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On these pages you will find the index of industry codes - EA - to which HSB RS is accredited to certify its clients.

ALL Codes apply for ISO 9001 Certification.

* Indicates the codes that apply for ISO 14001 Certification

Indicates the codes that apply for ISO 45001 Certification

2211 Broadwoven Fabric Mill, Cotton
2221 Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Fiber and Silk
2231 Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Wool (including Dyeing and Finishing)
2241 Narrow Fabric and Other Smallwares Mills: Cotton, Wool, Silk, and Manmade Fiber
2251 Women's Full-Length and Knee Length Hosiery, Except Socks
2252 Hosiery, Not elsewhere Classified
2253 Knit Outerwear Mills
2254 Knit Underwear and Nightwear Mills
2257 Weft Knit Fabric Mills
2258 Lace and Warp Knit Fabric Mills
2259 Knitting Mills, Not Elsewhere Classified
2261 Finishers of Broadwoven Fabrics and Cotton
2262 Finishers of Broadwoven Fabrics of Manmade Fiber and Silk
2269 Finishers of Textiles, Not Elsewhere Classified
2273 Carpets and Rugs
2281 Yarn Spinning Mills
2282 Yarn Texturizing, Throwing, Twisting, and Winding Mills
2284 Thread Mills
2295 Coated Fabrics, Not Rubberized
2296 Tire Cod and Fabrics
2297 Nonwoven Fabrics
2298 Cordage and Twine
2299 Textile Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified
2311 Men's and Boy's Suits, Coats, and Overcoats
2321 Men's and Boys' shirts, Except Work Shirts
2322 Men's and Boys' Underwear and Nightwear
2323 Men's and boys' Neckwear
2325 Men's and Boys' Separate Trousers and Slacks
2326 Men's and Boys' Work Clothing
2329 Men's and Boys' Clothing, Not Elsewhere Classified
2331 Women's, Misses', and Juniors' Blouses and Shirts
2335 Women's, Misses', and Juniors' Dresses
2337 Women's, Misses', and Juniors' Suits, Skirts, and Coats
2339 Women's, Misses', and Juniors' Outerwear, Not Elsewhere Classified
2341 Women's, Misses', Children's, and Infants' Underwear and Nightwear
2342 Brassieres, Girdles, and Allied Garments
2353 Hats, Caps, and Millinery
2361 Girl's, Children's, and Infants' Dresses, Blouses, and Shirts
2369 Girls', children's, and Infants' Outerwear, Not Elsewhere Classified
2371 Fur Goods
2381 Dress and Work Gloves, Except Knit and All-Leather
2384 Robes and Dressing Gowns
2385 Waterproof Outerwear
2386 Leather and Sheep-Lined Clothing
2387 Apparel Belts
2389 Apparel and Accessories, Not elsewhere Classified
2391 Curtains and Draperies
2392 Housefurnishings, Except Curtains and Draperies
2393 Textile Bags
2394 Canvas and Related Products
2395 Pleating, Decorative and Novelty Stitching, and Tucking for the Trade
2396 Automotive Trimmings, Apparel Findings, and Related Products
2397 Schiffli Machine Embroideries
2399 Fabricated Textile Products, Not Elsewhere Classified

2812 Alkalies And Chlorine

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Industrial Inorganic Chemicals

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing alkalies and chlorine. Establishments primarily engaged in mining natural alkalies are classified in Mining, Industry 1474.

Alkalies, not produced at mines Caustic potash Caustic soda Chlorine compressed or liquefied Potassium carbonate Potassium hydroxide Sal soda (washing soda) Soda ash not produced at mines Sodium bicarbonate not produced at mines Sodium carbonate (soda ash) not produced at mines Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) Washing soda (sal soda)

2813 Industrial Gases

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Industrial Inorganic Chemicals

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing industrial gases (including organic) for sale in compressed, liquid, and solid forms. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fluorine and sulfur dioxide are classified in Industry 2819; those manufacturing household ammonia are classified in Industry 2842; those manufacturing other ammonia are classified in Industry 2873; those manufacturing chlorine are classified in Industry 2812; and those manufacturing fluorocarbon gases are classified in Industry 2869. Distributors of industrial gases and establishments primarily engaged in shipping liquid oxygen are classified in Wholesale Trade, Industry 5169.

Acetylene Argon Carbon dioxide Dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) Gases, industrial: compressed, liquefied, or solid Helium Hydrogen Neon Nitrogen Nitrous oxide Oxygen, compressed and liquefied

2816 Inorganic Pigments

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Industrial Inorganic Chemicals

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing inorganic pigments. Important products of this industry include black pigments, except carbon black, white pigments, and color pigments. Organic color pigments, except animal black and bone black, are classified in Industry 2865, and those manufacturing carbon black are classified in Industry 2895.

Animal black Barium sulfate, precipitated (blanc fixe) Barytes pigments Black pigments, except carbon black Blanc fixe (barium sulfate, precipitated) Bone black Chrome pigments: chrome green, chrome yellow, chrome orange, and Color pigments, inorganic Ferric oxide pigments Iron blue pigments Iron colors Iron oxide, black Iron oxide, magnetic Iron oxide, yellow Lamp black Lead oxide pigments Lead pigments Litharge Lithopone Metallic pigments, inorganic Mineral colors and pigments Minium (pigments) Ochers Paint pigments, inorganic Pearl essence Pigments, inorganic Prussian blue pigments Red lead pigments Satin white pigments Siennas Titanium pigments Ultramarine pigments Umbers Vermilion pigments White lead pigments Whiting Zinc oxide pigments Zinc pigments: zinc yellow and zinc sulfide

2819 Industrial Inorganic Chemicals, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Industrial Inorganic Chemicals

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing industrial inorganic chemicals, not elsewhere classified. Establishments primarily engaged in mining, milling, or otherwise preparing natural potassium, sodium, or boron compounds (other than common salt) are classified in Industry 1474.

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing household bleaches are classified in Industry 2842; those manufacturing phosphoric acid are classified in Industry 2874; and those manufacturing nitric acid, anhydrous ammonia, and other nitrogenous fertilizer materials are classified in Industry 2873.

Activated carbon and charcoal Alkali metals Alumina Aluminum chloride Aluminum compounds Aluminum hydroxide (alumina trihydrate) Aluminum oxide Aluminum sulfate Alums Ammonia alum Ammonium chloride, hydroxide, and molybdate Ammonium compounds, except for fertilizer Ammonium perchlorate Ammonium thiosulfate Barium compounds Bauxite, refined Beryllium oxide Bleach (calcium hypochlorite), industrial Bleach (sodium hypochlorite), industrial Bleaches, industrial Bleaching powder, industrial Borax (sodium tetraborate) Boric acid Boron compounds, not produced at mines Borosilicate Brine Bromine, elemental Calcium carbide, chloride, and hypochlorite Calcium compounds, inorganic Calcium metal Carbide Catalysts, chemical Cerium salts Cesium metal Charcoal, activated Chlorosulfonic acid Chromates and bichromates Chromic acid Chromium compounds, inorganic Chromium salts Cobalt 60 (radioactive) Cobalt chloride Cobalt sulfate Copper chloride Copper iodide and oxide Copper sulfate Cyanides Desiccants, activated: silica gel Dichromates Ferric chloride Ferric oxides, except pigments Ferrocyanides Fissionable material production Fluorine, elemental Fuel propellants, solid: inorganic Fuels, high energy: inorganic Glauber's salt Heavy water High purity grade chemicals, inorganic: refined from technical grades Hydrated alumina silicate powder Hydrazine Hydrochloric acid Hydrocyanic acid Hydrofluoric acid Hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen sulfide Hydrosulfites Hypophosphites Indium chloride Inorganic acids, except nitric or phosphoric Iodides Iodine elemental Iodine, resublimed Iron sulphate Isotopes, radioactive Laboratory chemicals, inorganic Lead oxides, other than pigments Lead silicate Lime bleaching compounds Lithium compounds Lithium metal Luminous compounds, radium Magnesium carbonate Magnesium chloride Magnesium compounds, inorganic Manganese dioxide powder, synthetic Mercury chlorides (calomel, corrosive sublimate), except U.S.P. Mercury compounds, inorganic Mercury oxides Mercury, redistilled Metals, liquid Mixed acid Muriate of potash, not produced at mines Nickel ammonium sulfate Nickel carbonate Nickel compounds, inorganic Nickel sulfate Nuclear cores, inorganic Nuclear fuel reactor cores, inorganic Nuclear fuel scrap reprocessing Oleum (fuming sulfuric acid) Oxidation catalyst made from porcelain Perchloric acid Peroxides, inorganic Phosphates, except defluorinated and ammoniated Phosphorus and phosphorus oxychloride Potash alum Potassium aluminum sulfate Potassium bichromate and chromate Potassium bromide Potassium chlorate Potassium chloride Potassium compounds, inorganic: except potassium hydroxide and Potassium cyanide Potassium hypochlorate Potassium iodide Potassium metal Potassium nitrate and sulfate Potassium permanganate Propellants for missiles, solid: inorganic Radium chloride Radium luminous compounds Rare earth metal salts Reagent grade chemicals, inorganic: refined from technical grades Rubidium metal Salt cake (sodium sulfate) Salts of rare earth metals Scandium Silica gel Silica, amorphous Silico-fluorides Silver bromide, chloride, and nitrate Silver compounds, inorganic Soda alum Sodium aluminate Sodium aluminum sulfate Sodium antimoniate Sodium arsenite, technical Sodium bichromate and chromate Sodium borates Sodium borohydride Sodium bromide, not produced at mines Sodium chlorate Sodium compounds, inorganic Sodium cyanide Sodium hydrosulfite Sodium molybdate Sodium perborate Sodium peroxide Sodium phosphate Sodium polyphosphate Sodium silicate Sodium silicofluoride Sodium stannate Sodium sulfate-bulk or tablets Sodium tetraborate not produced at mines Sodium thiosulfate Sodium tungstate Sodium uranate Sodium, metallic Stannic and stannous chloride Strontium carbonate precipitated and oxide Strontium nitrate Sublimate corrosive Sulfate of potash and potash magnesia, not produced at mines Sulfides and sulfites Sulfocyanides Sulfur chloride Sulfur dioxide Sulfur hexafluoride gas Sulfur recovered or refined including from sour natural gas Sulfuric acid Tanning agents synthetic inorganic Thiocyanates, inorganic Tin chloride Tin compounds, inorganic Tin oxide Tin salts Tungsten carbide powder except abrasives or by metallurgical process Uranium slug, radioactive Water glass Zinc chloride

2821 Plastics Materials, Synthetic Resins, And Nonvulcanizable Elastomers

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Plastics Materials And Synthetic Resins, Synthetic

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing synthetic resins, plastics materials, and nonvulcanizable elastomers. Important products of this industry include: cellulose plastics materials; phenolic and other tar acid resins; urea and melamine resins; vinyl resins; styrene resins; alkyd resins; acrylic resins; polyethylene resins; polypropylene resins; rosin modified resins; coumarone-indene and petroleum polymer resins; miscellaneous resins, including polyamide resins, silicones, polyisobutylenes, polyesters, polycarbonate resins, acetal resins, and fluorohydrocarbon resins; and casein plastics. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fabricated plastics products or plastics film, sheet, rod, non-textile monofilaments and regenerated cellulose products, and vulcanized fiber are classified in Industry Group 308, whether from purchased resins or from resins produced in the same plant. Establishments primarily engaged in compounding purchased resins are classified in Industry 3087. Establishments primarily manufacturing adhesives are classified in Industry 2891.

Acetal resins Acetate cellulose (plastics) Acrylic resins Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene resins Alcohol resins, polyvinyl Alkyd resins Allyl resins Butadiene copolymers, containing less than 50 percent butadiene Carbohydrate plastics Casein plastics Cellulose nitrate resins Cellulose propionate (plastics) Coal tar resins Condensation plastics Coumarone-indene resins Cresol resins Cresol-furfural resins Dicyandiamine resins Diisocyanate resins Elastomers, nonvulcanizable (plastics) Epichlorohydrin bisphenol Epichlorohydrin diphenol Epoxy resins Ester gum Ethyl cellulose plastics Ethylene-vinyl acetate resins Fluorohydrocarbon resins Ion exchange resins Ionomer resins Isobutylene polymers Lignin plastics Melamine resins Methyl acrylate resins Methyl cellulose plastics Methyl methacrylate resins Molding compounds, plastics Nitrocellulose plastics (pyroxylin) Nylon resins Petroleum polymer resins Phenol-furfural resins Phenolic resins Phenoxy resins Phthalic alkyd resins Phthalic anhydride resins Polyacrylonitrile resins Polyamide resins Polycarbonate resins Polyesters Polyethylene resins Polyhexamethylenediamine adipamide resins Polyisobutylenes Polymerization plastics, except fibers Polypropylene resins Polystyrene resins Polyurethane resins Polyvinyl chloride resins Polyvinyl halide resins Polyvinyl resins Protein plastics Pyroxylin Resins, synthetic Rosin modified resins Silicone fluid solution (fluid for sonar transducers) Silicone resins Soybean plastics Styrene resins Styrene-acrylonitrile resins Tar acid resins Urea resins Vinyl resins

2822 Synthetic Rubber (vulcanizable Elastomers)

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Plastics Materials And Synthetic Resins, Synthetic

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing synthetic rubber by polymerization or copolymerization. An elastomer for the purpose of this classification is a rubber-like material capable of vulcanization, such as copolymers of butadiene and styrene, or butadiene and acrylonitrile, polybutadienes, chloroprene rubbers, and isobutylene-isoprene copolymers. Butadiene copolymers containing less than 50 percent butadiene are classified in Industry 2821. Natural chlorinated rubbers and cyclized rubbers are considered as semifinished products and are classified in Industry 3069.

Acrylate type rubbers Acrylate-butadiene rubbers Acrylic rubbers Butadiene rubbers Butadiene-acrylonitrile copolymers (more than 50 percent butadiene) Butadiene-styrene copolymers (more than 50 percent butadiene) Butyl rubber Chlorinated rubbers, synthetic Chloroprene type rubbers Chlorosulfonated polyethylenes Cyclo rubbers, synthetic Elastomers, vulcanizable (synthetic rubber) Epichlorohydrin elastomers Estane Ethylene-propylene rubbers Fluoro rubbers Fluorocarbon derivative rubbers Isobutylene-isoprene rubbers Isocyanate type rubber Isoprene rubbers, synthetic Neoprene Nitrile type rubber Nitrile-butadiene rubbers Nitrile-chloroprene rubbers Polybutadienes Polyethylenes, chlorosulfonated Polyisobutylene (synthetic rubber) Polyisobutylene-isoprene elastomers Polymethylene rubbers Polysulfides Pyridine-butadiene copolymers Pyridine-butadiene rubbers Rubber, synthetic Silicone rubbers Stereo regular elastomers Styrene-butadiene rubbers (50 percent or less styrene content) Styrene-chloroprene rubbers Styrene-isoprene rubbers Thiol rubbers Urethane rubbers Vulcanized oils

2823 Cellulosic Manmade Fibers

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Plastics Materials And Synthetic Resins, Synthetic

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing cellulosic fibers (including cellulose acetate and regenerated cellulose such as rayon by the viscose or cuprammonium process) in the form of monofilament, yarn, staple, or tow suitable for further manufacturing on spindles, looms, knitting machines, or other textile processing equipment.

Acetate fibers Cellulose acetate monofilament, yarn, staple, or tow Cellulose fibers, manmade Cigarette tow cellulosic fiber Cuprammonium fibers Fibers, rayon Horsehair artificial rayon Nitrocellulose fibers Rayon primary products: fibers, straw strips, and yarn Rayon yarn, made in chemical plants Regenerated cellulose fibers Textured yarns and fibers, cellulosic made in chemical plants Triacetate fibers Viscose fibers, bands, strips and yarn Yarn cellulosic: made in chemical plants

2824 Manmade Organic Fibers, Except Cellulosic

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Plastics Materials And Synthetic Resins, Synthetic

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing manmade organic fibers, except cellulosic (including those of regenerated proteins, and of polymers or copolymers of such components as vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride, linear esters, vinyl alcohols, acrylonitrile, ethylenes, amides, and related polymeric materials), in the form of monofilament, yarn, staple, or tow suitable for further manufacturing on spindles, looms, knitting machines, or other textile processing equipment. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing textile glass fibers are classified in Industry 3229.

Acrylic fibers Acrylonitrile fibers Anidex fibers Casein fibers Elastomeric fibers Fibers, manmade except cellulosic Fluorocarbon fibers Horsehair, artificial nylon Linear esters fibers Modacrylic fibers Nylon fibers and bristles Olefin fibers Organic fibers, synthetic except cellulosic Polyester fibers Polyvinyl ester fibers Polyvinylidene chloride fibers Protein fibers Saran fibers Soybean fibers (manmade textile materials) Textured fibers and yarns noncellulosic: made in chemical plants Vinyl fibers Vinylidene chloride fibers Zein fibers

2841 Soap And Other Detergents, Except Specialty Cleaners

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Soap, Detergents, And Cleaning Preparations

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing soap, synthetic organic detergents, inorganic alkaline detergents, or any combination thereof, and establishments producing crude and refined glycerin from vegetable and animal fats and oils. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing shampoos or shaving products, whether from soap or synthetic detergents, are classified in Industry 2844; and those manufacturing synthetic glycerin are classified in Industry 2869.

Detergents, synthetic organic and inorganic alkaline Dishwashing compounds Dye removing cream, soap base Glycerin, crude and refined: from fats except synthetic Mechanics' paste Presoaks Scouring compounds Soap: granulated, liquid, cake, flaked, and chip Textile soap Washing compounds

2842 Specialty Cleaning, Polishing, And Sanitation Preparations

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Soap, Detergents, And Cleaning Preparations

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing furniture, metal, and other polishes; waxes and dressings for fabricated leather and other materials; household, institutional, and industrial plant disinfectants; nonpersonal deodorants; drycleaning preparations; household bleaches; and other sanitation preparations. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing industrial bleaches are classified in Industry 2819, and those manufacturing household pesticidal preparations are classified in Industry 2879.

Ammonia, household Aqua ammonia, household Beeswax, processing of Belt dressing Blackings Burnishing ink Chlorine bleaching compounds, household: liquid or dry Cleaning and polishing preparations Cloths, dusting and polishing: chemically treated Degreasing solvent Deodorants, nonpersonal Disinfectants, household and industrial plant Drain pipe solvents and cleaners Dressings for fabricated leather and other materials Drycleaning preparations Dust mats, gelatin Dusting cloths, chemically treated Dye removing cream, petroleum base Fabric softeners Floor wax emulsion Floor waxes Furniture polish and wax Glass window cleaning preparations Harness dressing Household bleaches, dry or liquid Industrial plant disinfectants and odorants Ink eradicators Ink, burnishing Leather dressings and finishes Lye, household Paint and wallpaper cleaners Polishes: furniture, automobile, metal, shoe, and stove Re-refining drycleaning fluid Rug, upholstery, and drycleaning detergents and spotters Rust removers Saddle soap Sanitation preparations Shoe cleaners and polishes Sodium hypochlorite (household bleach) Stain removers Starch preparations, laundry Starches, plastics Sweeping compounds, oil and water absorbent, clay or sawdust Wallpaper cleaners Wax removers Waxes for wood, fabricated leather, and other materials Window cleaning preparations

2843 Surface Active Agents, Finishing Agents, Sulfonated Oils

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Soap, Detergents, And Cleaning Preparations

Establishments primarily engaged in producing surface active preparations for use as wetting agents, emulsifiers, and penetrants. Establishments engaged in producing sulfonated oils and fats and related products are also included.

Assistants, textile and leather processing Calcium salts of sulfonated oils, fats, or greases Cod oil, sulfonated Emulsifiers, except food and pharmaceutical Finishing agents, textile and leather Mordants Oil, turkey red Oils, soluble (textile assistants) Penetrants Sodium salts of sulfonated oils, fats, or greases Softeners (textile assistants) Soluble oils and greases Sulfonated oils, fats, and greases Surface active agents Textile processing assistants Textile scouring compounds and wetting agents Thin water (admixture)

2844 Perfumes, Cosmetics, And Other Toilet Preparations

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Soap, Detergents, And Cleaning Preparations

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing perfumes (natural and synthetic), cosmetics, and other toilet preparations. This industry also includes establishments primarily engaged in blending and compounding perfume bases; and those manufacturing shampoos and shaving products, whether from soap or synthetic detergents. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing synthetic perfume and flavoring materials are classified in Industry 2869, and those manufacturing essential oils are classified in Industry 2899.

