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  • An appeal, from any one, shall be submitted in writing to the Managing Director stating the reason for the appeal.
  • In the event of a conflict of interest, the appeal shall be assigned to a member of the Impartiality Committee.
  • A review of results of previous similar appeals shall be done prior to handling a new appeal.
  • All necessary information will be gathered and vented to validate the appeal.
  • The necessary people will be engaged to investigate the appeal.
  • Upon completion of the investigation, it will be determined what actions need to be taken to respond to the appeal.
  • Any corrective action deemed necessary shall be handled per HSB RS Nonconformance & Corrective Actions process.

The appellant shall be informed, in writing, of:

  • receipt of the appeal
  • progress of the appeal
  • decision on the appeal, and
  • the end of the appeals-handling process

Appeal decisions, reviews and approvals shall not be made by any individual previously involved in the subject of the appeal.

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