HSB industrial IoT solutions
Industrial IoT - HSB Applied Technology Solutions builds partnerships that deliver leading IoT solutions for industrial enterprises. Through as-a-Service transformations, production optimization, and predictive maintenance, we can identify targeted areas to improve capabilities through custom solutions backed by guaranteed results.
It’s a way of thinking, not just a solution - HSB combines our expertise with that of our partners to form an IIoT ecosystem that, together, can solve your business challenges by providing process efficiency and business outcome guarantees - and business model change warranted to assure a specific level of return on investment.
A digitized and scalable future - Through our IIoT offering, we enable usage-based solutions that provide you scalable equipment functionality and minimize your risks around asset lifecycle management, leading to greater business flexibility and meaningful balance sheet relief.
relayr makes it possible - Our relayr industrial IoT solution provides the middleware, customized software, and consulting support to help you through every step of your transformation journey and enable insurable business outcomes.