Bath salts Bay rum Body powder Colognes Concentrates, perfume Cosmetic creams Cosmetic lotions and oils Cosmetics Dentifrices Denture cleaners Deodorants, personal Depilatories, cosmetic Dressings, cosmetic Face creams and lotions Face powders Hair coloring preparations Hair preparations: dressings, rinses, tonics, and scalp conditioners Home permanent kits Lipsticks Manicure preparations Mouthwashes Perfume bases, blending and compounding Perfumes, natural and synthetic Sachet Shampoos, hair Shaving preparations: e.g., cakes, creams, lotions, powders, tablets Soap impregnated papers and paper washcloths Suntan lotions and oils Talcum powders Toilet creams, powders, and waters Toilet preparations Toothpastes and powders Towelettes, premoistened Washes, cosmetic

2851 Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, And Allied Products

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, And Allied

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing paints (in paste and ready-mixed form); varnishes; lacquers; enamels and shellac; putties, wood fillers, and sealers; paint and varnish removers; paint brush cleaners; and allied paint products. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing carbon black are classified in Industry 2895; those manufacturing bone black, lamp black, and inorganic color pigments are classified in Industry 2816; those manufacturing organic color pigments are classified in Industry 2865; those manufacturing plastics materials are classified in Industry 2821; those manufacturing printing ink are classified in Industry 2893; those manufacturing caulking compounds and sealants are classified in Industry 2891; those manufacturing artists' paints are classified in Industry 3952; and those manufacturing turpentine are classified in Industry 2861.

Calcimines, dry and paste Coating, air curing Colors in oil, except artists' Dispersions, thermoplastics and colloidal: paint Dopes, paint Driers, paint Enamels, except dental and china painting Epoxy coatings, made from purchased resin Intaglio ink vehicle Japans, baking and drying Kalsomines, dry or paste Lacquer bases and dopes Lacquer thinner Lacquer, clear and pigmented Lacquers, plastics Lead-in-oil paints Linoleates, paint driers Lithographic varnishes Marine paints Naphthanate driers Oleate driers Paint driers Paint removers Paintbrush cleaners Paints, asphalt and bituminous Paints, plastics texture: paste and dry Paints, waterproof Paints: oil and alkyd vehicle, and water thinned Phenol formaldehyde coatings, baking and air curing Plastics base paints and varnishes Plastisol coating compound Polyurethane coatings Primers, paint Putty Resinate driers Shellac, protective coating Soyate driers Stains: varnish, oil, and wax Tallate driers Thinners, paint: prepared Undercoatings, paint Varnish removers Varnishes Vinyl coatings, strippable Vinyl plastisol Water paints Wood fillers and sealers Wood stains Zinc oxide in oil, paint

2861 Gum And Wood Chemicals

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Industrial Organic Chemicals

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing hardwood and softwood distillation products, wood and gum naval stores, charcoal, natural dyestuffs, and natural tanning materials. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing synthetic organic tanning materials are classified in Industry 2869, and those manufacturing synthetic organic dyes are classified in Industry 2865.

Acetate of lime, natural Acetone, natural Annato extract Brazilwood extract Brewers' pitch, product of softwood distillation Calcium acetate, product of hardwood distillation Charcoal, except activated Chestnut extract Dragon's blood Dyeing and extract materials, natural Dyestuffs, natural Ethyl acetate, natural Fustic wood extract Gambier extract Gum naval stores, processing but not gathering or warehousing Hardwood distillates Hemlock extract Logwood extract Mangrove extract Methanol, natural (wood alcohol) Methyl acetone Methyl alcohol, natural (wood alcohol) Myrobalans extract Naval stores, wood Oak extract Oils, wood product of hardwood distillation Pine oil, produced by distillation of pine gum or pine wood Pit charcoal Pitch, wood Pyroligneous acid Quebracho extract Quercitron extract Rosin, produced by distillation of pine gum or pine wood Softwood distillates Sumac extract Tall oil, except skimmings Tanning extracts and materials, natural Tar and tar oils, products of wood distillation Turpentine, produced by distillation of pine gum or pine wood Valonia extract Wattle extract Wood alcohol, natural Wood creosote Wood distillates

2865 Cyclic Organic Crudes And Intermediates, And Organic Dyes

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Industrial Organic Chemicals

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing cyclic organic crudes and intermediates, and organic dyes and pigments. Important products of this industry include: (1) aromatic chemicals, such as benzene, toluene, mixed xylenes naphthalene; (2) synthetic organic dyes; and (3) synthetic organic pigments. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing coal tar crudes in chemical recovery ovens are classified in Industry 3312, and petroleum refineries which produce such products as by-products of petroleum refining are classified in Industry 2911.

Acid dyes, synthetic Acids, coal tar: derived from coal tar distillation Alkylated dipheoylamines, mixed Alkylated phenol, mixed Aminoanthraquinone Aminoazobenzene Aminoazotoluene Aminophenol Aniline Aniline oil Anthracene Anthraquinone dyes Azine dyes Azo dyes Azobenzene Azoic dyes Benzaldehyde Benzene hexachloride (BHC) Benzene, made in chemical plants Benzoic acid Biological stains Chemical indicators Chlorobenzene Chloronaphthalene Chlorophenol Chlorotoluene Coal tar crudes, derived from coal tar distillation Coal tar distillates Coal tar intermediates Color lakes and toners Color pigments, organic: except animal black and bone black Colors, dry: lakes, toners, or full strength organic colors Colors, extended (color lakes) Cosmetic dyes, synthetic Creosote oil, made in chemical plants Cresols, made in chemical plants Cresylic acid, made in chemical plants Cyclic crudes, coal tar: product of coal tar distillation Cyclic intermediates, made in chemical plants Cyclohexane Diphenylamine Drug dyes, synthetic Dye (cyclic) intermediates Dyes, food: synthetic Dyes, synthetic organic Eosine toners Ethylbenzene Hydroquinone Isocyanates Lake red C toners Leather dyes and stains, synthetic Lithol rubine lakes and toners Maleic anhydride Methyl violet toners Naphtha, solvent: made in chemical plants Naphthalene chips and flakes Naphthalene, made in chemical plants Naphthol, alpha and beta Nitro dyes Nitroaniline Nitrobenzene Nitrophenol Nitroso dyes Oils: light, medium, and heavy: made in chemical plants Organic pigments (lakes and toners) Orthodichlorobenzene Paint pigments, organic Peacock blue lake Pentachlorophenol Persian orange lake Phenol Phloxine toners Phosphomolybdic acid lakes and toners Phosphotungstic acid lakes and toners Phthalic anhydride Phthalocyanine toners Pigment scarlet lake Pitch, product of coal tar distillation Pulp colors, organic Quinoline dyes Resorcinol Scarlet 2 R lake Stilbene dyes Styrene Styrene monomer Tar, product of coal tar distillation Toluene, made in chemical plants Toluidines Vat dyes, synthetic Xylene, made in chemical plants

2869 Industrial Organic Chemicals, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Industrial Organic Chemicals

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing industrial organic chemicals, not elsewhere classified. Important products of this industry include: (1) aliphatic and other acyclic organic chemicals, such as ethylene, butylene, and butadiene; acetic, chloroacetic, adipic, formic, oxalic, and tartaric acids and their metallic salts; chloral, formaldehyde, and methylamine; (2) solvents, such as amyl, butyl, and ethyl alcohols; methanol; amyl, butyl, and ethyl acetates; ethyl ether, ethylene glycol ether, and diethylene glycol ether; acetone, carbon disulfide and chlorinated solvents, such as carbon tetrachloride, perchloroethylene, and trichloroethylene; (3) polyhydric alcohols, such as ethylene glycol, sorbitol, pentaerythritol, synthetic glycerin; (4) synthetic perfume and flavoring materials, such as coumarin, methyl salicylate, saccharin, citral, citronellal, synthetic geraniol, ionone, terpineol, and synthetic vanillin; (5) rubber processing chemicals, such as accelerators and antioxidants, both cyclic and acyclic; (6) plasticizers, both cyclic and acyclic, such as esters of phosphoric acid, phthalic anhydride, adipic acid, lauric acid, oleic acid, sebacic acid, and stearic acid; (7) synthetic tanning agents, such as naphthalene sulfonic acid condensates; (8) chemical warfare gases; and (9) esters, amines, etc., of polyhydric alcohols and fatty and other acids. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing plastics materials and nonvulcanizable elastomers are classified in Industry 2821; those manufacturing synthetic rubber are classified in Industry 2822; those manufacturing essential oils are classified in Industry 2899; those manufacturing wood distillation products, naval stores and natural dyeing and tanning materials are classified in Industry 2861; those manufacturing manmade textile fibers are classified in Industries 2823 and 2824; those manufacturing specialty cleaning, polishing, and sanitation preparations are classified in Industry 2842; those manufacturing paints are classified in Industry 2851; those manufacturing area are classified in Industry 2873; those manufacturing organic pigments are classified in Industry 2865; those manufacturing inorganic pigments are classified in Industry 2816 and those manufacturing aliphatics and aromatics as by-products of petroleum refining are classified in Industry 2911. Distilleries engaged in the manufacture of grain alcohol for beverage purposes are classified in Industry 2085.

Acetaldehyde Acetates, except natural acetate of lime Acetic acid, synthetic Acetic anhydride Acetin Acetone, synthetic Acid esters and amines Acids, organic Acrolein Acrylonitrile Adipic acid Adipic acid esters Adiponitrile Alcohol, aromatic Alcohol, fatty: powdered Alcohol, methyl: synthetic (methanol) Alcohols, industrial: denatured (nonbeverage) Algin products Amyl acetate and alcohol Aspartome Bromochloromethane Butadiene, made in chemical plants Butyl acetate, alcohol, and propionate Butyl ester solution of 2, 4-D Butylene, made in chemical plants Calcium oxalate Camphor, synthetic Caprolactam Carbon bisulfide (disulfide) Carbon tetrachloride Casing fluids for curing fruits, spices, and tobacco Cellulose acetate, unplasticized Chemical warfare gases Chloral Chlorinated solvents Chloroacetic acid and metallic salts Chloroform Chloropicrin Citral Citrates Citric acid Citronellal Coumarin Cream of tartar Cyclopropane Decahydronaphthalene Dichlorodifluoromethane Diethylcyclohexane (mixed isomers) Diethylene glycol ether Dimethyl divinyl acetylene (di-isopropenyl acetylene) Dimethylhydrazine, unsymmetrical Enzymes, except diagnostic substances Esters of phosphoric, adipic, lauric, oleic, sebacic, and stearic acids Esters of phthalic anhydride Ethanol, industrial Ether Ethyl acetate, synthetic Ethyl alcohol, industrial (nonbeverage) Ethyl butyrate Ethyl cellulose, unplasticized Ethyl chloride Ethyl ether Ethyl formate Ethyl nitrite Ethyl perhydrophenanthrene Ethylene glycol Ethylene glycol ether Ethylene glycol, inhibited Ethylene oxide Ethylene, made in chemical plants Fatty acid esters and amines Ferric ammonium oxalate Flavors and flavoring materials, synthetic Fluorinated hydrocarbon gases Formaldehyde (formalin) Formic acid and metallic salts Fuel propellants, solid: organic Fuels, high energy: organic Geraniol, synthetic Glycerin, except from fats (synthetic) Grain alcohol, industrial (nonbeverage) Hexamethylenediamine Hexamethylenetetramine High purity grade chemicals, organic: refined from technical grades Hydraulic fluids, synthetic base Industrial organic cyclic compounds Ionone Isopropyl alcohol Ketone methyl ethyl Ketone, methyl isobutyl Laboratory chemicals, organic Lauric acid esters Lime citrate Malononitrile, technical grade Metallic salts of acyclic organic chemicals Metallic stearate Methanol, synthetic (methyl alcohol) Methyl chloride Methyl perhydrofluorine Methyl salicylate Methylamine Methylene chloride Monochlorodifluoromethane Monomethylparaminophenol sulfate Monosodium glutamate Mustard gas Naphthalene sulfonic acid condensates Naphthenic acid soap Normal hexyl decalin Nuclear fuels, organic Oleic acid esters Organic acid esters Organic chemicals, acyclic Oxalates Oxalic acid and metallic salts Pentaerythritol Perchloroethylene Perfume materials, synthetic Phosgene Phthalates Plasticizers, organic: cyclic and acyclic Polyhydric alcohol esters and amines Polyhydric alcohols Potassium bitartrate Propellants for missiles, solid: organic Propylene glycol Propylene, made in chemical plants Quinuclidinol ester of benzylic acid Reagent grade chemicals, organic: refined from technical grades, Rocket engine fuel, organic Rubber processing chemicals, organic: accelerators and antioxidants Saccharin Sebacic acid Silicones Sodium acetate Sodium alginate Sodium benzoate Sodium glutamate Sodium pentachlorophenate Sodium sulfoxalate formaldehyde Solvents, organic Sorbitol Stearic acid salts Sulfonated naphthalene Sweetners, synthetic Tackifiers, organic Tannic acid Tanning agents, synthetic organic Tartaric acid and metallic salts Tartrates Tear gas Terpineol Tert-butylated bis (p-phenoxyphenyl) ether fluid Tetrachloroethylene Tetraethyl lead Thioglycolic acid, for permanent wave lotions Trichloroethylene Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid Trichlorotrifluoroethane tetrachlorodifluoroethane isopropyl alcohol Tricresyl phosphate Tridecyl alcohol Trimethyltrithiophosphite (rocket propellants) Triphenyl phosphate Vanillin, synthetic Vinyl acetate

2873 Nitrogenous Fertilizers

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Agricultural Chemicals

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing nitrogenous fertilizer materials or mixed fertilizers from nitrogenous materials produced in the same establishment. Included are ammonia fertilizer compounds and anhydrous ammonia, nitric acid, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate and nitrogen solutions, urea, and natural organic fertilizers (except compost) and mixtures.

Ammonia liquor Ammonium nitrate and sulfate Anhydrous ammonia Aqua ammonia, made in ammonia plants Fertilizers, mixed: made in plants producing nitrogenous fertilizer Fertilizers: natural (organic), except compost Nitric acid Nitrogen solutions (fertilizer) Plant foods, mixed: made in plants producing nitrogenous fertilizer Urea

2874 Phosphatic Fertilizers

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Agricultural Chemicals

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing phosphatic fertilizer materials, or mixed fertilizers from phosphatic materials produced in the same establishment. Included are phosphoric acid; normal, enriched, and concentrated super-phosphates; ammonium phosphates; nitro-phosphates; and calcium meta-phosphates.

Ammonium phosphates Calcium meta-phosphates Defluorinated phosphates Diammonium phosphates Fertilizers, mixed: made in plants producing phosphatic fertilizer Phosphoric acid Plant foods, mixed: made in plants producing phosphatic fertilizer Super-phosphates, ammoniated and not ammoniated

2875 Fertilizers, Mixing Only

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Agricultural Chemicals

Establishments primarily engaged in mixing fertilizers from purchased fertilizer materials.

Compost Fertilizers, mixed: made in plants not manufacturing fertilizer Potting soil, mixed

2879 Pesticides And Agricultural Chemicals, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Agricultural Chemicals

Establishments primarily engaged in the formulation and preparation of ready-to-use agricultural and household pest control chemicals, including insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides, from technical chemicals or concentrates; and the production of concentrates which require further processing before use as agricultural pesticides. This industry also includes establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing or formulating agricultural chemicals, not elsewhere classified, such as minor or trace elements and soil conditioners. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing basic or technical agricultural pest control chemicals are classified in Industry Group 281 if the chemicals are inorganic and in Industry Group 286 if they are organic. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing agricultural lime products are classified in Major Group 32.

Agricultural disinfectants Agricultural pesticides Arsenates: calcium, copper, and lead-formulated Arsenites, formulated Bordeaux mixture Calcium arsenate and arsenite, formulated Cattle dips Copper arsenate, formulated Defoliants Elements, minor or trace (agricultural chemicals) Exterminating products, for household and industrial use Fly sprays Fungicides Growth regulants, agricultural Herbicides Household insecticides Insect powder, household Insecticides, agricultural Lead arsenate, formulated Lime-sulfur, dry and solution Lindane, formulated Moth repellants Nicotine and salts Nicotine bearing insecticides Paris green (insecticide) Pesticides, household Phytoactin Plant hormones Poison: ant, rat, roach, and rodent-household Pyrethrin bearing preparations Pyrethrin concentrates Rodenticides Rotenone bearing preparations Rotenone concentrates Sheep dips, chemical Sodium arsenite (formulated)pp(Soil conditioners Sulfur dust (insecticide) Thiocyanates, organic (formulated) Trace elements (agricultural chemicals) Xanthone (formulated)

2891 Adhesives And Sealants

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Chemical Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing industrial and household adhesives, glues, caulking compounds, sealants, and linoleum, tile, and rubber cements from vegetable, animal, or synthetic plastics materials, purchased or produced in the same establishment. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing gelatin and sizes are classified in Industry 2899, and those manufacturing vegetable gelatin or agar-agar are classified in Industry 2833.

Adhesives Adhesives, plastics Caulking compounds Cement (cellulose nitrate base) Cement, linoleum Cement, mending Epoxy adhesives Glue, except dental: animal, vegetable, fish, casein, and syntheticresin Iron cement, household Joint compounds Laminating compounds Mucilage Paste, adhesive Porcelain cement, household Rubber cement Sealing compounds for pipe threads and joints Sealing compounds, synthetic rubber and plastics Wax, sealing

2892 Explosives

Division: Manufacturing

Group: Miscellaneous Chemical Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing explosives. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing ammunition for small arms are classified in Industry 3482, and those manufacturing fireworks are classified in Industry 2899.

Amatol (explosives) Azides (explosives) Blasting powder and blasting caps Carbohydrates, nitrated (explosives) Cordeau detonant (explosives) Cordite (explosives) Detonating caps for safety fuses Detonators (explosive compounds) Dynamite Explosive cartridges for concussion forming of metal Explosive compounds Explosives Fulminate of mercury (explosive compounds) Fuse powder Fuses, safety Gunpowder High explosives Lead azide (explosives) Mercury azide (explosives) Nitrocellulose powder (explosives) Nitroglycerin (explosives) Nitromannitol (explosives) Nitrostarch (explosives) Nitrosugars (explosives) Pentolite (explosives) Permissible explosives Picric acid (explosives) Powder, explosive: pellet, smokeless, and sporting Squibbs, electric Styphnic acid Tetryl (explosives)

2893 Printing Ink

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Chemical Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing printing ink, including gravure ink, screen process ink, and lithographic ink. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing writing ink and fluids are classified in Industry 2899, and those manufacturing drawing ink are classified in Industry 3952.

Bronze ink Flexographic ink Gold ink Gravure ink Ink, duplicating Letterpress ink Lithographic ink Offset ink Printing ink: base or finished Screen process ink

2895 Carbon Black

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Chemical Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing carbon black (channel and furnace black). Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing bone and lamp black are classified in Industry 2816.

Carbon black Channel black Furnace black

2899 Chemicals And Chemical Preparations, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Chemical Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing miscellaneous chemical preparations, not elsewhere classified, such as fatty acids, essential oils, gelatin (except vegetable), sizes, bluing, laundry sours, writing and stamp pad ink, industrial compounds, such as boiler and heat insulating compounds, metal, oil, and water-treating compounds, waterproofing compounds, and chemical supplies for foundries. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing vegetable gelatin (agar-agar) are classified in Industry 2833; those manufacturing dessert preparations based on gelatin are classified in Industry 2099; those manufacturing printing ink are classified in Industry 2893; and those manufacturing drawing ink are classified in Industry 3952.

Acid resist for etching Acid, battery Anise oil Antifreeze compounds, except industrial alcohol Bay oil Binders (chemical foundry supplies) Bluing Boiler compounds, antiscaling Bombs, flashlight Caps, for toy pistols Carbon removing solvents Chemical cotton (processed cotton linters) Chemical supplies for foundries Citronella oil Concrete curing compounds (blends of pigments, waxes, and resins) Concrete hardening compounds Core oil and binders Core wash Core was Correction fluid Corrosion preventive lubricant, synthetic base: for jet engines Deicing fluid Desalter kits, sea water Dextrine sizes Drilling mud Dyes, household Essential oils Ethylene glycol antifreeze preparations Eucalyptus oil Esothermics for metal industries Facings (chemical foundry supplies) Fatty acids: margaric, oleic, and stearic Fire extinguisher charges Fire retardant chemical preparations Fireworks Flares Fluidifier (retarder) for concrete Fluorescent inspection oil Fluxes: brazing, soldering, galvanizing, and welding Foam charge mixtures Food contamination testing and screening kits Foundry supplies, chemical preparations Frit Fuel tank and engine cleaning chemicals, automotive and aircraft Fusees: highway, marine, and railroad Gelatin capsules, empty Gelatin: edible, technical, photographic, and pharmaceutical Glue size Grapefruit oil Grouting material (concrete mending compound) Gum sizes Gun slushing compounds Heat insulating compounds Heat treating salts Hydrofluoric acid compound, for etching and polishing glass Igniter grains, boron potassium nitrate Incense Industrial sizes Insulating compounds Jet fuel igniters Laundry sours Lemon oil Lighter fluid Magnetic inspection oil and powder Margaric acid Metal drawing compound lubricants Metal treating compounds Military pyrotechnics Napalm Oil treating compounds Oleic acid (red oil) Orange oil Orris oil Ossein Oxidizers, inorganic Packers' salt Parting compounds (chemical foundry supplies) Patching plaster, household Penetrants, inspection Peppermint oil Plating compounds Pyrotechnic ammunition: flares, signals, flashlight bombs, and rockets Railroad torpedoes Red oil (oleic acid) Rifle bore cleaning compounds Rosin sizes Rubber processing preparations Rust resisting compounds Salt Signal flares, marine Sizes: animal, vegetable, and synthetic plastics materials Sodium chloride, refined Soil testing kits Spearmint oil Spirit duplicating fluid Stearic acid Stencil correction compounds Tints and dyes, household Torches (fireworks) Vegetable oils, vulcanized or sulfurized Water treating compounds Water, distilled Waterproofing compounds Wintergreen oil Wood, plastic Writing ink and fluids

3011 Tires And Inner Tubes

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Tires And Inner Tubes

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing pneumatic casings, inner tubes, and solid and cushion tires for all types of vehicles, airplanes, farm equipment, and children's vehicles; tiring; camelback; and tire repair and retreading materials. Establishments primarily engaged in retreading tires are classified in services, Industry 7534.

