Future-proof your company for the next pandemic
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Future-proof your company for the next pandemic

Liquidity and health expertise when you need it

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    How can your organisation be better prepared for the next pandemic? Munich Re and International SOS have partnered to combine financial protection and C-suite health advisory for pandemic risks through a pre-financed integrated risk management solution. Together, we offer liquidity and health expertise to make your business more resilient. 

    Boost your organisation’s pandemic preparedness

    Boost your organisation’s pandemic preparedness
    © Westend61 / Getty Images

    Munich Re and International SOS, the leading health and security risk management company, have developed an industry-first integrated risk management solution that supports you to safeguard your organisation from the negative health and financial impacts of a pandemic.

    The solution includes state-of-the-art information and analysis, pandemic preparedness assessments as well as education and awareness for employees.

    By combining pandemic insights, health advice and a pandemic financial protection, the new proposition enables you and your company to prepare for and safely navigate the next outbreak. Benefit from a one-stop solution that helps you protect your business, employees, shareholder value and reputation!


    Your benefits of partnering with us

    Demonstrate resilience against pandemics to your stakeholders according to IFRS S1
    Health & Safety
    Maintain duty of care for staff and visitors during a pandemic
    Business continuity
    Get quick access to liquidity and ensure safe return to business as usual
    Reduce reputational risk from workplace outbreaks and mitigation

    Pandemic preparedness at a glance

    Get a quick overview of our pandemic offer in partnership with International SOS. Have a look at our brochure!  

    Our solution: pandemic protection from day one

    Our solution includes three components: insights and information, assessment and education as well as financial protection. You get an easy to implement pandemic preparedness package that allows management to leverage external expertise from day one of policy activation. 
    Component 1
    Pandemic insights
    • Exclusive access to International SOS's  pandemic preparedness site, containing the latest pandemic updates from subject matter experts, and analysis on emerging threats and trends
    • Proactive threat monitoring to stay informed ahead of potential risks and empower timely decision-making

    All online resources are accessible 24/7

    Pandemic insights & info
    © SFIO CRACHO / stock.adobe.com
    Component 2
    Assessment and education
    • Annual pandemic preparedness maturity assessment and review  with personalised feedback and recommendations from a Senior Health Consultant
    • Annual pandemic readiness webinar training session with latest insights and lessons learned from past events
    • Concise annual ESG Compliance Statement for inclusion in sustainability and annual reports

    Health advice is objective, neutral, based on scientific evidence, actionable and tailored to your company’s specific working environment

    Once an epidemic/pandemic crisis begins: management can access International SOS’s global health advisors at preferential rates for bespoke services such as validation of clinical information, guidance on health protocols, etc.    


    Health advice & support
    © pressmaster / stock.adobe.com
    Component 3
    Financial protection

    Once our solution is triggered, the cover includes:

    • Financial loss: compensation for reduced income from regular business activities
    • Extra expenses: health and safety related costs to comply with outbreak regulations; can also be used for additional International SOS global health advisory services
    • Employee retention costs: costs that occur to retain staff for a swift return to normal working
    • Fixed costs: such as ongoing debt service, rent and royalties
    Pandemic policy & cover
    © pixelfit / Getty Images

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    Achieve peace of mind and organisational resilience


    Risk manager

    HSE manager

    HR manager

    Your challenges
    • Resilience plans, risk management strategies, disclosure requirements
    • Adapting cost base quickly to a reduced revenue stream
    • Protecting cash reserves and liquidity 
    • Incurring “Extra Expense” to remain operational 
    • Having up-to-date contingency/business continuity plans
    • Assessing the volume of pandemic information to advise C-Suite  
    • Need for real-time data and predictive analysis
    • Deciding on the best strategies and measures to minimize financial impact
    • Managing outbreaks across departments and geographies
    • Processing volumes of pandemic information and complex data
    • Adapting to changing regulations, updating response plans
    • Staff training on pandemic risks and new safety protocols
    • Identifying what’s important and reliable pandemic information to advise C-Suite 
    • Developing clear employee communication strategies
    • Updating workplace policies to align with changing mandates
    • Rapidly developing and deploying training for an agile workforce


    Our solution: Health experts plus financial protection
    • Demonstrate commitment to sustainable practices and responsible corporate governance 
    • Protect your company’s financial health from pandemic shock
    • Validate your risk management and contingency plans
    • Helps you translate complex data into practical action
    • Achieve greater operational resilience and minimize financial impact of a pandemic 


    • Helps you translate complex outbreak data into practical action
    • Supports you in adapting pandemic response plans to keep staff and operations safe
    • Provides financial resilience for safety measures
    • Helps you translate complex pandemic information into practical action
    • Guides you in developing communication and workplace policies aligned with local guidelines
    Leigh Hall
    © Munich Re
    We offer a one-stop solution for your pandemic preparedness. Access to health expertise and liquidity are essential components to minimise the impact of pandemics and create more resilient organisations.
    Leigh Hall
    Head of Origination ERS

    Another pandemic is sure to come

    Are you ready for the next pandemic? Research shows that the frequency and severity of infectious disease outbreaks with pandemic potential has increased over the last two decades. This trend is certain to continue and accelerate in the future.

    The main drivers are climate change, urbanisation, deforestation, agricultural expansion as well as global interconnectivity. This makes it all the more important to build your organisation’s pandemic resilience.

    Watch our animation
    Learn more about the increasing frequency of epidemics and pandemics

    About our partnership

    Munich Re and International SOS have joined forces to provide support before and during a pandemic. As a leading (re)insurer, Munich Re offers a comprehensive portfolio of epidemic and pandemic risk solutions that help mitigate the effects of severe disease outbreaks.

    International SOS offers customised health, security risk management and wellbeing solutions. It has decades of experience working with organisations across various industries and countries.

    Contact us and get your pandemic preparedness package

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    Our experts are happy to help you
    Leigh Hall
    Leigh Hall
    Head of Origination, Epidemic Risk Solutions
    Tina Kirby
    Tina Kirby
    Head of Underwriting, Epidemic Risk Solutions
    Alexander Liu
    Alexander Liu
    Head of Origination & Underwriting, Epidemic Risk Solutions APAC

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