HSB and The Prince's Business Emergency Resilience Group
HSB is a member of The Prince of Wales' Business in the Community (BITC), the Prince's Responsible Business Network. It is a business-led, issue-focused charity with more than 30 years' experience of mobilising business for social good.
The Business Emergency Resilience Group (BERG), part of BITC, helps businesses and communities prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies, such as cyber crime and natural hazards. BERG is an active network of leading businesses and organisations that offer access to expertise relevant in an emergency. The network utilises BITC’s extensive business membership, and works with local authorities, local resilience forums, regional resilience partnerships and the voluntary sector.
How is HSB involved?
HSB is part of BERG's cyber risks committee, where we collaborate with other large corporations to both educate and provide practical solutions to UK small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) on ways of improving their cyber resilience.