Camelback for tire retreading Inner tubes: airplane, automobile, bicycle, motorcycle, and tractor Pneumatic casings (rubber tires) Tire sundries and tire repair materials, rubber Tires, cushion or solid rubber Tiring, continuous lengths: rubber, with or without metal core

3021 Rubber And Plastics Footwear

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Rubber And Plastics Footwear

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fabric upper footwear having rubber or plastics soles vulcanized, injection molded, or cemented to the uppers, and rubber and plastics protective footwear. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing rubber, composition, and fiber heels, soles, soling strips, and related shoe making and repairing materials are classified in Industry 3069; those manufacturing plastics soles and soling strips are classified in Industry 3089; and those manufacturing other footwear of rubber or plastics are classified in Industry Group 314.

Arctics, rubber or rubber soled fabric Boots, plastics Boots, rubber or rubber soled fabric Canvas shoes, rubber soled Footholds, rubber Footwear, rubber or rubber soled fabric Gaiters, rubber or rubber soled fabric Galoshes, plastics Galoshes, rubber or rubber soled fabric Overshoes, plastics Overshoes, rubber or rubber soled fabric Pacs, rubber or rubber soled fabric Sandals, rubber Shoes, plastics soles molded to fabric uppers Shoes, rubber or rubber soled fabric uppers Shower sandals or slippers, rubber

3052 Rubber And Plastics Hose And Belting

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Gaskets, Packing, And Sealing Devices And Rubber

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing rubber and plastics hose and belting, including garden hose. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing rubber tubing are classified in Industry Group 306; those manufacturing plastics tubing are classified in Industry 3082; and those manufacturing flexible metallic hose are classified in Industry 3599.

Air brake and air line hose, rubber or rubberized fabric Automobile hose, plastics or rubber Belting, rubber e.g., conveyor, elevator, transmission Firehose, rubber Garden hose, plastics or rubber Heater hose, plastics or rubber Hose, plastics or rubber Hose: cotton fabric, rubber lined Pneumatic hose, rubber or rubberized fabric e.g., air brake and Vacuum cleaner hose, plastics or rubber

3053 Gaskets, Packing, And Sealing Devices

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Gaskets, Packing, And Sealing Devices And Rubber

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing gaskets, gasketing materials, compression packings, mold packings, oil seals, and mechanical seals. Included are gaskets, packing, and sealing devices made of leather, rubber, metal, asbestos, and plastics

Gaskets, regardless of material Grease retainers, leather Grease seals, asbestos Oil seals, asbestos Oil seals, leather Oil seals, rubber Packing for steam engines, pipe joints, air compressors, etc. Packing, metallic Packing, rubber Packing cup, U-valve, etc. leather Steam and other packing Washers, leather

3061 Molded, Extruded, And Lathe-cut Mechanical Rubber Goods

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Fabricated Rubber Products, Not Elsewhere

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing molded, extruded, and lathe-cut mechanical rubber goods. The products are generally parts for machinery and equipment. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing other industrial rubber goods, rubberized fabric, and miscellaneous rubber specialties and sundries are classified in Industry 3069.

Appliance mechanical rubber goods molded, extruded, and lathe-cut Automotive mechanical rubber goods molded, extruded, and lathe-cut Mechanical rubber goods molded, extruded, and lathe-cut Off-highway machinery and equipment mechanical rubber goods Oil and gas field machinery and equipment mechanical rubber goods: Rubber goods, mechanical molded, extruded, and lathe-cut Surgical and medical tubing extruded and lathe-cut

3069 Fabricated Rubber Products, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Fabricated Rubber Products, Not Elsewhere

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing industrial rubber goods, rubberized fabrics, and vulcanized rubber clothing, and miscellaneous rubber specialties and sundries, not elsewhere classified. Included in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in reclaiming rubber and rubber articles. Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of scrap rubber are classified in Wholesale Trade, Industry 5093. Establishments primarily engaged in rebuilding and retreading tires are classified in Services, Industry 7534; those manufacturing rubberized clothing from purchased materials are classified in Industry 2385; and those manufacturing gaskets and packing are Classified in Industry 3053.

Acid bottles, rubber Air supported rubber structures Aprons, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabric-mitse Bags, rubber or rubberized fabric Balloons advertising and toy: rubber Balloons metal foil laminated with rubber Balls, rubber: except athletic equipment Bath sprays, rubber Bathing caps and suits, rubber-mitse Battery boxes, jars, and parts: hard rubber Bibs, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabric-mitse Bottles, rubber Boxes, hard rubber Brake lining, rubber Brushes, rubber Bulbs for medicine droppers, syringes, atomizers, and sprays: rubber Bushings, rubber Capes, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabric-mitse Caps, rubber-mitse Castings, rubber Chlorinated rubbers, natural Cloaks, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabric-mitse Clothing, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabric-mitse Combs, hard rubber Culture cups, rubber Custom compounding of rubber materials Cyclo rubbers, natural Diaphragms, rubber: separate and in kits Dress shields, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabric-mitse Druggists' sundries, rubber Erasers: rubber, or rubber and abrasive combined Fabrics, rubberized Film, rubber Finger cots, rubber Flooring, rubber: tile or sheet Foam rubber Fountain syringes, rubber Friction tape, rubber Fuel cells, rubber Fuel tanks, collapsible: rubberized fabric Funnels, rubber Gloves: e.g., surgeons', electricians', household-rubber Grips and handles, rubber Grommets, rubber Gutta percha compounds Hair curlers, rubber Hairpins, rubber Handles, rubber Hard rubber products Hard surface floor coverings: rubber Heels, boot and shoe: rubber, composition, and fiber Jar rings, rubber Laboratory sundries: e.g., cases, covers, funnels, cups, bottles-rubber Latex, foamed Life jackets: inflatable rubberized fabric Life rafts, rubber Liner strips, rubber Linings, vulcanizable elastomeric: rubber Mallets, rubber Mats and matting: e.g., bath, door-rubber Mattress protectors, rubber Mattresses, pneumatic: fabric coated with rubber Medical sundries, rubber Mittens, rubber Mouthpieces for pipes and cigarette holders, rubber Nipples, rubber Orthopedic sundries, molded rubber Pacifiers, rubber Pads, kneeling: rubber Pants, baby: vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabric-mitse Pillows, sponge rubber Pipe stems and bits, tobacco: hard rubber Platens, except printers': solid or covered rubber Plumbers' rubber goods Pontoons, rubber Printers' blankets, rubber Printers' rolls rubber Prophylactics rubber Pump sleeves, rubber Reclaimed rubber (reworked by manufacturing processes) Rods, hard rubber Roll coverings: rubber for papermill; industrial, steel mills, printers' Roller covers, printers': rubber Rolls, solid or covered rubber Roofing, single ply membrane: rubber Rubber heels, soles, and soling strips Rubber-covered motor mounting rings (rubber bonded) Rubberbands Rug backing compounds, latex Separators, battery: rubber Sheeting, rubber or rubberized fabric Sheets, hard rubber Sleeves, pump: rubber Soles, boot and shoe: rubber, composition, and fiber Soling strips, boot and shoe: rubber, composition, and fiber Spatulas, rubber Sponge rubber and sponge rubber products Stair treads, rubber Stationers' sundries, rubber Stoppers, rubber Tape, pressure sensitive (including friction), rubber Teething rings, rubber Thermometer cases, rubber Thread, rubber: except fabric covered Tile, rubber Top lift sheets, rubber Top roll covering, for textile mill machinery: rubber Toys, rubber: except dolls Trays, rubber Tubing, rubber: except extruded and lathe-cut Type, rubber Urinals, rubber Valves, hard rubber Wainscoting, rubber Wallcoverings, rubber Water bottles, rubber Weather strip, sponge rubber Wet suits, rubber

3081 Unsupported Plastics Film And Sheet

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Plastics Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing unsupported plastics film and sheet, from purchased resins or from resins produced in the same plant. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing plastics film and sheet for blister and bubble formed packaging are classified in Industry 3089.

Cellulosic plastics film and sheet, unsupported Film, plastics: unsupported Photographic, micrographic, and X-ray plastics, sheet, and film: Polyester film and sheet, unsupported Polyethylene film and sheet, unsupported Polypropylene film and sheet, unsupported Polyvinyl film and sheet, unsupported Sheet, plastics: unsupported Vinyl and vinyl copolymer film and sheet, unsupported

3082 Unsupported Plastics Profile Shapes

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Plastics Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing unsupported plastics profiles, rods, tubes, and other shapes. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing plastics hose are classified in Industry 3052.

Profiles, unsupported plastics Rods, unsupported plastics Tubes, unsupported plastics

3083 Laminated Plastics Plate, Sheet, And Profile Shapes

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Plastics Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing laminated plastics plate, sheet, profiles, rods, and tubes. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing laminated flexible packaging are classified in Industry Group 267.

Plastics, laminated: plate, rods, tubes, profiles and sheet, except Thermoplastics laminates: rods, tubes, plates, and sheet, except Thermosetting laminates: rods, tubes, plates, and sheet, except

3084 Plastics Pipe

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Plastics Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing plastics pipe. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing plastics pipe fittings are classified in Industry 3089.

Pipe, plastics

3085 Plastics Bottles

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Plastics Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing plastics bottles.

Bottles, plastics

3086 Plastics Foam Products

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Plastics Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing plastics foam products.

Cups, foamed plastics Cushions, carpet and rug: plastics foam Foamed plastics products Ice chests or coolers, portable: foamed plastics Insulation and cushioning: foamed plastics Packaging foamed plastics Plates foamed plastics Shipping pads, plastics foam

3087 Custom Compounding Of Purchased Plastics Resins

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Plastics Products

Establishments primarily engaged in custom compounding of purchased plastics resins.

Custom compounding of purchased resins

3088 Plastics Plumbing Fixtures

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Plastics Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing plastics plumbing fixtures. Establishments primarily engaged in assembling plastics plumbing fixture fittings are classified in Industry 3432. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing plastics plumbing fixture components are classified in Industry 3089.

Bathroom fixtures, plastics Drinking fountains, except mechanically refrigerated: plastics Flush tanks, plastics Hot tubs, plastics or fiberglass Laundry tubs, plastics Lavatories, plastics Plumbing fixtures, plastics Portable chemical toilets, plastics shower stalls, plastics Sinks, plastics Toilet fixtures, plastics Tubs, plastics: bath, shower, and laundry Urinals, plastics Water closets, plastics

3089 Plastics Products, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Plastics Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing plastics products, not elsewhere classified. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing artificial leather are classified in Industry 2295.

Air mattresses, plastics Aquarium accessories, plastics Awnings, fiberglass and plastics combination Bands, plastics Bathware, plastics: except plumbing fixtures Battery cases, plastics Bearings, plastics Billfold inserts, plastics Blister packaging, plastics Boats, nonrigid: plastics Bolts, plastics Bowl covers, plastics Boxes, plastics Brush handles, plastics Bubble formed packaging, plastics Buckets, plastics Buoys and floats, plastics Caps, plastics Carafes, plastics Casein products, molded for the trade Cases, plastics Casting of plastics for the trade, except foam plastics Ceiling tile, unsupported plastics Celluloid products, molded for the trade Closures, plastics Clothes hangers, plastics Clothes pins, plastics Combs, plastics Composition stone, plastics Containers, plastics: except foam, bottles, and bags Corrugated panels, plastics Cotter pins, plastics Counter coverings, plastics Cups, plastics: except foam Dinnerware, plastics: except foam Dishes, plastics: except foam Doors, folding: plastics or plastics coated fabric Downspouts, plastics Drums, plastics (containers) Engraving of plastics Fascia, plastics (siding) Fittings for pipe, plastics Fittings, plastics Flat panels, plastics Floor coverings, plastics Flower pots, plastics Food casings, plastics Garbage containers, plastics Gate hooks, plastics Glazing panels, plastics Gloves and mittens, plastics Grower pots, plastics Gutters, plastics: glass fiber reinforced Hardware, plastics Heels, boot and shoe: plastics Holders, plastics: paper towel, grocery bag, dust mop and broom Hospital-ware, plastics: except foam Ice buckets, plastics: except foam Ice chests or coolers, portable, plastics: except insulated or foam Jars, plastics Kitchenware, plastics: except foam Laboratory ware, plastics Ladders, plastics Lamp bases, plastics Lamp shades, plastics Lenses, plastics: except ophthalmic or optical Life jackets, plastics Life rafts, nonrigid: plastics Lock washers, plastics Machine nuts, plastics Microwave ware, plastics Molding of plastics for the trade, except foam Monofilaments, plastics: not suited for textile use Netting, plastics Nuts, plastics Organizers for closets, drawers, and shelves: plastics Ovenware, plastics Pails, plastics Picnic jugs, plastics Planters, plastics Pontoons, nonrigid: plastics Printer acoustic covers, plastics Rivets, plastics Saucers, plastics: except foam Screw eyes, plastics Scrubbing pads, plastics Septic tanks, plastics Shutters, plastics Siding, plastics Sinkware, plastics Skirts, plastics (siding) Soffit, plastics (siding) Soles, boot and shoe: plastics Soling strips, boot and shoe: plastics Sponges, plastics Spouting, plastics: glass fiber reinforced Spring pins, plastics Spring washers, plastics Suitcase shells, plastics Swimming pool covers and blankets: plastics Tableware, plastics: except foam Tires, plastics Tissue dispensers, plastics Toggle bolts, plastics Tool handles, plastics Tops, plastics (e.g., dispenser, shaker) Trash containers, plastics Trays, plastics: except foam Tubs, plastics (containers) Tumblers, plastics: except foam Unions, plastics Utility containers, plastics Vials, plastics Vulcanized fiber plate, sheet, rods and tubes Wall coverings, plastics Warmers, bottle: plastics, except foam Washers, plastics Watering pots, plastics Window frames and sash, plastics Window screening, plastics Windows, louver: plastics Windows, storm: plastics Windshields plastics Work gloves plastics

3211 Flat Glass

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Flat Glass

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing flat glass. This industry also produces laminated glass, but establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing laminated glass from purchased flat glass are classified in Industry 3231.

Building glass, flat Cathedral glass Float glass Glass, colored: cathedral and antique Glass, flat Insulating glass, sealed units-mitse Laminated glass, made from glass produced in the same establishment Multiple-glazed insulating units-mitse Opalescent flat glass Ophthalmic glass, flat Optical glass, flat Picture glass Plate glass blanks for optical or ophthalmic uses Plate glass, polished and rough Sheet glass Sheet glass blanks for optical or ophthalmic uses Skylight glass Spectacle glass Structural glass, flat Tempered glass-mitse Window glass, clear and colored

3221 Glass Containers

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Glass And Glassware, Pressed Or Blown

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing glass containers for commercial packing and bottling, and for home canning.

Ampoules, glass Bottles for packing, bottling, and canning: glass Carboys, glass Containers for packing, bottling, and canning: glass Cosmetic jars, glass Fruit jars, glass Jars for packing, bottling, and canning: glass Jugs for packing, bottling, and canning: glass Medicine bottles, glass Milk bottles, glass Packers' ware (containers), glass Vials, glass: made in glassmaking establishments Water bottles, glass

3229 Pressed And Blown Glass And Glassware, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Glass And Glassware, Pressed Or Blown

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing glass and glassware, not elsewhere classified, pressed, blown, or shaped from glass produced in the same establishment. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing textile glass fibers are also included in this industry, but establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing glass wool insulation products are classified in Industry 3296. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fiber optic cables are classified in Industry 3357, and those manufacturing fiber optic medical devices are classified in Industry Group 384. Establishments primarily engaged in the production of pressed lenses for vehicular lighting, beacons, and lanterns are also included in this industry, but establishments primarily engaged in the production of optical lenses are classified in Industry 3827. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing glass containers are classified in Industry 3221, and those manufacturing complete electric light bulbs are classified in Industry 3641.

Art glassware, made in glassmaking plants Ashtrays, glass Barware, glass Battery jars, glass Blocks, glass Bowls, glass Bulbs for electric lights, without filaments or sockets-mitse Candlesticks, glass Centerpieces, glass Chimneys, lamp: glass-pressed or blown Christmas tree ornaments, from glass-mitse Clip cups, glass Cooking utensils, glass and glass ceramic Drinking straws, glass Fiber optics strands Fibers, glass, textile Flameware, glass and glass ceramic Frying pans, glass and glass ceramic Glass blanks for electric light bulbs Glass brick Glassware, except glass containers for packing, bottling, and canning Glassware: art, decorative, and novelty Goblets, glass Illuminating glass: light shades, reflectors, lamp chimneys, and globes Industrial glassware and glass products, pressed or blown Ink-Wells, glass Insulators, electrical: glass Lamp parts, glass Lamp shades, glass Lantern globes, glass: pressed or blown Lens blanks, optical and ophthalmic Lenses, glass: for lanterns, flashlights, headlights, and searchlights Level vials for instruments, glass Light shades, glass: pressed or blown Lighting glassware, pressed or blown Novelty glassware: made in glassmaking plants Ophthalmic glass, except flat Optical glass blanks Photomask blanks, glass Reflectors for lighting equipment, glass: pressed or blown Refrigerator dishes and jars, glass Scientific glassware, pressed or blown: made in glassmaking plants Stemware, glass Tableware, glass and glass ceramic Tea kettles, glass and glass ceramic Technical glassware and glass products, pressed or blown Television tube blanks, glass Textile glass fibers Tobacco jars, glass Trays, glass Tubing, glass Tumblers, glass Vases, glass Yarn, fiberglass: made in glass plants

3231 Glass Products, Made Of Purchased Glass

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Glass Products, Made Of Purchased Glass

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing glass products from purchased glass. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing optical lenses, except ophthalmic, are classified in Industry 3827, and those manufacturing ophthalmic lenses are classified in Industry 3851.

Aquariums and reflectors, made from purchased glass Art glass, made from purchased glass Christmas tree ornaments, made from purchased glass Cut and engraved glassware, made from purchased glass Decorated glassware: e.g., chipped, engraved, etched, Doors, made from purchased glass Enameled glass, made from purchased glass Encrusting gold, silver, or other metals on glass products: made from Flowers, foliage, fruits and vines: artificial glass-made from Fruit, artificial: made from purchased glass Furniture tops, glass: cut, beveled, and polished Glass, scientific apparatus: for druggists', hospitals, laboratories-made Glass, sheet: bent-made from purchased glass Grasses, artificial: made from purchased glass Ground glass, made from purchased glass Industrial glassware, made from purchased glass Laboratory glassware, made from purchased glass Laminated glass, made from purchased glass Leaded glass, made from purchased glass Medicine droppers, made from purchased glass Mirrors, framed or unframed: made from purchased glass Mirrors, transportation equipment: made from purchased glass Multiple-glazed insulating units, made from purchased glass Novelties, glass: e.g., fruit, foliage, flowers, animals, made from Ornamented glass, made from purchased glass Plants and foliage, artificial: made from purchased glass Reflector glass beads, for highway signs and other reflectors: made Safety glass, made from purchased glass Silvered glass, made from purchased glass Stained glass, made from purchased glass Table tops made from purchased glass Technical glassware, made from purchased glass Tempered glass, made from purchased glass Test tubes, made from purchased glass Vials, made from purchased glass Watch crystals, made from purchased glass Windows, stained glass: made from purchased glass Windshields, made from purchased glass

3241 Cement, Hydraulic

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Cement, Hydraulic

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing hydraulic cement, including portland, natural, masonry, and pozzolana cements.

