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Introducing Precision Ag coverage from HSB

Protecting the state-of-the-art equipment, data, and technology that farmers rely on

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    New risks are on the horizon for today’s farmers

    HSB has been protecting farmers — large commercial enterprises and smaller, family-run farms — for years. As the risks they’re exposed to evolve, so does the coverage and protection we offer.

    For today’s farmers, data and technology are king. They utilize both to be more proactive and competitive in an ever-changing market by gaining efficiencies in fuel and fertilizer costs, soil management practices, and irrigation application.

    Because modern farms rely so heavily on digital technology, they are vulnerable to risks in ways they never were before; risks that point to unique insurance needs.

    Precision Ag coverage meets those unique needs by providing coverages designed to work together seamlessly without the potential gaps of some standalone insurance products.

    This enhanced coverage can do it all, protecting stationary equipment, key farm implements, and electronics in the cab. Which means equipment breakdown doesn’t have to result in irreparable damage to the farm.

    Insuring against equipment breakdown

    Watch the video to learn more about Precision Ag coverage.
    HSB Canada
    Farms depend on a wide array of costly equipment and machinery — from irrigators, GPS, and equipment in the cab. Much of that equipment is controlled by sensitive electronics vulnerable to damage. Yet no insurance has been available that covers the risks most important to farmers — until now.

    HSB’s Precision Ag coverage offers new protection for growing equipment breakdown risks.

    Coverage includes these ground-breaking features:

    • Electronics in the cab
    • Farm implement coverage
    • Renewable energy
    • Future loss avoidance
    • Business Interruption / Extra Expense

    Protecting electronics in the cab

    The cab is the command center for farm implements, and the microelectronics in the cab are integral to its operation. Because they are highly sensitive and vulnerable to the harsh conditions under which they are used, it takes only a modest accumulation of dust or chaff to cause a short-circuit or render a sensor and activator inoperable. When electronics go down, the impact on the workday can be significant. 

    New risks demand new solutions for farmers. Having Precision Ag coverage is critical. A partnership with HSB ensures that your policyholders are getting the most comprehensive coverage and services available today.

    Protecting farm implements

    HSB’s Precision Ag includes coverage for mobile farm implements and the precision electronics that control them.

    Covering mobile farm implements and the electronics for precision farming is crucial. Precision Ag is insurance that addresses not only the physical breakdown of farm implements, but also invisible-to-the-eye microelectronics damage and firmware failure within their controls.

    Covered mobile farm implements include seeders, spreaders, sprayers, tillers, and their controlling electronics. HSB’s Precision Ag has advanced to cover both breakdowns to portable agricultural implements and undetectable damage to sensitive micro-circuits or firmware failure. Now you can fill a major gap that has existed in farm owners insurance.

    Watch the video to learn more about Precision Ag coverage.
    HSB Canada

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    Put our expertise to work for your clients.
    Protect them with HSB Precision Ag.

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