Power Presses and Associated Machinery:
SI No. 299 of 2007 (Regulation 30)
Ireland's SI No. 299 of 2007 (Regulation 30): Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations places duties on employers, duty holders and anyone who has responsibility and/or control - directly or indirectly – for power presses and their use.
Types of presses and associated machinery can include things like blow moulding machines and guillotines, to hydraulic pressses and vertical injection moulding machines, to name a few.
HSB Inspection Services
We can provide assistance in compliance with SI No. 299 of 2007 (Regulation 30): Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations for a vast range of power presses and associated machinery; including hydraulic, screw, pneumatic, mechanical and servo presses.
Located throughout Ireland, our engineers are focused on helping businesses, of all sizes and industry types, to stay compliant and safe.