Cement, hydraulic: portland, natural, masonry, and pozzolana

3251 Brick And Structural Clay Tile

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Structural Clay Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing brick and structural clay tile. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing clay firebrick are classified in Industry 3255; those manufacturing nonclay firebrick are classified in Industry 3297; those manufacturing sand lime brick are classified in Industry 3299; and those manufacturing glass brick are classified in Industry 3229.

Book tile, clay Brick: common, face, glazed, vitrified, and hollow-clay Building tile, clay Ceramic glazed brick, clay Chimney blocks, radial-clay Corncrib tile Facing tile, clay Fireproofing tile, clay Floor arch tile, clay Flooring brick, clay Furring tile, clay Partition tile clay Paving brick clay Silo tile Slumped brick Structural tile, clay

3253 Ceramic Wall And Floor Tile

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Structural Clay Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing ceramic wall and floor tile. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing structural clay tile are classified in Industry 3251, and those manufacturing drain tile are classified in Industry 3259.

Ceramic tile, floor and wall Enamel tile, floor and wall: clay Faience tile Mosaic tile, ceramic Promenade tile, clay Quarry tile, clay

3255 Clay Refractories

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Structural Clay Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing clay firebrick and other heat resisting clay products. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing nonclay refractories and all graphite refractories, whether of carbon bond or ceramic bond, are classified in Industry 3297.

Brick, clay refractory: fire clay and high alumina Castable refractories, clay Cement, clay refractory Clay refractories Crucibles, fire clay Fire clay blocks, bricks, tile, and special shapes Firebrick, clay Floaters, glasshouse: clay Foundry refractories, clay Glasshouse refractories Heater radiants, clay Hot top refractories, clay Insulating firebrick and shapes, clay Kiln furniture, clay Ladle brick, clay Melting pots, glasshouse: clay Mortars, clay refractory Plastics fire clay bricks Plastics refractories, clay Rings, glasshouse: clay Saggers Stoppers, glasshouse: clay Tank blocks, glasshouse: clay Tile, clay refractory

3259 Structural Clay Products, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Structural Clay Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing clay sewer pipe and structural clay products, not elsewhere classified.

Adobe brick Architectural terra cotta Blocks, segment: clay Chimney pipe and tops, clay Conduit, vitrified clay Coping, wall: clay Drain tile, clay Liner brick and plates, for lining sewers, tanks, etc.: vitrified clay Lining, stove and flue: clay Roofing tile, clay Sewer pipe and fittings, clay Thimbles, chimney: clay Tile, filter underdrain: clay Tile, sewer: clay

3261 Vitreous China Plumbing Fixtures And China And Earthenware Fittings

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Pottery And Related Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing vitreous china plumbing fixtures and china and earthenware fittings and bathroom accessories.

Bathroom accessories, vitreous china and earthenware Bidets, vitreous china Bolt caps, vitreous china and earthenware Closet bowls, vitreous china Drinking fountains, vitreous china Faucet handles, vitreous china and earthenware Flush tanks, vitreous china Laundry trays, vitreous china Lavatories, vitreous china Plumbing fixtures, vitreous china Sinks, vitreous china Soap dishes, vitreous china and earthenware Toilet fixtures, vitreous china Towel bar holders, vitreous china and earthenware Urinals, vitreous china

3262 Vitreous China Table And Kitchen Articles

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Pottery And Related Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing vitreous china table and kitchen articles for use in households and in hotels, restaurants, and other commercial institutions for preparing, serving, or storing food or drink. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fine (semivitreous) earthenware (whiteware) table and kitchen articles are classified in Industry 3263.

Bone china Commercial and household tableware and kitchenware: vitreous china Cooking ware, china Dishes: commercial and household-vitreous china Table articles, vitreous china

3263 Fine Earthenware (whiteware) Table And Kitchen Articles

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Pottery And Related Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fine (semivitreous) earthenware table and kitchen articles for preparing, serving, or storing food or drink. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing vitreous china table and kitchen articles are classified in Industry 3262.

Cooking ware, fine earthenware Earthenware: commercial and household-semivitreous Kitchenware, semivitreous earthenware Tableware: commercial and household-semivitreous Whiteware, fine type semivitreous tableware and kitchenware

3264 Porcelain Electrical Supplies

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Pottery And Related Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing porcelain electronic and other electrical insulators, molded porcelain parts for electrical devices, spark plug and steatitic porcelain, and electronic and electrical supplies from clay and other ceramic materials.

Alumina porcelain insulators Beryllia porcelain insulators Cleats, porcelain Ferrite Insulators, porcelain Knobs, porcelain Magnets, permanent: ceramic or ferrite Porcelain parts, molded: for electrical and electronic devices Spark plugs, porcelain Titania porcelain insulators Tubes, porcelain

3269 Pottery Products, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Pottery And Related Products

Establishments primarily engaged in firing and decorating white china and earthenware for the trade and manufacturing art and ornamental pottery, industrial and laboratory pottery, stoneware and coarse earthenware table and kitchen articles, unglazed red earthenware florists' articles, and other pottery products, not elsewhere classified.

Art and ornamental ware, pottery Ashtrays, pottery Ceramic articles for craft shops Chemical porcelain Chemical stoneware (pottery products) China firing and decorating, for the trade Cones, pyrometric: earthenware Cooking ware: stoneware, coarse earthenware, and pottery Crockery Decalcomania work on china and glass, for the trade Earthenware table and kitchen articles, coarse Encrusting gold, silver, or other metal on china, for the trade Figures, pottery: china, earthenware, and stoneware Filtering media, pottery Florists' articles, red earthenware Flower pots, red earthenware Forms for dipped rubber products, pottery Grinding media, pottery Heater parts, pottery Kitchen articles, coarse earthenware Lamp bases, pottery Pottery: art, garden, decorative, industrial, and laboratory Pyrometer tubes Rockingham earthenware Smokers' articles, pottery Stationery articles, pottery Textile guides, porcelain Vases, pottery (china, earthenware, and stoneware)

3271 Concrete Block And Brick

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Concrete, Gypsum, And Plaster Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing concrete building block and brick from a combination of cement and aggregate. Contractors engaged in concrete construction work are classified in Division C, Construction, and establishments primarily engaged in mixing and delivering ready-mixed concrete are classified in Industry 3273.

Architecture block concrete: e.g. fluted, screen, split, slump, Blocks, concrete and cinder Brick, concrete Paving block, concrete Plinth blocks, precast terrazzo

3272 Concrete Products, Except Block And Brick

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Concrete, Gypsum, And Plaster Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing concrete products, except block and brick, from a combination of cement and aggregate. Contractors engaged in concrete construction work are classified in Division C, Construction, and establishments primarily engaged in mixing and delivering ready-mixed concrete are classified in Industry 3273.

Areaways basement window: concrete Art marble, concrete Ashlar, cast stone Bathtubs, concrete Battery wells and boxes, concrete Building materials, concrete: except block and brick Building stone, artificial: concrete Burial vaults, concrete and precast terrazzo Cast stone, concrete Catch basin covers, concrete Ceiling squares, concrete Chimney caps, concrete Church furniture, concrete Columns, concrete Concrete products, precast: except block and brick Concrete, dry mixture Conduits, concrete Copings, concrete Cribbing, concrete Crossing slabs, concrete Culvert pipe, concrete Cylinder pipe, prestressed concrete Cylinder pipe, pretensioned concrete Door frames, concrete Drain tile, concrete Fireplaces, concrete Floor filler tiles, concrete Floor slabs, precast concrete Floor tile, precast terrazzo Fountains, concrete Fountains, wash: precast terrazzo Garbage boxes, concrete Grave markers, concrete Grave vaults, concrete Grease traps, concrete Housing components, prefabricated: concrete Incinerators, concrete Irrigation pipe, concrete Joists, concrete Laundry trays, concrete Lintels, concrete Manhole covers and frames, concrete Mantels, concrete Mattresses for river revetment, concrete articulated Meter boxes, concrete Monuments, concrete Panels and sections, prefabricated: concrete Paving materials, prefabricated concrete, except blocks Pier footings, prefabricated concrete Piling, prefabricated concrete Pipe, concrete Pipe, lined with concrete Poles, concrete Posts, concrete Pressure pipe, reinforced concrete Prestressed concrete products Roofing tile and slabs, concrete Septic tanks, concrete Sewer pipe, concrete Shower receptors, concrete Siding, precast stone Sills, concrete Silo staves, cast stone Silos, prefabricated concrete Slabs, crossing: concrete Spanish floor tile, concrete Squares for walls and ceilings, concrete Steps, prefabricated concrete Stone, cast concrete Stools, precast terrazzo Storage tanks, concrete Tanks, concrete Terrazzo products, precast Thresholds, precast terrazzo Ties, railroad: concrete Tile, precast terrazzo or concrete Tombstones, precast terrazzo or concrete Wall base, precast terrazzo Wall squares, concrete Wash foundations, precast terrazzo Well curbing, concrete Window sills, cast stone

3273 Ready-mixed Concrete

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Concrete, Gypsum, And Plaster Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing portland cement concrete manufactured and delivered to a purchaser in a plastic and unhardened state. This industry includes production and sale of central-mixed concrete, shrink-mixed concrete, and truck-mixed concrete.

Central-mixed concrete Ready-mixed concrete, production and distribution Shrink-mixed concrete Truck-mixed concrete

3274 Lime

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Concrete, Gypsum, And Plaster Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing quicklime, hydrated lime, and "dead-burned" dolomite from limestone, dolomite shells, or other substances.

Agricultural lime Building lime Dolomite, dead-burned Dolomitic lime Hydrated lime Lime plaster Masons' lime Quicklime

3275 Gypsum Products

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Concrete, Gypsum, And Plaster Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing plaster, plasterboard, and other products composed wholly or chiefly of gypsum, except articles of plaster of paris and papier-mache.

Acoustical plaster, gypsum Agricultural gypsum Board, gypsum Building board, gypsum Cement, Keene's Gypsum products: e.g., block, board, plaster, lath, rock, tile Insulating plaster, gypsum Orthopedic plaster, gypsum Panels, plaster: gypsum Plaster and plasterboard, gypsum Plaster of paris Wallboard, gypsum

3281 Cut Stone And Stone Products

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Cut Stone And Stone Products

Establishments primarily engaged in cutting, shaping, and finishing granite, marble, limestone, slate, and other stone for building and miscellaneous uses. Establishments primarily engaged in buying or selling partly finished monuments and tombstones, but performing no work on the stones other than lettering, finishing, or shaping to custom order, are classified in Division F, Wholesale Trade or Division G, Retail Trade. The cutting of grindstones, pulpstones, and whetstones at the quarry is classified in Division B, Mining.

Altars, cut stone Baptismal fonts, cut stone Benches, cut stone Blackboards, slate Burial vaults, stone Church furniture, cut stone Curbing, granite and stone Cut stone products Desk set bases, onyx Dimension stone for buildings Flagstones Furniture, cut stone Granite, cut and shaped Lamp bases onyx Limestone, cut and shaped Marble, building cut and shaped Monuments, cut stone: not including only finishing or lettering Paving blocks, cut stone Pedestals, marble Pulpits, cut stone Roofing, slate Slate and slate products Statuary, marble Stone, cut and shaped Stone, quarrying and processing of own Stone products Switchboard panels, slate Table tops, marble Tombstones, cut stone: not including only finishing or lettering Urns, cut stone Vases, cut stone

3291 Abrasive Products

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Abrasive, Asbestos, And Miscellaneous

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing abrasive grinding wheels of natural or synthetic materials, abrasive-coated products, and other abrasive products. The cutting of grindstones, pulpstones, and whetstones at the quarry is classified in Division B, Mining.

Abrasive buffs, bricks, cloth, paper, sticks, stones, wheels, etc. Abrasive grains, natural and artificial Abrasive-coated products Abrasives, aluminous Aluminum oxide (fused) abrasives Boron carbide abrasives Bort, crushing Buffing and polishing wheels, abrasive and nonabrasive Cloth: garnet, emery, aluminum oxide, and silicon carbide coated Corundum abrasives Diamond dressing wheels Diamond powder Emery abrasives Garnet abrasives Grinding balls, ceramic Grindstones, artificial Grit, steel Hones Metallic abrasives Oilstones, artificial Pads, scouring: soap impregnated Paper: garnet, emery, aluminum oxide, and silicon carbide coated Polishing rouge (abrasive) Polishing wheels Pumice and pumicite abrasives Rouge, polishing Rubbing stones, artificial Sandpaper Scythe-stones, artificial Silicon carbide abrasives Sponges, scouring: metallic Steel shot abrasives Steel wool Tripoli Tungsten carbide abrasives Wheels, abrasive: except dental Wheels, diamond abrasive Wheels, grinding: artificial Whetstones, artificial

3292 Asbestos Products

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Abrasive, Asbestos, And Miscellaneous

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing asbestos textiles, asbestos building materials, except asbestos paper, insulating materials for covering boilers and pipes, and other products composed wholly or chiefly of asbestos. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing asbestos paper are classified in Industry 2621, and those manufacturing gaskets and packing are classified in Industry 3053.

Asbestos cement products: e.g., siding, pressure pipe, conduits, ducts Asbestos products: except packing and gaskets Blankets, insulating for aircraft: asbestos Boiler covering (heat insulating material), except felt Brake lining, asbestos Brake pads, asbestos Building materials, asbestos: except asbestos paper Carded fiber, asbestos Cloth, asbestos Clutch facings, asbestos Cord, asbestos Felt, woven amosite: asbestos Floor tile, asphalt Friction materials, asbestos: woven Insulation, molded asbestos Mattresses, asbestos Millboard, asbestos Pipe and boiler covering, except felt Pipe covering (insulation), laminated asbestos paper Pipe, pressure: asbestos cement Roofing, asbestos felt roll Rope, asbestos Sheet, asbestos cement: flat or corrugated Shingles, asbestos cement Siding, asbestos cement Table pads and padding, asbestos Tape, asbestos Textiles, asbestos: except packing Thread, asbestos Tile, vinyl asbestos Tubing, asbestos Wick, asbestos Yarn, asbestos

3295 Minerals And Earths, Ground Or Otherwise Treated

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Abrasive, Asbestos, And Miscellaneous

Establishments operating without a mine or quarry and primarily engaged in crushing, grinding, pulverizing, or otherwise preparing clay, ceramic, and refractory minerals; barite; and miscellaneous nonmetallic minerals, except fuels. These minerals are the crude products mined by establishments of Industry Groups 145 and 149, and by those of Industry 1479 mining barite. Also included are establishments primarily crushing slag and preparing roofing granules. The beneficiation or preparation of other minerals and metallic ores, and the cleaning and grading of coal, are classified in Division B, Mining, whether or not the operation is associated with a mine.

Barite, ground or otherwise treated Barium, ground or otherwise treated Blast furnace slag Clay for petroleum refining, chemically processed Clay, ground or otherwise treated Desiccants, activated: clay Diatomaceous earth, ground or otherwise treated Feldspar, ground or otherwise treated Filtering clays, treated purchased materials Flint, ground or otherwise treated Foundry facings, ground or otherwise treated Fuller's earth, ground or otherwise treated Graphite, natural: ground, pulverized, refined, or blended Kaolin, ground or otherwise treated Lead, black (natural graphite): ground, refined, or blended Magnesite, crude: ground, calcined, or dead-burned Mica, ground or otherwise treated Perlite aggregate Perlite, expanded Plumbago: ground, refined, or blended Pulverized earth Pumice, ground or otherwise treated Pyrophyllite, ground or otherwise treated Roofing granules Shale, expanded Silicon, ultra high purity: treated purchased materials Slag, crushed or ground Spar, ground or otherwise treated Steatite, ground or otherwise treated Talc, ground or otherwise treated Vermiculite, ex-foliated

3296 Mineral Wool

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Abrasive, Asbestos, And Miscellaneous

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing mineral wool and mineral wool insulation products made of such siliceous materials as rock, slag, and glass, or combinations thereof. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing asbestos insulation products are classified in Industry 3292, and those manufacturing textile glass fibers are classified in Industry 3229.

Acoustical board and tile, mineral wool Fiberglass insulation Glass wool Insulation: rock wool, fiberglass, slag, and silica minerals Mineral wool roofing mats

3297 Nonclay Refractories

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Abrasive, Asbestos, And Miscellaneous

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing refractories and crucibles made of materials other than clay. This industry includes establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing all graphite refractories, whether of carbon bond or ceramic bond. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing clay refractories are classified in Industry 3255.

Alumina fused refractories Brick, bauxite Brick, carbon Brick, refractory: chrome, magnesite, silica, and other nonclay Brick, silicon carbide Castable refractories, nonclay Cement, magnesia Cement: high temperature, refractory (nonclay) Crucibles: graphite, magnesite, chrome, silica, or other non-clay Dolomite and dolomite-magnesite brick Cunning mixes, nonclay High temperature mortar, nonclay Hot top refractories, nonclay Nonclay refractories Plastics refractories, nonclay Pyrolytic graphite Ramming mixes, nonclay Refractories, castable: nonclay Refractories, graphite: carbon bond or ceramic bond Refractory cement, nonclay Retorts, graphite

3299 Nonmetallic Mineral Products, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Abrasive, Asbestos, And Miscellaneous

Establishments primarily engaged in the factory production of goods made of plaster of paris and papier-mache, and in manufacturing sand lime products and other nonmetallic mineral products, not elsewhere classified.

Architectural sculptures, plaster of paris: factory production only Art goods: plaster of paris, papier-mache, and scagliola Blocks, sand lime Brackets, architectural: plaster-factory production only Built-up mica Ceramic fiber Columns, papier-mache or plaster of paris Ecclesiastical statuary: gypsum, clay, or papier-mache-factory Floor composition, magnesite Flower boxes, plaster of paris: factory production only Fountains, plaster of paris: factory production only Gravel painting Images, small: gypsum, clay, or papier-mache-factory production only Insul-sleeves (foundry materials) Mica products, built-up and sheet except radio parts Mica splitting Mica, laminated Moldings, architectural: plaster of paris-factory production only Ornaments and architectural plaster work: e.g., mantels and columns Panels, papier-mache or plaster of paris Pedestals, statuary: plaster of paris or papier-mache-factory Plaques: clay, plaster, or papier mache-factory production only Sculptures, architectural: gypsum, clay, or papier-mache-factory Statuary: gypsum, clay, papier-mache, scagliola, and metal-factory Stucco Synthetic stones, for gem stones and industrial use Tile, sand lime Tubing for electrical purposes, quartz Urns, gypsum or papier-mache: factory production only Vases, gypsum or papier-mache: factory production only

3211 Flat Glass

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Flat Glass

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing flat glass. This industry also produces laminated glass, but establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing laminated glass from purchased flat glass are classified in Industry 3231.

Building glass, flat Cathedral glass Float glass Glass, colored: cathedral and antique Glass, flat Insulating glass, sealed units-mitse Laminated glass, made from glass produced in the same establishment Multiple-glazed insulating units-mitse Opalescent flat glass Ophthalmic glass, flat Optical glass, flat Picture glass Plate glass blanks for optical or ophthalmic uses Plate glass, polished and rough Sheet glass Sheet glass blanks for optical or ophthalmic uses Skylight glass Spectacle glass Structural glass, flat Tempered glass-mitse Window glass, clear and colored

3221 Glass Containers

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Glass And Glassware, Pressed Or Blown

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing glass containers for commercial packing and bottling, and for home canning.

Ampoules, glass Bottles for packing, bottling, and canning: glass Carboys, glass Containers for packing, bottling, and canning: glass Cosmetic jars, glass Fruit jars, glass Jars for packing, bottling, and canning: glass Jugs for packing, bottling, and canning: glass Medicine bottles, glass Milk bottles, glass Packers' ware (containers), glass Vials, glass: made in glassmaking establishments Water bottles, glass

3229 Pressed And Blown Glass And Glassware, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Glass And Glassware, Pressed Or Blown

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing glass and glassware, not elsewhere classified, pressed, blown, or shaped from glass produced in the same establishment. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing textile glass fibers are also included in this industry, but establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing glass wool insulation products are classified in Industry 3296. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fiber optic cables are classified in Industry 3357, and those manufacturing fiber optic medical devices are classified in Industry Group 384. Establishments primarily engaged in the production of pressed lenses for vehicular lighting, beacons, and lanterns are also included in this industry, but establishments primarily engaged in the production of optical lenses are classified in Industry 3827. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing glass containers are classified in Industry 3221, and those manufacturing complete electric light bulbs are classified in Industry 3641.

