Hartford Steam Boiler
A Munich Re company

Acturis Trading Tips

HSB Inspection and Engineering Insurance

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    • Three covers are available:
      • Inspection Services
      • Sudden and Unforeseen Damage (SUD)
      • Inspection Services and SUD
    • Access under the Product Target, ‘Engineering & Construction’ 
    • Products are accessible to brokers already activated by HSB (note: users in each office may have to select the product on the ‘Product Selection’ page; accessed under the Product Target, ‘Engineering & Construction > HSB Inspection and Engineering Insurance’.
    • Clone and re-market from multiple Product Targets:
      • ‘Engineering Inspection (manual)’ to ‘Engineering & Construction’
      • ‘Engineering Insurance (manual)’ to ‘Engineering & Construction’
    • All inspections must be carried out at the specified locations (no option for moved-about plant (MAP)
    • Site contact details are required for each location, otherwise we cannot arrange/provide an inspection
    • Insurance excess default: £100
    • Insurance limit of indemnity default: £1M
    • Insurance OSP limit: £2M as standard
    • Next inspection date defaults to 60 days after inception. Need an inspection sooner? Simply submit as a referral and we will work with you on this.
    • Any additional items of plant at the customer's premises which may not have been listed on the plant schedule provided, and is of a similar nature, will automatically be inspected by us.