HSB | Towergate & Ethos Broking
© Getty Images/Alexander Hafemann

Towergate Insurance Brokers & Ethos Broking

E-Trade Products

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    © Getty Images
    Provides comprehensive cover for construction, buildings, and civil engineering projects.
    © Getty Images
    An annually-renewable solution which provides comprehensive cover for construction, buildings, and civil engineering projects.
    © Getty Images
    Provides protection for unforeseen loss or damage to owned or hired-in construction plant and equipment.
    © Getty Images
    Comprehensive cover for commercial computer hardware, data losses, increased costs, and virus, hacking and denial of service. The policy is split into four sections of cover, providing customers with the flexibility to choose the level of cover they need.
    An equipment breakdown insurance policy, with the option to include engineering inspection services; providing a comprehensive solution for UK businesses operating machinery and equipment.
    © HSB Engineering Insurance Services Limited/Andrew Parker
    Our network of Engineer Surveyors help customers across the UK to maintain workplace equipment safety, optimise the efficiency of plant and equipment, and comply with applicable health and safety legislation.


    How evolving working trends are impacting computer-related risks
    Research report
    How evolving working trends are impacting computer-related risks
    HSB | E-trade
    Video tutorial
    Accessing HSB's e-trade products and services on Acturis
    Logos © The Ardonagh Group