Art glassware, made in glassmaking plants Ashtrays, glass Barware, glass Battery jars, glass Blocks, glass Bowls, glass Bulbs for electric lights, without filaments or sockets-mitse Candlesticks, glass Centerpieces, glass Chimneys, lamp: glass-pressed or blown Christmas tree ornaments, from glass-mitse Clip cups, glass Cooking utensils, glass and glass ceramic Drinking straws, glass Fiber optics strands Fibers, glass, textile Flameware, glass and glass ceramic Frying pans, glass and glass ceramic Glass blanks for electric light bulbs Glass brick Glassware, except glass containers for packing, bottling, and canning Glassware: art, decorative, and novelty Goblets, glass Illuminating glass: light shades, reflectors, lamp chimneys, and globes Industrial glassware and glass products, pressed or blown Ink-Wells, glass Insulators, electrical: glass Lamp parts, glass Lamp shades, glass Lantern globes, glass: pressed or blown Lens blanks, optical and ophthalmic Lenses, glass: for lanterns, flashlights, headlights, and searchlights Level vials for instruments, glass Light shades, glass: pressed or blown Lighting glassware, pressed or blown Novelty glassware: made in glassmaking plants Ophthalmic glass, except flat Optical glass blanks Photomask blanks, glass Reflectors for lighting equipment, glass: pressed or blown Refrigerator dishes and jars, glass Scientific glassware, pressed or blown: made in glassmaking plants Stemware, glass Tableware, glass and glass ceramic Tea kettles, glass and glass ceramic Technical glassware and glass products, pressed or blown Television tube blanks, glass Textile glass fibers Tobacco jars, glass Trays, glass Tubing, glass Tumblers, glass Vases, glass Yarn, fiberglass: made in glass plants

3231 Glass Products, Made Of Purchased Glass

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Glass Products, Made Of Purchased Glass

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing glass products from purchased glass. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing optical lenses, except ophthalmic, are classified in Industry 3827, and those manufacturing ophthalmic lenses are classified in Industry 3851.

Aquariums and reflectors, made from purchased glass Art glass, made from purchased glass Christmas tree ornaments, made from purchased glass Cut and engraved glassware, made from purchased glass Decorated glassware: e.g., chipped, engraved, etched, Doors, made from purchased glass Enameled glass, made from purchased glass Encrusting gold, silver, or other metals on glass products: made from Flowers, foliage, fruits and vines: artificial glass-made from Fruit, artificial: made from purchased glass Furniture tops, glass: cut, beveled, and polished Glass, scientific apparatus: for druggists', hospitals, laboratories-made Glass, sheet: bent-made from purchased glass Grasses, artificial: made from purchased glass Ground glass, made from purchased glass Industrial glassware, made from purchased glass Laboratory glassware, made from purchased glass Laminated glass, made from purchased glass Leaded glass, made from purchased glass Medicine droppers, made from purchased glass Mirrors, framed or unframed: made from purchased glass Mirrors, transportation equipment: made from purchased glass Multiple-glazed insulating units, made from purchased glass Novelties, glass: e.g., fruit, foliage, flowers, animals, made from Ornamented glass, made from purchased glass Plants and foliage, artificial: made from purchased glass Reflector glass beads, for highway signs and other reflectors: made Safety glass, made from purchased glass Silvered glass, made from purchased glass Stained glass, made from purchased glass Table tops made from purchased glass Technical glassware, made from purchased glass Tempered glass, made from purchased glass Test tubes, made from purchased glass Vials, made from purchased glass Watch crystals, made from purchased glass Windows, stained glass: made from purchased glass Windshields, made from purchased glass

3241 Cement, Hydraulic

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Cement, Hydraulic

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing hydraulic cement, including portland, natural, masonry, and pozzolana cements.

Cement, hydraulic: portland, natural, masonry, and pozzolana

3251 Brick And Structural Clay Tile

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Structural Clay Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing brick and structural clay tile. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing clay firebrick are classified in Industry 3255; those manufacturing nonclay firebrick are classified in Industry 3297; those manufacturing sand lime brick are classified in Industry 3299; and those manufacturing glass brick are classified in Industry 3229.

Book tile, clay Brick: common, face, glazed, vitrified, and hollow-clay Building tile, clay Ceramic glazed brick, clay Chimney blocks, radial-clay Corncrib tile Facing tile, clay Fireproofing tile, clay Floor arch tile, clay Flooring brick, clay Furring tile, clay Partition tile clay Paving brick clay Silo tile Slumped brick Structural tile, clay

3253 Ceramic Wall And Floor Tile

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Structural Clay Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing ceramic wall and floor tile. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing structural clay tile are classified in Industry 3251, and those manufacturing drain tile are classified in Industry 3259.

Ceramic tile, floor and wall Enamel tile, floor and wall: clay Faience tile Mosaic tile, ceramic Promenade tile, clay Quarry tile, clay

3255 Clay Refractories

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Structural Clay Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing clay firebrick and other heat resisting clay products. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing nonclay refractories and all graphite refractories, whether of carbon bond or ceramic bond, are classified in Industry 3297.

Brick, clay refractory: fire clay and high alumina Castable refractories, clay Cement, clay refractory Clay refractories Crucibles, fire clay Fire clay blocks, bricks, tile, and special shapes Firebrick, clay Floaters, glasshouse: clay Foundry refractories, clay Glasshouse refractories Heater radiants, clay Hot top refractories, clay Insulating firebrick and shapes, clay Kiln furniture, clay Ladle brick, clay Melting pots, glasshouse: clay Mortars, clay refractory Plastics fire clay bricks Plastics refractories, clay Rings, glasshouse: clay Saggers Stoppers, glasshouse: clay Tank blocks, glasshouse: clay Tile, clay refractory

3259 Structural Clay Products, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Structural Clay Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing clay sewer pipe and structural clay products, not elsewhere classified.

Adobe brick Architectural terra cotta Blocks, segment: clay Chimney pipe and tops, clay Conduit, vitrified clay Coping, wall: clay Drain tile, clay Liner brick and plates, for lining sewers, tanks, etc.: vitrified clay Lining, stove and flue: clay Roofing tile, clay Sewer pipe and fittings, clay Thimbles, chimney: clay Tile, filter underdrain: clay Tile, sewer: clay

3261 Vitreous China Plumbing Fixtures And China And Earthenware Fittings

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Pottery And Related Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing vitreous china plumbing fixtures and china and earthenware fittings and bathroom accessories.

Bathroom accessories, vitreous china and earthenware Bidets, vitreous china Bolt caps, vitreous china and earthenware Closet bowls, vitreous china Drinking fountains, vitreous china Faucet handles, vitreous china and earthenware Flush tanks, vitreous china Laundry trays, vitreous china Lavatories, vitreous china Plumbing fixtures, vitreous china Sinks, vitreous china Soap dishes, vitreous china and earthenware Toilet fixtures, vitreous china Towel bar holders, vitreous china and earthenware Urinals, vitreous china

3262 Vitreous China Table And Kitchen Articles

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Pottery And Related Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing vitreous china table and kitchen articles for use in households and in hotels, restaurants, and other commercial institutions for preparing, serving, or storing food or drink. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fine (semivitreous) earthenware (whiteware) table and kitchen articles are classified in Industry 3263.

Bone china Commercial and household tableware and kitchenware: vitreous china Cooking ware, china Dishes: commercial and household-vitreous china Table articles, vitreous china

3263 Fine Earthenware (whiteware) Table And Kitchen Articles

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Pottery And Related Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fine (semivitreous) earthenware table and kitchen articles for preparing, serving, or storing food or drink. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing vitreous china table and kitchen articles are classified in Industry 3262.

Cooking ware, fine earthenware Earthenware: commercial and household-semivitreous Kitchenware, semivitreous earthenware Tableware: commercial and household-semivitreous Whiteware, fine type semivitreous tableware and kitchenware

3264 Porcelain Electrical Supplies

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Pottery And Related Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing porcelain electronic and other electrical insulators, molded porcelain parts for electrical devices, spark plug and steatitic porcelain, and electronic and electrical supplies from clay and other ceramic materials.

Alumina porcelain insulators Beryllia porcelain insulators Cleats, porcelain Ferrite Insulators, porcelain Knobs, porcelain Magnets, permanent: ceramic or ferrite Porcelain parts, molded: for electrical and electronic devices Spark plugs, porcelain Titania porcelain insulators Tubes, porcelain

3269 Pottery Products, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Pottery And Related Products

Establishments primarily engaged in firing and decorating white china and earthenware for the trade and manufacturing art and ornamental pottery, industrial and laboratory pottery, stoneware and coarse earthenware table and kitchen articles, unglazed red earthenware florists' articles, and other pottery products, not elsewhere classified.

Art and ornamental ware, pottery Ashtrays, pottery Ceramic articles for craft shops Chemical porcelain Chemical stoneware (pottery products) China firing and decorating, for the trade Cones, pyrometric: earthenware Cooking ware: stoneware, coarse earthenware, and pottery Crockery Decalcomania work on china and glass, for the trade Earthenware table and kitchen articles, coarse Encrusting gold, silver, or other metal on china, for the trade Figures, pottery: china, earthenware, and stoneware Filtering media, pottery Florists' articles, red earthenware Flower pots, red earthenware Forms for dipped rubber products, pottery Grinding media, pottery Heater parts, pottery Kitchen articles, coarse earthenware Lamp bases, pottery Pottery: art, garden, decorative, industrial, and laboratory Pyrometer tubes Rockingham earthenware Smokers' articles, pottery Stationery articles, pottery Textile guides, porcelain Vases, pottery (china, earthenware, and stoneware)

3271 Concrete Block And Brick

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Concrete, Gypsum, And Plaster Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing concrete building block and brick from a combination of cement and aggregate. Contractors engaged in concrete construction work are classified in Division C, Construction, and establishments primarily engaged in mixing and delivering ready-mixed concrete are classified in Industry 3273.

Architecture block concrete: e.g. fluted, screen, split, slump, Blocks, concrete and cinder Brick, concrete Paving block, concrete Plinth blocks, precast terrazzo

3272 Concrete Products, Except Block And Brick

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Concrete, Gypsum, And Plaster Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing concrete products, except block and brick, from a combination of cement and aggregate. Contractors engaged in concrete construction work are classified in Division C, Construction, and establishments primarily engaged in mixing and delivering ready-mixed concrete are classified in Industry 3273.

Areaways basement window: concrete Art marble, concrete Ashlar, cast stone Bathtubs, concrete Battery wells and boxes, concrete Building materials, concrete: except block and brick Building stone, artificial: concrete Burial vaults, concrete and precast terrazzo Cast stone, concrete Catch basin covers, concrete Ceiling squares, concrete Chimney caps, concrete Church furniture, concrete Columns, concrete Concrete products, precast: except block and brick Concrete, dry mixture Conduits, concrete Copings, concrete Cribbing, concrete Crossing slabs, concrete Culvert pipe, concrete Cylinder pipe, prestressed concrete Cylinder pipe, pretensioned concrete Door frames, concrete Drain tile, concrete Fireplaces, concrete Floor filler tiles, concrete Floor slabs, precast concrete Floor tile, precast terrazzo Fountains, concrete Fountains, wash: precast terrazzo Garbage boxes, concrete Grave markers, concrete Grave vaults, concrete Grease traps, concrete Housing components, prefabricated: concrete Incinerators, concrete Irrigation pipe, concrete Joists, concrete Laundry trays, concrete Lintels, concrete Manhole covers and frames, concrete Mantels, concrete Mattresses for river revetment, concrete articulated Meter boxes, concrete Monuments, concrete Panels and sections, prefabricated: concrete Paving materials, prefabricated concrete, except blocks Pier footings, prefabricated concrete Piling, prefabricated concrete Pipe, concrete Pipe, lined with concrete Poles, concrete Posts, concrete Pressure pipe, reinforced concrete Prestressed concrete products Roofing tile and slabs, concrete Septic tanks, concrete Sewer pipe, concrete Shower receptors, concrete Siding, precast stone Sills, concrete Silo staves, cast stone Silos, prefabricated concrete Slabs, crossing: concrete Spanish floor tile, concrete Squares for walls and ceilings, concrete Steps, prefabricated concrete Stone, cast concrete Stools, precast terrazzo Storage tanks, concrete Tanks, concrete Terrazzo products, precast Thresholds, precast terrazzo Ties, railroad: concrete Tile, precast terrazzo or concrete Tombstones, precast terrazzo or concrete Wall base, precast terrazzo Wall squares, concrete Wash foundations, precast terrazzo Well curbing, concrete Window sills, cast stone

3273 Ready-mixed Concrete

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Concrete, Gypsum, And Plaster Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing portland cement concrete manufactured and delivered to a purchaser in a plastic and unhardened state. This industry includes production and sale of central-mixed concrete, shrink-mixed concrete, and truck-mixed concrete.

Central-mixed concrete Ready-mixed concrete, production and distribution Shrink-mixed concrete Truck-mixed concrete

3274 Lime

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Concrete, Gypsum, And Plaster Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing quicklime, hydrated lime, and "dead-burned" dolomite from limestone, dolomite shells, or other substances.

Agricultural lime Building lime Dolomite, dead-burned Dolomitic lime Hydrated lime Lime plaster Masons' lime Quicklime

3275 Gypsum Products

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Concrete, Gypsum, And Plaster Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing plaster, plasterboard, and other products composed wholly or chiefly of gypsum, except articles of plaster of paris and papier-mache.

Acoustical plaster, gypsum Agricultural gypsum Board, gypsum Building board, gypsum Cement, Keene's Gypsum products: e.g., block, board, plaster, lath, rock, tile Insulating plaster, gypsum Orthopedic plaster, gypsum Panels, plaster: gypsum Plaster and plasterboard, gypsum Plaster of paris Wallboard, gypsum

3281 Cut Stone And Stone Products

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Cut Stone And Stone Products

Establishments primarily engaged in cutting, shaping, and finishing granite, marble, limestone, slate, and other stone for building and miscellaneous uses. Establishments primarily engaged in buying or selling partly finished monuments and tombstones, but performing no work on the stones other than lettering, finishing, or shaping to custom order, are classified in Division F, Wholesale Trade or Division G, Retail Trade. The cutting of grindstones, pulpstones, and whetstones at the quarry is classified in Division B, Mining.

Altars, cut stone Baptismal fonts, cut stone Benches, cut stone Blackboards, slate Burial vaults, stone Church furniture, cut stone Curbing, granite and stone Cut stone products Desk set bases, onyx Dimension stone for buildings Flagstones Furniture, cut stone Granite, cut and shaped Lamp bases onyx Limestone, cut and shaped Marble, building cut and shaped Monuments, cut stone: not including only finishing or lettering Paving blocks, cut stone Pedestals, marble Pulpits, cut stone Roofing, slate Slate and slate products Statuary, marble Stone, cut and shaped Stone, quarrying and processing of own Stone products Switchboard panels, slate Table tops, marble Tombstones, cut stone: not including only finishing or lettering Urns, cut stone Vases, cut stone

3291 Abrasive Products

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Abrasive, Asbestos, And Miscellaneous

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing abrasive grinding wheels of natural or synthetic materials, abrasive-coated products, and other abrasive products. The cutting of grindstones, pulpstones, and whetstones at the quarry is classified in Division B, Mining.

Abrasive buffs, bricks, cloth, paper, sticks, stones, wheels, etc. Abrasive grains, natural and artificial Abrasive-coated products Abrasives, aluminous Aluminum oxide (fused) abrasives Boron carbide abrasives Bort, crushing Buffing and polishing wheels, abrasive and nonabrasive Cloth: garnet, emery, aluminum oxide, and silicon carbide coated Corundum abrasives Diamond dressing wheels Diamond powder Emery abrasives Garnet abrasives Grinding balls, ceramic Grindstones, artificial Grit, steel Hones Metallic abrasives Oilstones, artificial Pads, scouring: soap impregnated Paper: garnet, emery, aluminum oxide, and silicon carbide coated Polishing rouge (abrasive) Polishing wheels Pumice and pumicite abrasives Rouge, polishing Rubbing stones, artificial Sandpaper Scythe-stones, artificial Silicon carbide abrasives Sponges, scouring: metallic Steel shot abrasives Steel wool Tripoli Tungsten carbide abrasives Wheels, abrasive: except dental Wheels, diamond abrasive Wheels, grinding: artificial Whetstones, artificial

3292 Asbestos Products

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Abrasive, Asbestos, And Miscellaneous

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing asbestos textiles, asbestos building materials, except asbestos paper, insulating materials for covering boilers and pipes, and other products composed wholly or chiefly of asbestos. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing asbestos paper are classified in Industry 2621, and those manufacturing gaskets and packing are classified in Industry 3053.

Asbestos cement products: e.g., siding, pressure pipe, conduits, ducts Asbestos products: except packing and gaskets Blankets, insulating for aircraft: asbestos Boiler covering (heat insulating material), except felt Brake lining, asbestos Brake pads, asbestos Building materials, asbestos: except asbestos paper Carded fiber, asbestos Cloth, asbestos Clutch facings, asbestos Cord, asbestos Felt, woven amosite: asbestos Floor tile, asphalt Friction materials, asbestos: woven Insulation, molded asbestos Mattresses, asbestos Millboard, asbestos Pipe and boiler covering, except felt Pipe covering (insulation), laminated asbestos paper Pipe, pressure: asbestos cement Roofing, asbestos felt roll Rope, asbestos Sheet, asbestos cement: flat or corrugated Shingles, asbestos cement Siding, asbestos cement Table pads and padding, asbestos Tape, asbestos Textiles, asbestos: except packing Thread, asbestos Tile, vinyl asbestos Tubing, asbestos Wick, asbestos Yarn, asbestos

3295 Minerals And Earths, Ground Or Otherwise Treated

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Abrasive, Asbestos, And Miscellaneous

Establishments operating without a mine or quarry and primarily engaged in crushing, grinding, pulverizing, or otherwise preparing clay, ceramic, and refractory minerals; barite; and miscellaneous nonmetallic minerals, except fuels. These minerals are the crude products mined by establishments of Industry Groups 145 and 149, and by those of Industry 1479 mining barite. Also included are establishments primarily crushing slag and preparing roofing granules. The beneficiation or preparation of other minerals and metallic ores, and the cleaning and grading of coal, are classified in Division B, Mining, whether or not the operation is associated with a mine.

Barite, ground or otherwise treated Barium, ground or otherwise treated Blast furnace slag Clay for petroleum refining, chemically processed Clay, ground or otherwise treated Desiccants, activated: clay Diatomaceous earth, ground or otherwise treated Feldspar, ground or otherwise treated Filtering clays, treated purchased materials Flint, ground or otherwise treated Foundry facings, ground or otherwise treated Fuller's earth, ground or otherwise treated Graphite, natural: ground, pulverized, refined, or blended Kaolin, ground or otherwise treated Lead, black (natural graphite): ground, refined, or blended Magnesite, crude: ground, calcined, or dead-burned Mica, ground or otherwise treated Perlite aggregate Perlite, expanded Plumbago: ground, refined, or blended Pulverized earth Pumice, ground or otherwise treated Pyrophyllite, ground or otherwise treated Roofing granules Shale, expanded Silicon, ultra high purity: treated purchased materials Slag, crushed or ground Spar, ground or otherwise treated Steatite, ground or otherwise treated Talc, ground or otherwise treated Vermiculite, ex-foliated

3296 Mineral Wool

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Abrasive, Asbestos, And Miscellaneous

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing mineral wool and mineral wool insulation products made of such siliceous materials as rock, slag, and glass, or combinations thereof. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing asbestos insulation products are classified in Industry 3292, and those manufacturing textile glass fibers are classified in Industry 3229.

Acoustical board and tile, mineral wool Fiberglass insulation Glass wool Insulation: rock wool, fiberglass, slag, and silica minerals Mineral wool roofing mats

3297 Nonclay Refractories

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Abrasive, Asbestos, And Miscellaneous

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing refractories and crucibles made of materials other than clay. This industry includes establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing all graphite refractories, whether of carbon bond or ceramic bond. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing clay refractories are classified in Industry 3255.

Alumina fused refractories Brick, bauxite Brick, carbon Brick, refractory: chrome, magnesite, silica, and other nonclay Brick, silicon carbide Castable refractories, nonclay Cement, magnesia Cement: high temperature, refractory (nonclay) Crucibles: graphite, magnesite, chrome, silica, or other non-clay Dolomite and dolomite-magnesite brick Cunning mixes, nonclay High temperature mortar, nonclay Hot top refractories, nonclay Nonclay refractories Plastics refractories, nonclay Pyrolytic graphite Ramming mixes, nonclay Refractories, castable: nonclay Refractories, graphite: carbon bond or ceramic bond Refractory cement, nonclay Retorts, graphite

3299 Nonmetallic Mineral Products, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Abrasive, Asbestos, And Miscellaneous

Establishments primarily engaged in the factory production of goods made of plaster of paris and papier-mache, and in manufacturing sand lime products and other nonmetallic mineral products, not elsewhere classified.

