UK and Ireland

What is our approach to sending your personal information overseas?

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    Sometimes we (or third parties acting on our behalf) may transfer personal information that we collect about you to countries outside of the European Economic Area ("EEA").

    Where a transfer occurs, we will take steps to ensure that your personal information is protected. We will do this using a number of different methods, including putting in place appropriate contracts. We will use a set of contract wording known as the "standard contractual clauses" which has been approved by the data protection authorities.

    Depending on our relationship and your particular circumstances, we might transfer personal information anywhere in the world. A summary of our regular data transfers outside the EEA is set out below:

    Country of transfer Reason for the transfer Method we use to protect your information
    US Reporting to, and services provided by, companies within our Group. Standard contractual clauses
    US The third party that hosts our policy administration system is located in the US. Standard contractual clauses
    The third party that provides our customer survey software is located in the US. Standard contractual clauses
    Worldwide (the country in which the insured risk is located) To obtain advice from solicitors regarding the handling of your insurance claim in the country where the risk is located. To engage Loss Adjustors to assess your insurance claim in the country where the risk is located. Standard contractual clauses
    If you would like further information regarding our data transfers and the steps we take to safeguard your personal information, please contact us using the details set out on our 'Contacting Us' page.