Hamm Carsten Prussog Roland Eckl Guido Funke Insights from Client Executives and divisional heads on the reinsurance market today and going forward
    9.50–10.00 3.50–4.00 Break
    10.00–10.35 4.00–4.35 Regulatory challenges Christoph Jurecka CFO Munich Re (Group) Current and upcoming regulatory challenges regarding IFRS 17 and the potential impacts for the insurance industry
    10.35–11.30 4.35–5.30 Climate change and climate solutions Various solutions from Munich Re (Group) Responding to the effects of climate change, complying with all regulatory requirements, and providing sustainable solutions that are aligned with emissions-reduction targets – various solutions to support your sustainability strategies will be shared
    11.30–11.55 5.30–5.55 Digital transformation – Status quo and going forward Jacqueline LeSage Ian Sanders (Munich Re Ventures) Fabian Winter (Group Chief Data Officer) Views on the current state of the digital transformation of the insurance and insurtech industries, as well as potential challenges and trends that companies may face in the medium term. Update on Data Analytics / AI
    11.55 5.55 Closing