Architectural sculptures, plaster of paris: factory production only Art goods: plaster of paris, papier-mache, and scagliola Blocks, sand lime Brackets, architectural: plaster-factory production only Built-up mica Ceramic fiber Columns, papier-mache or plaster of paris Ecclesiastical statuary: gypsum, clay, or papier-mache-factory Floor composition, magnesite Flower boxes, plaster of paris: factory production only Fountains, plaster of paris: factory production only Gravel painting Images, small: gypsum, clay, or papier-mache-factory production only Insul-sleeves (foundry materials) Mica products, built-up and sheet except radio parts Mica splitting Mica, laminated Moldings, architectural: plaster of paris-factory production only Ornaments and architectural plaster work: e.g., mantels and columns Panels, papier-mache or plaster of paris Pedestals, statuary: plaster of paris or papier-mache-factory Plaques: clay, plaster, or papier mache-factory production only Sculptures, architectural: gypsum, clay, or papier-mache-factory Statuary: gypsum, clay, papier-mache, scagliola, and metal-factory Stucco Synthetic stones, for gem stones and industrial use Tile, sand lime Tubing for electrical purposes, quartz Urns, gypsum or papier-mache: factory production only Vases, gypsum or papier-mache: factory production only

3312 Steel Works, Blast Furnaces (including Coke Ovens), And Rolling

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Steel Works, Blast Furnaces, And Rolling

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing hot metal, pig iron, and silvery pig iron from iron ore and iron and steel scrap; converting pig iron, scrap iron, and scrap steel into steel; and in hot-rolling iron and steel into basic shapes, such as plates, sheets, strips, rods, bars, and tubing. Merchant blast furnaces and by-product or beehive coke ovens are also included in this industry. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing ferro and nonferrous additive alloys by electrometallurgical processes are classified in Industry 3313.

Armor plate, made in steel works or rolling mills Axles, rolled or forged: made in steel works or rolling mills Bars, iron: made in steel works or rolling mills Bars, steel made in steel works or hotrolling mills Beehive coke oven products Billets, steel Blackplate Blast furnace products Blooms Car wheels, rolled Chemical recovery coke oven products Coal gas, derived from chemical recovery coke ovens Coal tar crudes, derived from chemical recovery coke ovens Coke, produced in beehive ovens Coke, produced in chemical recovery coke ovens Distillates, derived from chemical recovery coke ovens Fence posts, iron and steel: made in steel works or rolling mills Flats, iron and steel: made in steel works or hot-rolling mills Forgings, iron and steel made in steel works or rolling mills Frogs, iron and steel: made in steel works or rolling mills Galvanized hoops, pipes, plates, sheets, and strips iron and steel Gun forgings, iron and steel: made in steel works or rolling mills Hoops, galvanized iron and steel Hoops, iron and steel made in steel works or hot-rolling mills Hot-rolled iron and steel products Ingots, steel Iron sinter, made in steel mills Iron, pig Nut rods, iron and steel made in steel works or rolling mills Pipe, iron and steel made in steel works or rolling mills Plates, made in steel works or rolling mills Rail joints and fastenings, made in steel works or rolling mills Railroad crossings, iron and steel: made in steel works or rollingmills Rails, iron and steel Rails rerolled or renewed Rods iron and steel made in steel works or rolling mills Sheet pilings, plain: iron and steel-made in steel works or rollingmills Sheets, steel: made in steel works or hot-rolling mills Shell slugs, steel made in steel works or rolling mills Skelp, iron and steel Slabs, steel Spike rods, made in steel works or rolling mills Sponge iron Stainless steel Steel works producing bars, rods, plates, sheets, structural shapes, Strips, galvanized iron and steel: made in steel works or rolling mills Strips, iron and steel: made in steel works or hot-rolling mills Structural shapes, iron and steel Tar, derived from chemical recovery coke ovens Terneplate Ternes, iron and steel: long or short Tie plates, iron and steel Tin-free steel Tinplate Tool steel Tube rounds Tubes, iron and steel: made in steel works or rolling mills Tubing, seamless: steel Well casings, iron and steel: made in steel works or rolling mills Wheels, car and locomotive: iron and steel-mitse Wire products, iron and steel: made steel works or rolling mills Wrought pipe and tubing, made in steel works or rolling mills

3313 Electrometallurgical Products, Except Steel

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Steel Works, Blast Furnaces, And Rolling

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing ferro and nonferrous metal additive alloys by electrometallurgical or metallothermic processes, including high percentage ferroalloys and high percentage nonferrous additive alloys. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing electrometallurgical steel are classified in Industry 3312.

Additive alloys, except copper Ferroalloys (including high percentage) Ferrochromium Ferromanganese Ferromolybdenum Ferrophosphorus Ferrosilicon Ferrotitanium Ferrotungsten Ferrovanadium High percentage ferroalloys Manganese metal Molybdenum silicon Nonferrous additive alloys, high percentage: except copper Spiegeleisen Tungsten carbide powder by metallurgical process

3315 Steel Wiredrawing And Steel Nails And Spikes

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Steel Works, Blast Furnaces, And Rolling

Establishments primarily engaged in drawing wire from purchased iron or steel rods, bars, or wire and which may be engaged in the further manufacture of products made from wire; establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing steel nails and spikes from purchased materials are also included in this industry. Rolling mills engaged in the production of ferrous wire from wire rods or hot-rolled bars produced in the same establishment are classified in Industry 3312. Establishments primarily engaged in drawing nonferrous wire are classified in Industry Group 335.

Barbed and twisted wire: made in wiredrawing plants Baskets, steel: made in wiredrawing plants Brads, steel: wire or cut Cable, steel: insulated or armored Chain link fencing, steel: made in wiredrawing plants Fence gates, posts, and fittings: steel-made in wiredrawing plants Form ties, made in wiredrawing plants Horseshoe nails Nails, steel: wire or cut Paper clips, steel: made in wiredrawing plants Spikes, steel: wire or cut Staples, steel: wire or cut Steel wire cages, made in wiredrawing plants Tacks, steel: wire or cut Tie wires, made in wiredrawing plants Welded steel wire fabric, made in wiredrawing plants Wire carts: household, grocery, and industrial-made in wire-drawing Wire cloth, steel: made in wiredrawing plants Wire garment hangers, steel: made in wiredrawing plants Wire products, ferrous: made in wiredrawing plants Wire, ferrous: made in wiredrawing plants Wire, steel: insulated or armored

3316 Cold-rolled Steel Sheet, Strip, And Bars

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Steel Works, Blast Furnaces, And Rolling

Establishments primarily engaged in: (1) cold-rolling steel sheets and strip from purchased hot-rolled sheets; (2) cold-drawing steel bars and steel shapes from purchased hot-rolled steel bars; and (3) producing other cold finished steel. Establishments primarily engaged in the production of steel, including hot-rolled steel sheets, and further cold-rolling such sheets are classified in Industry 3312.

Cold-finished steel bars: not made in hot-rolling mills Cold-rolled steel strip, sheet, and bars: not made in hot-rolling mills Corrugating iron and steel, cold-rolled: not made in hot-rolling mills Flat bright steel strip, cold-rolled: not made in hot-rolling mills Razor blade strip steel, cold-rolled: not made in hot-rolling mills Sheet steel, cold-rolled: not made in hot-rolling mills Wire, flat: cold-rolled strip: not made in hot-rolling mills

3317 Steel Pipe And Tubes

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Steel Works, Blast Furnaces, And Rolling

Establishments primarily engaged in the production of welded or seamless steel pipe and tubes and heavy riveted steel pipe from purchased materials. Establishments primarily engaged in the production of steel, including steel skelp or steel blanks, tube rounds, or pierced billets, are classified in Industry 3312.

Boiler tubes, wrought-mfpm Conduit: welded, lock joint, and heavy riveted-mfpm Pipe seamless steel-mfpm Pipe wrought: welded, lock joint, and heavy riveted-mfpm Tubes, seamless steel-mfpm Tubing, mechanical and hypodermic sizes- cold-drawn stainless Well casing, wrought: welded, lock joint, and heavy riveted-mfpm Wrought pipe and tubes: welded, lock joint, and heavy riveted-mfpm

3321 Gray And Ductile Iron Foundries

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Iron And Steel Foundries

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing gray and ductile iron castings, including cast iron pressure and soil pipes and fittings.

Brake shoes, railroad: cast iron Car wheels, railroad: chilled cast iron Castings, compacted graphite iron Castings, gray iron and semisteel Cooking utensils, cast iron Couplings, pipe: pressure and soil pipecast iron Ductile iron castings Elbows, pipe: pressure and soil pipecast iron Fittings, soil and pressure pipe: cast iron Foundries, gray iron and semisteel Gas pipe, cast iron Gray iron foundries Ingot molds and stools Manhole covers, metal Nipples, pipe: pressure and soil pipe-cast iron Nodular iron castings Pipe and fittings, soil and pressure: cast iron Railroad car wheels, chilled cast iron Rolling mill rolls, iron: not machined Sash balances, cast iron Sewer pipe, cast iron Water pipe, cast iron

3322 Malleable Iron Foundries

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Iron And Steel Foundries

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing malleable iron castings.

Castings, malleable iron Foundries, malleable iron Pearlitic castings, malleable iron

3324 Steel Investment Foundries

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Iron And Steel Foundries

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing steel investment castings.

Investment castings, steel

3325 Steel Foundries, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Iron And Steel Foundries

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing steel castings, not elsewhere classified.

Alloy steel castings, except investment Bushings, cast steel: except investment Cast steel railroad car wheels Castings, steel: except investment Foundries, steel: except investment Rolling mill rolls, steel: not machined Steel foundries, except investment

3331 Primary Smelting And Refining Of Copper

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Primary Smelting And Refining Of Nonferrous

Establishments primarily engaged in smelting copper from the ore, and in refining copper by electrolytic or other processes. Establishments primarily engaged in rolling, drawing, or extruding copper are classified in Industry 3351.

Bars, refinery: primary copper Blister copper Blocks, copper Copper ingots and refinery bars, primary Copper smelting and refining, primary Pigs, copper Primary smelting and refining of copper Slabs, copper: primary

3334 Primary Production Of Aluminum

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Primary Smelting And Refining Of Nonferrous

Establishments primarily engaged in producing aluminum from alumina and in refining aluminum by any process. Establishments primarily engaged in rolling, drawing, or extruding aluminum are classified in Industry Group 335.

Aluminum ingots and primary production shapes, from bauxite or Extrusion ingot, aluminum: primary Pigs, aluminum Slabs, aluminum: primary

3339 Primary Smelting And Refining Of Nonferrous Metals, Except Copper

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Primary Smelting And Refining Of Nonferrous

Establishments primarily engaged in smelting and refining nonferrous metals, except copper and aluminum. Establishments primarily engaged in rolling, drawing, and extruding these nonferrous primary metals are classified in Industry 3356, and the production of bullion at the site of the mine is classified in Division B, Mining.

Antifriction bearing metals, lead-base: primary Antimony refining, primary Babbitt metal, primary Beryllium metal Bismuth refining, primary Blocks, zinc, primary Cadmium refining, primary Chromium refining, primary Cobalt refining, primary Columbium refining, primary Germanium refining, primary Gold refining, primary Ingots, primary: nonferrous metals, except copper and aluminum Iridium refining, primary Lead pigs, blocks, ingots, and refinery shapes: primary Lead smelting and refining, primary Magnesium refining, primary Nickel refining, primary Nonferrous refining, primary: except copper and aluminum Nonferrous smelting, primary: except copper and aluminum Pigs, primary: nonferrous metals, except copper and aluminum Platinum-group metals refining, primary Precious metal refining, primary Primary refining of nonferrous metal: except copper and aluminum Primary smelting of nonferrous metal: except copper and aluminum Refining of nonferrous metal, primary: except copper and aluminum Rhenium refining, primary Selenium refining, primary Silicon refining, primary (over 99 percent pure) Silicon, epitaxial (silicon alloy) Silicon, pure Silver refining, primary Slabs, primary: nonferrous metals, except copper and aluminum Smelting of nonferrous metal, primary: except copper and aluminum Spelter (zinc), primary Tantalum refining Tellurium refining, primary Tin base alloys, primary Tin refining, primary Titanium metal sponge and granules Zinc dust, primary Zirconium metal sponge and granules

3341 Secondary Smelting And Refining Of Nonferrous Metals

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Secondary Smelting And Refining Of Nonferrous

Establishments primarily engaged in recovering nonferrous metals and alloys from new and used scrap and dross or in producing alloys from purchased refined metals. This industry includes establishments engaged in both the recovery and alloying of precious metals. Plants engaged in the recovery of tin through secondary smelting and refining, as well as by chemical processes, are included in this industry. Establishments primarily engaged in assembling, sorting, and breaking up scrap metal, without smelting and refining, are classified in Wholesale Trade, Industry 5093.

Aluminum extrusion ingot, secondary Aluminum smelting and refining, secondary Antimonial lead refining, secondary Babbitt metal smelting and refining, secondary Brass smelting and refining, secondary Bronze smelting and refining, secondary Copper smelting and refining, secondary Detinning of cans Detinning of scrap Germanium refining, secondary Gold smelting and refining, secondary Ingots, nonferrous: smelting and refining-secondary Iridium smelting and refining, secondary Lead smelting and refining, secondary Magnesium smelting and refining, secondary Nickel smelting and refining, secondary Nonferrous metal smelting and refining, secondary Platinum-group metals smelting and refining, secondary Precious metal smelting and refining, secondary Recovering and refining of nonferrous metals Recovery of silver from used photographic film Secondary refining and smelting of nonferrous metals Selenium refining, secondary Silver smelting and refining, secondary Solder (base metal), pig and ingot secondary Tin smelting and refining, secondary Zinc dust, reclaimed Zinc smelting and refining, secondary

3351 Rolling, Drawing, And Extruding Of Copper

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Rolling, Drawing, And Extruding Of Nonferrous

Establishments primarily engaged in rolling, drawing, and extruding copper, brass, bronze, and other copper base alloy basic shapes, such as plate, sheet, strip, bar, and tubing. Establishments primarily engaged in recovering copper and its alloys from scrap or dross are classified in Industry 3341.

Bands, shell copper and copper alloy-made in copper rolling mills Bars, copper and copper alloy Brass rolling and drawing Bronze rolling and drawing Cartridge cups, discs, and sheets copper and copper alloy Cups, primer and cartridge copper and copper alloy Extruded shapes, copper and copper alloy Pipe, extruded and drawn: brass, bronze, and copper Plates, copper and copper alloy Primer cups, copper and copper alloy Rails, rolled and drawn: brass, bronze, and copper Rods, copper and copper alloy Rolling, drawing, and extruding of copper and copper alloys Rotating bands, copper and copper alloy Sheets, copper and copper alloy Shell discs, copper and copper alloy Slugs, copper and copper alloy Strip, copper and copper alloy Tubing, copper and copper alloy Wire, copper and copper alloy made in brass mills

3353 Aluminum Sheet, Plate, And Foil

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Rolling, Drawing, And Extruding Of Nonferrous

Establishments primarily engaged in flat rolling aluminum and aluminum base alloy basic shapes, such as sheet, plate, and foil, including establishments producing welded tube. Also included are establishments primarily producing similar products by continuous casting.

Coils, sheet aluminum Foil, plain aluminum Plates, aluminum Sheets, aluminum Tubes, welded: aluminum

3354 Aluminum Extruded Products

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Rolling, Drawing, And Extruding Of Nonferrous

Establishments primarily engaged in extruding aluminum and aluminum base alloy basic shapes, such as rod and bar, pipe and tube, and tube blooms including establishments producing tube by drawing.

Bars, aluminum extruded Coils, rod aluminum-extruded Extruded shapes, aluminum Pipe, aluminum extruded Rods, aluminum extruded Tube blooms, aluminum extruded Tube, aluminum extruded or drawn

3355 Aluminum Rolling And Drawing, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Rolling, Drawing, And Extruding Of Nonferrous

Establishments primarily engaged in rolling, drawing, and other operations resulting in the production of aluminum ingot, including extrusion ingot, and aluminum and aluminum-base alloy basic shapes, not elsewhere classified, such as rolled and continuous cast rod and bar. Establishments primarily engaged in producing aluminum powder, flake, and paste are classified in Industry 3399, and those producing aluminum wire and cable from purchased wire bars, rods, or wire are classified in Industry 3357.

Bars, aluminum rolled Cable, aluminum made in rolling mills Coils, wire aluminum made in rolling mills Extrusion ingot, aluminum made in rolling mills Ingot, aluminum made in rolling mills Rails, aluminum rolled and drawn Rods, aluminum rolled Slugs, aluminum Structural shapes, rolled aluminum Wire, aluminum made in rolling mills

3356 Rolling, Drawing, And Extruding Of Nonferrous Metals, Except

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Rolling, Drawing, And Extruding Of Nonferrous

Establishments primarily engaged in rolling, drawing, and extruding nonferrous metals other than copper and aluminum. The products of this industry are in the form of basic shapes, such as plate, sheet, strip, bar, and tubing. Establishments primarily engaged in recovering nonferrous metals and alloys from scrap or dross are classified in Industry 3341; those manufacturing gold, silver, tin, and other foils, except aluminum, are classified in Industry 3497; and those manufacturing aluminum foil are classified in Industry 3353.

Battery metal Britannia metal, rolling and drawing Extruded shapes, nonferrous metals and alloys, except copper and Gold and gold alloy bars, sheets, strip, and tubing Gold rolling and drawing Lead and lead alloy bars, pipe, plates, rods, sheets, strip, and tubing Lead rolling, drawing, and extruding Magnesium and magnesium alloy bars, rods, shapes, sheets, strip, and Magnesium rolling, drawing, and extruding Nickel and nickel alloy pipe, plates, sheets, strips, and tubing Nonferrous rolling, drawing, and extruding except copper and Platinum and platinum alloy sheets and tubing Platinum-group metals rolling, drawing, and extruding Silver and silver alloy bars, rods, sheets, strip, and tubing Silver rolling and drawing Solder wire, bar acid core and rosin core Tin and tin alloy bars, pipe, rods, sheets, strip, and tubing Tin rolling and drawing Titanium and titanium alloy bars, rods, billets, sheets, strip, and Titanium from sponge Tungsten basic shapes Welding rods Wire, nonferrous except copper and aluminum made in rolling mills Zinc and zinc alloy bars, plates, pipe, rods, sheets, tubing, and wire Zinc rolling, drawing, and extruding Zirconium and zirconium alloy bars, rods, billets, sheets, strip

3357 Drawing And Insulating Of Nonferrous Wire

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Rolling, Drawing, And Extruding Of Nonferrous

Establishments primarily engaged in drawing, drawing and insulating, and insulating wire and cable of nonferrous metals from purchased wire bars, rods, or wire. Also included are establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing insulated fiber optic cable. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing glass fiber optic materials are classified in Industry 3229, and those manufacturing fabricated wire products from purchased wire are classified in Industry 3496.

Apparatus wire and cord made in wiredrawing plants Automotive and aircraft wire and cable, nonferrous Cable, nonferrous bare, insulated, or armored-mfpm Coaxial cable, nonferrous Communications wire and cable, nonferrous Cord sets, flexible made in wiredrawing plants Fiber optic cable Magnet wire, insulated Shipboard cable, nonferrous Signal and control cable, nonferrous Weatherproof wire and cable, nonferrous Wire cloth, nonferrous: made in wiredrawing plants Wire screening, nonferrous: made in wiredrawing plants Wire, nonferrous: bare, insulated, or armored-mfpm

3363 Aluminum Die-castings

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Nonferrous Foundries (castings)

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing die-castings of aluminum (including alloys).
Aluminum die-casting, including alloys

3364 Nonferrous Die-castings, Except Aluminum

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Nonferrous Foundries (castings)

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing nonferrous metal die-castings, except aluminum.

Beryllium die-castings Copper die-castings Die-casting nonferrous metals, except aluminum Lead die-castings Magnesium die-castings Titanium die-castings Zinc die-castings

3365 Aluminum Foundries

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Nonferrous Foundries (castings)

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing aluminum (including alloys) castings, except die-castings.

Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy castings, except die-castings Castings, aluminum: except die-castings Cooking utensils, cast aluminum: except die-castings Foundries, aluminum: except die-castings Hospital utensils, cast aluminum: except die-castings Household utensils, cast aluminum: except die-castings Kitchen utensils, cast aluminum: except die-castings Machinery castings, aluminum: except die-castings Pressure cookers, domestic: cast aluminum, except die-castings

3366 Copper Foundries

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Nonferrous Foundries (castings)

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing copper (including alloys) castings, except die-castings.

Bushings and bearings, except die-castings: brass, bronze, and copper Castings, except die-castings: brass, bronze, copper, and Copper and copper-base alloy castings, except die-castings Copper foundries, except die-castings Foundries: brass, bronze, copper, and copper-base alloy-except die- Machinery castings: brass, copper, and copper-base alloy-except die- Propellers, ship and screw: cast brass, bronze, copper

3369 Nonferrous Foundries, Except Aluminum And Copper

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Nonferrous Foundries (castings)

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing nonferrous metal castings (including alloys), except all die-castings and other castings of aluminum or copper.

