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Property loss control and fire protection engineering

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    HSB Professional Loss Control (HSB PLC) is a leader in the development of national standards that are consistently used for property loss control, and has the engineering expertise you need to manage your unique property loss control risks. We have served as leaders and members of major NFPA technical committees, and our active participation gives us insight to create solutions that meet the intent of the standards, while preserving risk management and capital budgets.

    Whether you are an insurer or a global manufacturing company, HSB PLC is your one-stop service provider committed to quality, with services ranging from simple telephone underwriting surveys to complete fire protection specifications.

    Our global, geographically distributed, staff of experienced professionals with solid HPR backgrounds, have the credibility, flexibility, and specialized expertise to provide outstanding solutions in property loss control.

    With 35 years of consulting experience in industrial applications, our staff comprises industry experts in electric power generation, heavy manufacturing, and chemical, oil and gas occupancies. In addition, HSB has a solid reputation when it comes to developing protection alternatives that are cost-effective, meet risk management goals and also satisfy local jurisdictional requirements.

    What sets HSB PLC apart from other loss control providers is our customer focus. We have a structured quality management system which includes the assignment of a Project Manager (Account Engineer) to coordinate requested services for each client, review reports and correspondence, and serve as the single point of contact.

    The services we offer include:

    • Property Loss Control Engineering Surveys
    • Business interruption analysis
    • Review fire protection equipment inspection and testing programs
    • Detailed engineering reports using either standard HSB PLC format or client-specific format
    • Water supply adequacy and reliability analysis
    • Sprinkler system density and engineering analysis
    • Loss estimate evaluations (MFL/PML/NLE)
    • New project consultation
    • Fire protection systems plan review
    • Fire protection system impairment control and tracking
    • Witness fire protection equipment tests and acceptance tests
    • CAD diagrams of fire protection features
    • Life safety surveys
    • Recommendation tracking
    • Account engineering
    • Technical loss investigation

    Code compliance surveys of fire alarm systems

    HSB Professional Loss Control (HSB PLC) engineers and consultants can verify that facilities comply with applicable building and fire codes by determining code compliance due to modifications of the facility, retrofit code requirements, or purchase of existing facilities.

    A thorough code compliance evaluation does more than just identify deviations. Its real value is in the analysis of identified deviations. HSB PLC determines which deviations are minor enough to warrant justification in place and which require modification. Justifications are developed only after a thorough engineering analysis shows the deviations do not jeopardize the intent of code compliance. By following this approach, we maintain an enviable record of credibility. Significant cost savings can be achieved by eliminating unnecessary modifications through engineering analysis.

    Significant code compliance topics include adequacy of the following:

    • Life Safety Features (Exits, Interior Finishes, etc.)
    • Water Supply Systems
    • Passive Fire Protection Features
    • Fixed Fire Suppression Systems
    • Fire Detection Systems

    Design Criteria Development and Specification and Drawing Review

    HSB PLC reviews conceptual design documents and develops design criteria to meet the objectives of both the client and the regulatory authorities. The unique experience of our engineers and consultants allows the integration of all engineering disciplines into the conceptual design. An extensive background in life safety hazards, fire hazards, and fire protection systems enables our engineers to establish a coherent and consistent fire protection objective. The development of a fire protection objective that crosses traditional engineering disciplinary lines assists the design team in reaching a cost-effective design in a timely manner.

    Specification and Drawing Review

    Once fire protection design criteria have been developed, it is important to incorporate detailed requirements of the codes into the design documents. Unless these details are incorporated, delays in acceptance of installed systems are inevitable. A fully integrated engineering review by HSB PLC engineers and consultants of architectural, structural, mechanical, and electrical specifications and drawings ensures that detailed code requirements are incorporated.

    Further Professional Loss Control information

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