UK and Ireland

BIBA launches new computer insurance scheme with HSB

Press release authored by The British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA)


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    The British Insurance Brokers' Association (BIBA) has launched a new computer scheme to help protect computer hardware and portable equipment.

    Provided by leading specialist HSB, the new scheme offers comprehensive cover for computer-related risks. The policy is split into four sections, providing commercial customers with the flexibility to choose the level of cover they need.

    BIBA members can access HSB's enhanced computer product which provides additional benefits including an environmental hardware replacement enhancement.  

    Mike Hallam, BIBA Head of Technical Services, said: "With the working landscape changing so significantly over the last few years, we're really pleased to bring this new scheme to members. This product allows brokers to help their clients protect their valuable technical equipment across their business in a specialist policy, adding value and creating new business opportunities."

    The policy is wide ranging including cover for installed hardware, portable computer equipment and additional electronic office equipment. There is also full theft cover and low policy excesses.

    Terry Dyson, Commercial Director, HSB UK and Ireland, commented, "We're proud to have been chosen to offer our computer product to BIBA members. As more employees work remotely, businesses face greater considerations around managing their computer equipment to avoid leaving themselves underinsured. As our specialist product provides comprehensive and flexible cover for computer-related risks, we relish the opportunity to build closer relationships with BIBA members to better support their customers through this scheme."

    The scheme is available to quote and bind via e-trade either on Acturis or HSB Fast Track.

    BIBA members can also access a specialist claims handling team, optional covers and product training that can be provided by HSB. 

    BIBA Computer Scheme

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