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Published contributions

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    Chapters in the NFPA Fire Protection Handbook, 19th edition

    Fire Loss Prevention and Emergency Organizations
    Thomas F. Barry, P.E., Professional Loss Control, and Larry Watrous, P.E., Mustang Engineering, Inc.

    Many corporations recognize the threats related to fire loss and the need to establish fire loss prevention and emergency response organizations.

    Occupancies in Special Structures and High Rise Buildings
    Wayne Holmes, P.E., Professional Loss Control

    A brief overview of issues and fire protection features of special structures/high-rise buildings and traditional occupancies in special or unusual structures.

    Special Structures
    Wayne Holmes, P.E., Professional Loss Control

    Special structures designed for specific purposes and often unique uses present unusual fire protection design problems.

    Nuclear Facilities
    Wayne Holmes, P.E., Professional Loss Control

    Describes the unique fire protection needs and solutions for nuclear power plants, nuclear research and production reactors, and other facilities handling nuclear materials.

    Chapters in the NFPA Building Construction and Safety Code Handbook

    Chapter 28, Industrial Occupancies
    Chapter 29, Storage Occupancies
    Chapter 30, Occupancies in Special Structures
    Wayne Holmes, P.E., Professional Loss Control

    Chapter in the NFPA Fire and Life Safety Inspection Manual, 8th edition

    Radioactive Materials
    Wayne Holmes, P.E., Professional Loss Control

    Proceedings of the National Fire Protection Research Foundation Fire Risk and Hazard Symposium

    Fire Protection Engineering Quantitative Risk Assessment
    Thomas F. Barry, P.E., and Wayne Holmes, P.E., Professional Loss Control

    Presents a systematic approach to evaluating fire-risk-reduction design. The methodology focuses on design objectives while optimizing risk-reduction investment in plant equipment and protection. This provides a risk-based cost-benefit-analysis method for decision making.

    Presentation at the Edison Electric Institute Fire Protection Sub-Committee meeting, Clearwater, FL

    LNG Fire Protection Requirements - DOT and NFPA 59A
    Jay J. Jablonski, Vice President, Professional Loss Control

    Further Professional Loss Control information

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