Beryllium castings, except die-castings Castings, except die-castings and castings of aluminum and copper Castings, precision, except die-castings: industrial and aircraft Machinery castings, nonferrous: except aluminum, copper, copper Magnesium castings, except die-castings Nonferrous metal foundries, except aluminum, copper, and die Nonferrous metal machinery castings: except aluminum, copper, and Titanium castings, except die-castings White metal castings, except die-castings: lead, antimony, and tin Zinc castings, except die-castings

3398 Metal Heat Treating

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Primary Metal Products

Establishments primarily engaged in heat treating of metal for the trade.

Annealing of metal for the trade Brazing (hardening) metal for the trade Burning metal for the trade Hardening of metal for the trade Heat treating of metal for the trade Shot peening-treating steel to reduce fatigue Stainless steel, brazing (hardening) for the trade Tempering of metal for the trade

3399 Primary Metal Products, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Primary Metal Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing primary metal products, not elsewhere classified, such as nonferrous nails, brads, and spikes, and metal powder, flakes, and paste.

Aluminum atomized powder Balls, steel Brads, nonferrous metal (including wire) Flakes, metal Iron powdered Laminating steel for the trade Nails, nonferrous metal (including wire) Paste, metal Powder, metal: except artists' materials Reclaiming ferrous metals from clay Recovery of iron ore from open hearth slag Silver powder, except artists' materials Spikes, nonferrous metal (including wire) Staples, nonferrous metal (including wire) Tacks, nonferrous metal (including wire)

3411 Metal Cans

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Metal Cans And Shipping Containers

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing metal cans from purchased materials. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing foil containers are classified in Industry 3497.

Beer cans, metal Can lids and ends, metal Cans, aluminum Cans, metal Food containers, metal General line cans, metal Ice cream cans, metal Milk cans, metal Oil cans, metal Packers' cans, metal Pails, except shipping and stamped: metal Pans, tinned Tin cans

3412 Metal Shipping Barrels, Drums, Kegs, And Pails

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Metal Cans And Shipping Containers

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing metal shipping barrels drums, kegs, and pails.

Containers, shipping: barrels, kegs, drums, packages-liquid Drums, shipping: metal Milk (fluid) shipping containers, metal Pails, shipping: metal-except tinned

3421 Cutlery

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Cutlery, Handtools, And General Hardware

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing safety razors, razor blades, scissors, shears, and other cutlery of metal, except precious metal and table cutlery with handles of metal. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing precious metal cutlery and table cutlery with handles of metal are classified in Industry 3914; those manufacturing electric razors, knives, or scissors are classified in Industry 3634; those manufacturing hair clippers for human use are classified in Industry 3999 and for animal use in Industry 3523; and those manufacturing power hedge shears and trimmers are classified in Industry 3524.

Barbers' scissors Butchers' knives Carving sets: except all metal Cleavers Clippers, fingernail and toenail Cutlery, except table cutlery with handles of metal Forks, table: except all metal Hedge shears and trimmers, except power Kitchen cutlery Knife blades Knife blanks Knives, table: metal, except all metal Knives: butchers', hunting, pocket, table-except all metal table and Potato peelers, hand Razor blades Razors: safety and straight Safety razor blades Scissors, hand Shears, hand Shears, metal cutting: hand Snips, tinners' Swords Table cutlery, except table cutlery with handles of metal Tailors' scissors

3423 Hand And Edge Tools, Except Machine Tools And Handsaws

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Cutlery, Handtools, And General Hardware

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing files and other hand and edge tools for metalworking, woodworking, and general maintenance. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing handsaws and saw blades are classified in Industry 3425; and those manufacturing metal cutting dies, power driven handtools, and attachments and accessories for machine tools are classified in Major Group 35.

Adzes Awls Axes Bits (edge tools for woodworking) Blow torches Can openers, except electric Cane knives Cant hooks (handtools) Carpenters' handtools, except saws Caulking guns Caulking tools, hand Chisels Clamps, hand Corn knives Counterbores and countersinking bib, woodworking Countersinks Cutters, glass Cutting dies: except metal cutting Drawknives Drill bits, woodworking Drill, hand: except power Edge tools for woodworking: augers, bits, gimlets, countersinks, etc. Engravers' tools, hand Fence stretchers (handtools) Files, including recutting and resharpening Forks: garden, hay and manure, stone and ballast Garden handtools Gouges, woodworking Guns, caulking Hammers (handtools) Hatchets Hay knives Hoes, garden and masons' Hooks: bush, grass, baling, and husking Iron workers' handtools Jacks: lifting, screw, and ratchet (handtools) Jewelers' handtools Knives, agricultural and industrial Leaf skimmers and swimming pool rakes Levels, carpenters' Machetes Machine knives, except metal cutting Mallets, printers' Masons' handtools Mattocks (handtools) Mauls, metal (handtools) Mechanics' handtools Mitre boxes, metal Peavies (handtools) Picks (handtools) Planes, woodworking: hand Pliers (handtools) Plumbers' handtools Post hole diggers, hand Pruning tools Prying bars (handtools) Pullers: wheel, gear, and bearing (handtools) Punches (handtools) Putty knives Rakes, handtools Rasps, including recutting and resharpening Rules and rulers: metal, except slide Scoops, hand: metal Scrapers, woodworking: hand Screw drivers Scythes Shovels, hand Sickles, hand Sledges (handtools) Soldering guns and tools, hand: electric Soldering iron tips and tiplets Soldering irons and coppers Spades, hand Squares, carpenter Stone forks (handtools) Stonecutters' handtools Strapping tools, steel Test plugs: plumbers' handtools Tinners' handtools, except snips Tongs, oyster Tools and equipment for use with sporting arms Tools, hand: except power driven tools and saws Trowels Vises, carpenters' Vises, except machine Wrenches (handtools) Yardsticks, metal

3425 Saw Blades And Handsaws

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Cutlery, Handtools, And General Hardware

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing handsaws and saw blades for hand and power driven saws. Establishments primarily engaged In manufacturing power driven sawing machines are classified in Major Group 35.

Chain type saw blades Saw blades, for hand or power saws Saws, hand: metalworking or woodworking

3429 Hardware, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Cutlery, Handtools, And General Hardware

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing miscellaneous metal products usually termed hardware, not elsewhere classified. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing bolts and nuts are classified in Industry 3452; those manufacturing nails and spikes are classified in Major Group 33, those manufacturing cutlery are classified in Industry 3421; those manufacturing handtools are classified in Industry 3423; and those manufacturing pole line and transmission hardware are classified in Industry Group 364.

Andirons Angle irons, hardware Animal traps, iron and steel except wire Bellows, hand Brackets iron and steel Builders hardware, including locks and lock sets Cabinet hardware, including locks and lock sets Car seals, metal Casket hardware Casters, industrial Chain fittings Chair glides Clamps, hose Clamps, metal Couplings, hose Crab traps, steel: except wire Cuffs, leg iron Door bolts and checks Door locks and lock sets Door opening and closing devices except electrical Dzus fasteners Fireplace equipment (hardware) Furniture hardware, including casters Gun trigger locks Handcuffs Harness hardware Hinge tubes Hinges Horse bits Ice chests or coolers, portable, except insulated foam plastics Key blanks Keys Ladder jacks, metal Locks and lock sets except safe, vault and coin-operated Locks, trigger, for guns Luggage hardware Luggage racks, car top Marine hardware Metal fasteners, spring and cold-rolled steel, not made in rolling mills Motor vehicle hardware Nozzles, fire fighting Nut crackers and pickers, metal Organ hardware Padlocks Parachute hardware Piano hardware Pulleys, metal except power transmission equipment Rope fittings Saddlery hardware Sleeper mechanisms, for convertible beds Suitcase hardware, including locks Tackle blocks, metal Thimbles, wire rope Time locks Trimmings, trunk metal Trunk hardware, including locks Turnbuckles Utility carriers, car top Vacuum bottles and jugs Vehicle hardware aircraft, automobile, railroad, etc

3431 Enameled Iron And Metal Sanitary Ware

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Heating Equipment, Except Electric And Warm Air

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing enameled iron, cast iron, or pressed metal sanitary ware. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing plastics plumbing fixtures are classified in Industry 3088; those manufacturing vitreous and semivitreous pottery sanitary ware are classified in Industry 3261; and those manufacturing porcelain enameled kitchen, household, and hospital ware are classified in Industry 3469.

Bathroom fixtures: enameled iron, cast iron, and pressed metal Bathtub: enameled iron, cast iron, and pressed metal Drinking fountains, except mechanically refrigerated: metal Flush tanks, metal Laundry tub, enameled iron and other metal Lavatories, enameled iron and other metal Plumbing fixtures: enameled iron, cast iron, and pressed metal Portable chemical toilets (metal) Shower receptors, metal Shower stalls, metal Sinks: enameled iron, cast iron, and pressed metal Toilet fixtures: enameled iron, cast iron, and pressed metal Urinals: enameled iron, cast iron, and pressed metal Water closets: enameled iron, cast iron, and pressed metal

3432 Plumbing Fixture Fittings And Trim

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Heating Equipment, Except Electric And Warm Air

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing metal plumbing fixture fittings and trim. Also included in this industry are establishments engaged in the assembly of plastics components into plumbing fixture fittings. Establishments primarily engaged in the manufacture of steam or water line valves are classified in Industry Group 349. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing china and earthenware plumbing fixture fittings are classified in Industry 3261, and those manufacturing plastics plumbing fixture components are classified in Industry 3089.

Backflow preventers Brass goods, plumbers' Breakers, vacuum: plumbing Bubblers, drinking fountain Cocks, drain (including basin) Drains, plumbers' Faucets, metal and plastics Flush valves Interceptors, plumbers' Nozzles, lawn hose Nozzles, plumbers' Plumbers' brass goods Plumbing fixture fittings and trim Sanitary pipe fittings Shower rods Spigots, metal and plastics Sprinklers, lawn Stopcocks (plumbers' supplies) Water traps

3433 Heating Equipment, Except Electric And Warm Air Furnaces

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Heating Equipment, Except Electric And Warm Air

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing heating equipment, except electric and warm air furnaces, including gas, oil, and stoker coal fired equipment for the automatic utilization of gaseous, liquid, and solid fuels. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing warm air furnaces are classified in Industry 3585; cooking stoves and ranges are classified in Industry 3631; boiler shops primarily engaged in the production of industrial, power, and marine boilers are classified in Industry 3443; and those manufacturing industrial process furnaces and ovens are classified in Industry 3567.

Boilers, low-pressure heating: steam or hot water Fireplace inserts Furnaces, domestic: steam or hot water Gas burners, domestic Gas heaters, room Gas infrared heating units Gas-oil burners, combination Heaters, swimming pool: oil or gas Heating apparatus, except electric or warm air Kerosene space heaters Logs, fireplace: gas Oil burners, domestic and industrial Radiators, except electric Range boilers, galvanized iron and nonferrous metal Room heaters, except electric Salamanders, coke and gas burning Solar energy collectors, liquid or gas Solar heaters Space heaters, except electric Stokers, mechanical: domestic and industrial Stoves, household: heating-except electric Stoves, wood and coal burning Unit heaters, domestic: except electric Wall heaters, except electric

3441 Fabricated Structural Metal

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Fabricated Structural Metal Products

Establishments primarily engaged in fabricating iron and steel or other metal for structural purposes, such as bridges, buildings, and sections for ships, boats, and barges. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing metal doors, sash, frames, molding, and trim are classified in Industry 3442; and establishments doing fabrication work at the site of construction are classified in Division C, Construction.

Barge sections, prefabricated metal Boat sections, prefabricated metal Expansion joints (structural shapes): iron and steel Floor jacks, metal Floor posts, adjustable: metal Gates, dam: metal plate Highway bridge sections, prefabricated metal Joists, open web steel: long-span series Radio and television tower sections, prefabricated metal Railway bridge sections, prefabricated metal Ship sections, prefabricated metal Steel joists, open web: long-span series Steel railroad car racks (for transporting motor vehicles fabricated) Structural steel, fabricated Tower sections, transmission: prefabricated metal

3442 Metal Doors, Sash, Frames, Molding, And Trim

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Fabricated Structural Metal Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing ferrous and nonferrous metal doors, sash, window and door frames and screens, molding, and trim. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing metal covered wood doors, windows, sash, door frames, molding, and trim are classified in Industry 2431.

Baseboards, metal Casements, aluminum Door and jamb assemblies, prefabricated: metal Door frames and sash, metal Doors, louver: all metal or metal frame Doors, metal Fire doors, metal Garage doors, overhead: metal Hangar doors, sheet metal Jalousies, all metal or metal frame Louver windows, all metal or metal frame Moldings and trim, metal: except automobile Rolling doors for industrial buildings and warehouses, metal Screen doors, metal Screens, door and window: metal frame Shutters, door and window: metal Store fronts, prefabricated: metal except porcelain enameled Storm doors and windows, metal Trim and molding, except automobile: metal Weather strip, metal Window frames and sash, metal

3443 Fabricated Plate Work (boiler Shops)

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Fabricated Structural Metal Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing power and marine boilers, pressure and nonpressure tanks, processing and storage vessels, heat exchangers, weldments and similar products, by the process of cutting, forming and joining metal plates, shapes, bars, sheet, pipe mill products and tubing to custom or standard design, for factory or field assembly. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing warm air heating furnaces are classified in Industry 3585; those manufacturing other nonelectric heating apparatus, except power boilers, are classified in Industry 3433; those manufacturing household cooking apparatus are classified in Industry 3631; and those manufacturing industrial process furnaces and ovens are classified in Industry 3567.

Absorbers, gas Accumulators (industrial pressure vessels) Acetylene cylinders Aftercooler shells Air preheaters, nonrotating: plate type Air receiver tanks, metal plate Airlocks Annealing boxes, pots, and covers Atomic waste casks Autoclaves, industrial Baffles Bails, ladle Bins, prefabricated metal plate Boiler shop products: industrial boilers, smokestacks, and steel tanks Boilers: industrial, power, and marine Boxes, condenser: metal plate Breechings, metal plate Buoys, metal Cable trays, metal plate Caissons, metal plate Cars for hot metal Casing, boiler: metal plate Casings, scroll Chutes, metal plate Condensers, barometric Condensers, steam Containers, shipping metal plate (bombs, etc.)except missile casings Cooling towers, metal plate Cryogenic tanks, for liquids and gases: metal plate Culverts, metal plate Cupolas, metal plate Cyclones, industrial: metal plate Cylinders, pressure: metal plate Digesters, process: metal plate Ducting, metal plate Economizers (boilers) Evaporators (process vessels), metal plate Exchangers, heat: industrial, scientific, and nuclear Farm storage tanks, metal plate Fermenters (process vessels), metal plate Floating covers, metal plate Flumes, metal plate Forms, collapsible: for tunnels Fractionating columns, metal plate Fuel tanks, metal plate Fumigating chambers, metal plate Gas holders, metal plate Gas tanks, metal plate Heat transfer drives (finned tubing) High vacuum coaters, metal plate Hoods, industrial: metal plate Hooks, crane: laminated plate Hoppers, metal plate Housing cabinets for radium, metal plate Housings, pressure Hydropneumatic tanks, metal plate Intercooler shells Jackets, industrial: metal plate Kettles (process vessels), metal plate Knockouts, free water: metal plate Ladles, metal plate Liners, industrial: metal plate Liquid oxygen tanks, metal plate Melting pots, for metal Missile silos and components, metal plate Mixers for hot metal Nuclear core structurals, metal plate Nuclear shielding, metal plate Oil storage tanks, metal plate Penstocks, metal plate Perforating on heavy metal Pile shells, metal plate Pipe, large diameter: metal plate-made by plate fabricators Plate work, fabricated: cutting, punching, bending, and shaping Precipitators (process vessels), metal plate Pressure vessels, industrial: metal plate-made in boiler shops Pressurizers and auxiliary equipment, nuclear: metal plate Reactor containment vessels, metal plate Reactors, nuclear: military and industrial Retorts, industrial Rocket transportation casings Separators, industrial process: metal plate Septic tanks, metal plate Skid tanks, metal plate Smelting pots and retorts Smokestacks, boiler plate Space simulation chambers, metal plate Spheres, for liquids or gas: metal plate Standpipes Steam jet after coolers Steam jet inter condensers Sterilizing chambers, metal plate Stills, pressure: metal plate Storage tanks, metal plate Surge tanks, metal plate Tanks for tank trucks, metal plate Tanks, metal plate: lined Tanks, standard and custom fabricated: metal plate-made in boiler Towers, tank: metal plate Towers: bubble, cooling, fractionating-metal plate Trash racks, metal plate Troughs, industrial metal plate Truss plates, metal Tunnel lining, metal plate Tunnels, vacuum: metal plate Tunnels, wind Vacuum tanks, metal plate Vats, metal plate Vessels, process and storage: metal plate (made in boiler shops) Water tanks, metal plate Weldments

3444 Sheet Metal Work

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Fabricated Structural Metal Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing sheet metal work for buildings (not including fabrication work done by construction contractors at the place of construction), and manufacturing stovepipes, light tanks, and other products of sheet metal.

Air cowls, scoops, or airports (ship ventilators), sheet metal Awnings, sheet metal Bins, prefabricated: sheet metal Booths, spray prefabricated sheet metal Canopies, sheet metal Casings, sheet metal Coal chutes, prefabricated sheet metal Cooling towers, sheet metal Cornices, sheet metal Culverts, sheet metal Dampers, sheet metal Door hoods, aluminum Downspouts, sheet metal Ducts, sheet metal Eaves, sheet metal Elbows for conductor pipe, hot air ducts, and stovepipe: sheet metal Flooring, cellular steel Flues, stove and furnace: sheet metal Flumes, sheet metal Forming machine work for the trade except stampings: sheet metal Forms for concrete, sheet metal Furnace casings, sheet metal Guardrails, highway: sheet metal Gutters, sheet metal Hoods, range sheet metal Hoppers, sheet metal Housings for business machines, sheet metal except stamped Irrigation pipe, sheet metal Joists, sheet metal Laundry hampers, sheet metal Louvers, sheet metal Machine guards, sheet metal Mail chutes, sheet metal Mail collection or storage boxes, sheet metal Pile shells, sheet metal Pipe, sheet metal Post office collection boxes Radiator shields and enclosures, sheet metal Restaurant sheet metal work Roof deck, sheet metal Sheet metal specialties, not stamped Siding, sheet metal Skylights, sheet metal Spouts, sheet metal Stove boards, sheet metal Stove pipe and flues, sheet metal Studs, sheet metal Troughs, elevator: sheet metal Vats, sheet metal Ventilators, sheet metal Wells, light: sheet metal

3446 Architectural And Ornamental Metal Work

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Fabricated Structural Metal Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing architectural and ornamental metal work, such as stairs and staircases, open steel flooring (grating), fire escapes, grilles, railings, and fences and gates, except those made from wire. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fences and gates from purchased wire are classified in Industry 3496; those manufacturing prefabricated metal buildings and parts are classified in Industry 3448; and those manufacturing miscellaneous metal work are classified in Industry 3449.

Acoustical suspension systems, metal Balconies, metal Bank fixtures, ornamental metal Bannisters, railings, guards, etc: made from metal pipe Brasswork, ornamental structural Channels, furring Elevator guide rails, metal Fences and posts, ornamental iron and steel Fire escapes, metal Flagpoles, metal Flooring, open steel (grating) Gates, ornamental metal Gratings (open steel flooring) Gratings, tread fabricated metal Ladders, chain: metal Ladders, for permanent installation metal Lamp posts, metal Lintels, light gauge steel Ornamental and architectural metal work Partitions and grillework, ornamental metal Pipe bannisters, railings, and guards Purlins, light gauge steel Railings, prefabricated metal Registers, air: metal Scaffolds metal (mobile or stationary) Stair railings, metal Staircases, prefabricated metal Stairs, prefabricated metal Treads, stair: fabricated metal

3448 Prefabricated Metal Buildings And Components

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Fabricated Structural Metal Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing portable and other prefabricated metal buildings and parts and prefabricated exterior metal panels.

Buildings, prefabricated: metal Carports, prefabricated: metal Docks, building, prefabricated: metal Dwellings, prefabricated: metal Farm buildings, prefabricated: metal Garages, prefabricated: metal Greenhouses, prefabricated: metal Houses, prefabricated: metal Panels for prefabricated metal buildings Portable buildings, prefabricated metal Prefabricated buildings, metal Ramps, prefabricated: metal Sections for prefabricated metal buildings Silos, metal Utility buildings, prefabricated: metal

3449 Miscellaneous Structural Metal Work

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Fabricated Structural Metal Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing miscellaneous structural metal work, such as metal plaster bases, fabricated bar joists, and concrete reinforcing bars. Also included in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in custom roll forming of metal.

