Hartford Steam Boiler
A Munich Re company
UK and Ireland
Engineering consultancy
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Loss Control Engineering

Offering services ranging from basic hazard reporting through to analysis of industrial operations and financial exposures; via our dedicated loss control engineering management system

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    What we do

    Our extensive knowledge, expertise and experience of engineering risks, built on a heritage of over 150 years, extends to a wide range of plant and equipment risks: including manufacturing, construction, renewable energy, civil engineering, and computer.

    Our services range from basic hazard reporting through to analysis of industrial operations and financial exposures and comprise desktop reviews, location/site surveys, post-loss investigations and risk improvement programmes, coordinated through our dedicated Loss Control Engineering management system. 

    Our approach

    We are dedicated to supporting our customers by offering 'consultative-based' services, with a focus on practical risk solutions to manage, control and reduce risks. To help effectively manage risk and avoid similar incidents in the future, our integrated approach allows us to provide exclusive feedback to customers on an individual risk basis and at the same time communicate loss experiences through our 'lesson learned' programme.

    By working together with our customers, our Loss Control Engineering team can help manage complex engineering risks, whilst providing real value by enhancing productivity and profitability for all parties. Our commitment to excellence, dependability and collaboration has helped us to understand the challenges facing our customers and to provide risk solutions that can make a difference.

    Spotlight: HSB Risk Management Solutions

    Our engineering consultancy services can help businesses to reduce risks, costs, and deliver compliance  via improved analysis of their equipment. Each service is further split into modules, allowing customers to build them to fit their business.