Bars, concrete reinforcing: fabricated steel Curtain wall, metal Custom roll formed products, metal Joists, fabricated bar Landing mats, aircraft: metal Lath, expanded metal Plastering accessories, metal

3451 Screw Machine Products

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Screw Machine Products, And Bolts, Nuts, Screws, Rivets, And Washers

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing automatic or hand screw machine products from rod, bar, or tube stock of metal, fiber, plastics or other material. The products of this industry consist of a wide variety of unassembled parts and are usually manufactured on a job or order basis.
Establishments included in this industry may perform assembly of some parts manufactured in the same establishment, but establishments primarily engaged in producing assembled components are classified according to the nature of the components. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing standard bolts, nuts, rivets, screws, and other industrial fasteners on headers, threaders, and nut forming machines are classified in Industry 3452.

Screw machine products: produced on a job or order basis

3452 Bolts, Nuts, Screws, Rivets, And Washers

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Screw Machine Products, And Bolts, Nuts, Screws, Rivets, And Washers

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing metal bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, washers, formed and threaded wire goods, and special industrial fasteners. Rolling mills engaged in manufacturing similar products are classified in Major Group 33; establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing screw machine products are classified in Industry 3451; and those manufacturing plastics fasteners are classified in Industry 3089.

Bolts, metal Cotter pins, metal Dowel pins, metal Gate hooks Lock washers Machine keys Nuts, metal Rivets, metal Screw eyes, metal Screw hooks Screws, metal Spring pins, metal Spring washers, metal Toggle bolts, metal Washers, metal Wood screws, metal

3462 Iron And Steel Forgings

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Metal Forgings And Stampings

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing iron and steel forgings, with or without the use of dies.

Aircraft forgings, ferrous: not made in rolling mills Anchors, forged: not made in rolling mills Anvils, forged: not made in rolling mills Armor plate, forged iron and steel: not made in rolling mills Automotive forgings, ferrous: not made in rolling mills Axles, railroad: forged-not made in rolling mills Bumping posts, railroad: forged-not made in rolling mills Bus, truck and trailer forgings, ferrous: not made in rolling mills Calks, horseshoe: forged-not made in rolling mills Chains, forged steel: not made in rolling mills Construction and mining equipment forgings, ferrous: not made Crankshafts, forged steel: not made in rolling mills Engine forgings, ferrous: not made in rolling mills Flange, valve, and pipe fitting forgings, ferrous: not made in Forgings, iron and steel: not made in rolling mills Gears, forged steel: not made in rolling mills Hammer forgings, not made in rolling mills Horseshoes, not made in rolling mills Internal combustion engine (stationary and mobile) forgings, Machinery forgings, ferrous: not made in rolling mills Mechanical power transmission forgings, ferrous: not made in rolling Missile forgings, ferrous: not made in rolling mills Nuclear power plant forgings, ferrous: not made in rolling mills Ordnance forgings, ferrous: not made in rolling mills Pole line hardware forgings, ferrous not made in rolling mills Press forgings, iron and steel: not made in rolling mills Pump and compressor forgings, ferrous: not made in rolling mills Railroad wheels, axles, frogs, and related equipment: forged-mfpm Switches, railroad: forged-not made in rolling mills Turbine engine forgings, ferrous: not made in rolling mills Upset forgings, iron and steel: not made in rolling mills Wheels, car and locomotive: forged-not made in rolling mills

3463 Nonferrous Forgings

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Metal Forgings And Stampings

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing nonferrous forgings, with or without the use of dies.

Aircraft forgings, nonferrous: not made in hot-rolling mills Aluminum forgings, not made in hot-rolling mills Automotive forgings, nonferrous: not made in hot-rolling mills Bearing and bearing race forgings, nonferrous: not made in Engine and turbine forgings, nonferrous: not made in hot-rolling mills Flange, valve and pipe fitting forgings, nonferrous: not made Machinery forgings, nonferrous: not made in hot-rolling mills Mechanical power transmission forgings, nonferrous: not made in hot- Missile forgings, nonferrous: not made in hot-rolling mills Nonferrous forgings, not made in hot-rolling mills Ordnance forgings, nonferrous: not made in hot-rolling mills Plumbing fixture forgings, nonferrous: not made in hot-rolling mills Pole line hardware forgings, nonferrous: not made in hot rolling mills Pump and compressor forgings, nonferrous: not made in hot-rolling Titanium forgings, not made in hot-rolling mills

3465 Automotive Stampings

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Metal Forgings And Stampings

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing automotive stampings, such as body parts, hubs, and trim.

Automotive stampings: e.g., fenders, tops, hub caps, body parts, trim Body parts, automotive: stamped Moldings and trim, automotive: stamped

3466 Crowns And Closures

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Metal Forgings And Stampings

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing metal crowns and closures.

Bottle caps and tops, stamped metal Closures, stamped metal Crowns, jar: stamped metal Jar crowns and tops, stamped metal Tops, jar: stamped metal

3469 Metal Stampings, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Metal Forgings And Stampings

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing metal stampings and spun products, not elsewhere classified, including porcelain enameled products. Products of this industry include household appliance housings and parts; cooking and kitchen utensils; and other nonautomotive job stampings.

Appliance parts, porcelain enameled Ashcans, stamped and pressed metal Ashtrays, stamped metal Automobile license tags, stamped metal Bottle openers, stamped metal Capacitor and condenser cans and cases: stamped metal Cash and stamp boxes, stamped metal Chassis, radio and television: stamped metal Cookers, pressure: stamped or drawn Cooking ware, porcelain enameled Electronic enclosures: stamped or pressed Fins, tube: stamped metal Floor tile, stamped metal Furniture components, porcelain enameled Garbage cans, stamped and pressed metal Helmets, steel Honeycombed metal Household utensils, stamped and pressed metal Housings for business machines, stamped metal Ice cream dippers Ironer parts, porcelain enameled Kitchen utensils, porcelain enameled Kitchen utensils, stamped and pressed metal Lunch boxes, stamped metal Machine parts, stamped and pressed metal Mail boxes, except collection boxes Pails, stamped and pressed metal: except tinned and shipping type Pans, stamped and pressed metal: except tinned Patterns on metal Perforated metal, stamped Perforating on light metal Rigidizing metal Spinning metal, for the trade Stamping metal, for the trade Store fronts, porcelain enameled Stove parts, porcelain enameled Table tops, porcelain enameled Teakettles, except electric: stamped metal Tool boxes, stamped metal Utensils, metal, except cast: household, commercial, and hospital Utensils, porcelain enameled: household, commercial, and hospital Washing machine parts, porcelain enameled Wastebaskets, stamped metal

3471 Electroplating, Plating, Polishing, Anodizing, And Coloring

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Coating, Engraving, And Allied Services

Establishments primarily engaged in all types of electroplating, plating, anodizing, coloring, and finishing of metals and formed products for the trade. Also included in this industry are establishments which perform these types of activities, on their own account, on purchased metals or formed products. Establishments that both manufacture and finish products are classified according to the products.

Anodizing of metals and formed products, for the trade Buffing, for the trade Chromium plating of metals and formed products, for the trade Cleaning and descaling metal products, for the trade Coloring and finishing of aluminum and formed products, for the Decontaminating and cleaning of missile and satellite parts, for the Decorative plating and finishing of formed products, for the trade Depolishing metal, for the trade Electrolizing steel, for the trade Electroplating of metals and formed products, for the trade Finishing metal products and formed products, for the trade Gold plating, for the trade Plating of metals and formed products for the trade Polishing of metals and formed products, for the trade Rechroming auto bumpers, for the trade Sandblasting of metal parts, for the trade Tumbling (cleaning and polishing) of machine parts, for the trade

3479 Coating, Engraving, And Allied Services, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Coating, Engraving, And Allied Services

Establishments primarily engaged in performing the following types of services on metals, for the trade: (1) enameling, lacquering, and varnishing metal products; (2) hot dip galvanizing of mill sheets, plates and bars, castings, and formed products fabricated of iron and steel; hot dip coating such items with aluminum, lead, or zinc; retinning cans and utensils; (3) engraving, chasing and etching jewelry, silverware, notarial and other seals, and other metal products for purposes other than printing; and (4) other metal services, not elsewhere classified. Also included in this industry are establishments which perform these types of activities on their own account on purchased metals or formed products. Establishments that both manufacture and finish products are classified according to the products.

Bonderizing of metal and metal products, for the trade Chasing on metals for the trade, for purposes other than printing Coating (hot dipping) of metals and formed products, for the trade Coating and wrapping steel pipe Coating of metals with plastics and resins, for the trade Coating of metals with silicon, for the trade Coating, rust preventive Dipping metal in plastics solution aa a preservative, for the trade Enameling (including porcelain) of metal products, for the trade Engraving jewelry, silverware, and metal for the trade: except Etching on metals for purposes other than printing Etching: photochemical, for the trade Galvanizing of iron and steel and end formed products, for the trade Japanning of metal Jewelry enameling, for the trade Lacquering of metal products, for the trade Name plates: engraved and etched Painting (enameling and varnishing) of metal products, for the trade Pan glazing, for the trade Parkerizing, for the trade Phosphate coating of metal and metal products, for the trade Retinning of cans and utensils, not done in rolling mills Rust proofing (hot dipping) of metals and formed products, for the Sherardizing of metals and metal products, for the trade Varnishing of metals products, for the trade

3482 Small Arms Ammunition

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Ordnance And Accessories, Except Vehicles

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing ammunition for small arms having a bore of 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing ammunition, except for small arms, are classified in Industry 3483; those manufacturing blasting and detonating caps and safety fuses are classified in Industry 2892; and those manufacturing fireworks are classified in Industry 2899.

Ammunition and component parts, small arms: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) Bullet jackets and cores, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Cartridge cases for ammunition, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Cartridges, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Cores, bullet: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Paper shells, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Pellets ammunition: pistol and air rifle Percussion caps, for ammunition of 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Shells, small arms: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Shot, BB Shot, lead Shot, pellet Shot, steel ammunition Shotgun ammunition Wads, ammunition: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less

3483 Ammunition, Except For Small Arms

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Ordnance And Accessories, Except Vehicles

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing ammunition, not elsewhere classified, or in loading and assembling ammunition more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch), including component parts. This industry also includes establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing bombs, mines, torpedoes, grenades, depth charges, chemical warfare projectiles, and their component parts. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing small arms ammunition are classified in Industry 3482; those manufacturing explosives are classified in Industry 2892; and those manufacturing military pyrotechnics are classified in Industry 2899.

Ammunition and component parts more than 30 mm. (or more than Ammunition loading and assembling plants Arming and fusing devices for missiles Bag loading plants, ammunition Bomb loading and assembling plants Bombcluster adapters Bombs and parts Boosters and bursters Canisters, ammunition Caps, bomb Chemical warfare projectiles and components Depth charges and parts (ordnance) Detonators for ammunition more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 Detonators: mine, bomb, depth charge, and chemical warfare Fin assemblies, mortar: more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch) Fin assemblies, torpedo and bomb Fuses for ammunition more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch) Fuses: mine, torpedo, bomb, depth charge, and chemical warfare Grenades and parts Jet propulsion projectiles, complete Loading and assembling bombs, powder bags, and shells: more than Mines and parts (ordnance) Missile warheads Mortar shells, more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch) Primers for ammunition, more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch) Projectile forgings, machined: for ammunition more than 30 mm. (or Rockets (ammunition) Shells, artillery: more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch) Torpedoes and parts (ordnance) Tracer igniters for ammunition more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18)

3484 Small Arms

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Ordnance And Accessories, Except Vehicles

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing small firearms having a bore 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less, and parts for small firearms. Also included in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing certain weapons more than 30 mm. which are carried and employed by the individual, such as grenade launchers and heavy field machine guns. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing artillery and mortars having a bore more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch), and component parts, are classified in Industry 3489.

Barrels, gun: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Carbines, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Carts, machine gun and machine gun ammunition Clips, gun: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Cylinders and clips, gun: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Firearms, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Grenade launchers Gun sights, except optical: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Guns, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Guns, dart: except toy Guns: BB and pellet Links, for ammunition 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Machine gun belts, metallic: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Machine guns and parts, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Magazines, gun: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Mounts for guns, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Pistols and parts, except toy Pyrotechnic pistols and projectors Recoil mechanisms for guns, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Revolvers and parts Rifles and parts, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Rifles, high compression pneumatic: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less Rifles: BB and pellet Rifles: pneumatic, spring loaded, and compressed air-except toy Shotguns and parts Submachine guns and parts

3489 Ordnance And Accessories, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Ordnance And Accessories, Except Vehicles

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing ordnance and accessories, not elsewhere classified, such as naval, aircraft, antiaircraft, tank, coast, and field artillery having a bore more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch), and components. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing small arms and parts 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less are classified in Industry 3484; those manufacturing tanks are classified in Industry 3795; and those manufacturing guided missiles are classified in Industry Group 376.

Antisubmarine projectors (ordnance) Antitank rocket launchers Artillery parts for artillery more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 Artillery, more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch): aircraft, Barrels, gun: more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch) Bofors guns Cannons, more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch) Carriages, gun: for artillery more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 Catapult guns Depth charge release pistols and projectors Flame throwers (ordnance) Gun turrets and parts for artillery more than 30 mm. (or more than Guns, more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch) Howitzers, more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch) Limbers, gun and caisson Links for ammunition more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch) Livens projectors (ordnance) Machine guns, more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch) Mortars, more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch) Oerlikon guns Projectors antisub, depth charge release, grenade, livens, and rocket Recoil mechanisms for guns more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 Rifles, recoilless Rocket launchers, hand-held Smoke generators (ordnance) Tampions for guns more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch) Torpedo tubes (ordnance)

3491 Industrial Valves

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing industrial valves. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fluid power valves are classified in Industry 3492; those manufacturing plumbing fixture fittings and trim are classified in Industry 3432; and those manufacturing plumbing and heating valves are classified in Industry 3494.

Boiler gauge cocks Compressed gas cylinder valves Fire hydrant valves Gas valves and parts, industrial Pop safety valves, over 15 lbs. w.s.p. Pressure valves, industrial: except power transfer Steam traps, over 16 lb. w.s.p. Valves, automatic control: industrial, except fluid power Valves, industrial: gate, globe, check, pop safety, and relief Valves, nuclear Valves, relief: over 15 lbs. w.s.p. Valves, solenoid: except fluid power Water works valves

3492 Fluid Power Valves And Hose Fittings

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing hydraulic and pneumatic valves, hose and tube fittings, and hose assemblies for fluid power systems. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fluid power cylinders are classified in Industry 3593; those manufacturing fluid power pumps are classified in Industry 3594; and those manufacturing hydraulic intake and exhaust motor vehicle valves are classified in Industry 3592.

Control valves fluid power metal Electrohydraulic servo valves, fluid power metal Hose fittings and assemblies, fluid power metal Hydraulic valves, including aircraft fluid power-metal Pneumatic valves, including aircraft fluid power-metal Pressure control valves, fluid power metal Solenoid valves, fluid power metal Tube fittings and assemblies, fluid power metal Valves, automatic control: fluid power-metal Valves, hydraulic and pneumatic control: fluid power-metal

3493 Steel Springs, Except Wire

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing leaf springs, hot wound springs, and coiled flat springs. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing wire springs are classified in Industry 3495.

Automobile springs Coiled flat springs Flat springs, sheet or strip stock Helical springs, hot wound: for railroad equipment and vehicles Hot wound springs, except wire springs Leaf springs: automobile, locomotive, and other vehicle Railroad equipment springs Steel springs, except wire Torsion bar springs

3494 Valves And Pipe Fittings, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing metal valves and pipe fittings, not elsewhere classified, such as plumbing and heating valves, and pipe fittings, flanges, and unions, except from purchased pipes. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing plastics pipe fittings are classified in Industry 3089; those manufacturing plumbing fixture fittings and trim are classified in Industry 3432; and those manufacturing fittings and couplings for garden hose are classified in Industry 3429. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fluid power valves are classified in Industry 3492, and those manufacturing other industrial valves are classified in Industry 3491. Establishments primarily engaged in fabricating pipe fittings from purchased metal pipe by processes such as cutting, threading, and bending are classified in Industry 3498.

Boiler couplings and drains, metal Couplings, pipe: except pressure and soil pipe-metal Elbows, pipe: except pressure and soil pipe-metal Flanges and flange unions, pipe: metal Line strainers, for use in piping systems-metal Pipe fittings, except plumbers' brass goods: metal Pipe hangers, metal Plumbing and heating valves, metal Reducer returns, pipe: metal Steam fittings and specialties, except plumbers' brass goods and Stop cocks, except drain: metal Unions, pipe: metal Well adapters, tipless: metal

3495 Wire Springs

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing wire springs from purchased wire. Establishments primarily engaged in assembling wire bedsprings or seats are classified in Major Group 25.

Clock springs, precision: made from purchased wire Furniture springs, unassembled: made from purchased wire Gun springs, precision: made from purchased wire Hairsprings, made from purchased wire Instrument springs, precision: made from purchased wire Mechanical springs, precision: made from purchased wire Sash balances, spring Spring units for seats, made from purchased wire Springs, except complete bedsprings made from purchased wire Upholstery springs, unassembled: made from purchased wire

3496 Miscellaneous Fabricated Wire Products

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing miscellaneous fabricated wire products from purchased wire, such as non-insulated wire rope and cable; fencing; screening, netting, paper machine wire cloth; hangers, paper clips, kitchenware, and wire carts. Rolling mills engaged in manufacturing wire products are classified in Major Group 33. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing steel nails and spikes from purchased wire or rod are classified in Industry 3315; those manufacturing nonferrous wire nails and spikes from purchased wire or rod are classified in Industry 3399; those drawing and insulating nonferrous wire are classified in Industry 3357; and those manufacturing wire springs are classified in Industry 3495.

Antisubmarine and torpedo nets, made from purchased wire Barbed wire, made from purchased wire Baskets, made from purchased wire Belts, conveyor: made from purchased wire Belts, drying made from purchased wire Bird cages, made from purchased wire Bottle openers, made from purchased wire Cable, uninsulated wire: made from purchased wire Cages, wire: made from purchased wire Carts, grocery: made from purchased wire Chain, welded: made from purchased wire Chain, wire: made from purchased wire Clips and fasteners, made from purchased wire Cloth, woven wire: made from purchased wire Concrete reinforcing mesh, made from purchased wire Cylinder wire cloth, made from purchased wire Delivery cases, made from purchased wire Diamond cloth, made from purchased wire Door mats, made from purchased wire Fabrics, woven wire: made from purchased wire Fencing, made from purchased wire Florists' designs, made from purchased wire Fourdrinier wire cloth, made from purchased wire Gates, fence: made from purchased wire Grilles and grillework, woven wire: made from purchased wire Guards, made from purchased wire Hangers, garment: made from purchased wire Hardware cloth, woven wire: made from purchased wire Hog rings, made from purchased wire Insect screening, woven wire: made from purchased wire Key rings, made from purchased wire Keys, can: made from purchased wire Kitchen wire goods, made from purchased wire Lamp frames, wire: made from purchased wire Lath, woven wire: made from purchased wire Mats and matting, made from purchased wire Mesh, made from purchased wire Netting, woven wire: made from purchased wire Paper clips and fasteners, made from purchased wire Paper machine wire cloth, made from purchased wire Partitions and grillework, made from purchased wire Postal screen wire equipment-mfpm Potato mashers, made from purchased wire Poultry netting, made from purchased wire Racks without rigid framework, made from purchased wire Rods, gas welding: made from purchased wire Rope, uninsulated wire: made from purchased wire Screening, woven wire: made from purchased wire Shelving without rigid framework, made from purchased wire Sieves, made from purchased wire Skid chains, made from purchased wire Slings, lifting: made from purchased wire Spiral cloth, made from purchased wire Staples, wire: made from purchased wire Strand, uninsulated wire: made from purchased wire Ties, bale: made from purchased wire Tire chains, made from purchased wire Traps, animal and fish: made from purchased wire Trays, made from purchased wire Wire and wire products mfpm: except insulated wire, and nails and Wire winding of purchased wire Wire, concrete reinforcing: made from purchased wire Woven wire products, made from purchased wire

3497 Metal Foil And Leaf

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing gold, silver, tin, and other metal foil (including converted metal foil) and leaf. Also included are establishments primarily engaged in converting metal foil (including aluminum) into wrappers, cookware, dinnerware, and containers, except bags and liners. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing plain aluminum foil are classified in Industry 3353.

Copper foil, not made in rolling mills Foil containers for bakery goods and frozen foods, except bags and Foil, except aluminum: not made in rolling mills Foil, laminated to paper or other materials Gold beating (manufacturing of gold leaf and foil) Gold foil and leaf, not made in rolling mills Lead foil, not made in rolling mills Leaf, metal Magnesium and magnesium base alloy foil, not made in rolling mills Nickel foil, not made in rolling mills Platinum and platinum base alloy foil Silver foil and leaf Tin foil, not made in rolling mills Zinc foil, not made in rolling mills

3498 Fabricated Pipe And Pipe Fittings

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Products

Establishments primarily engaged in fabricating pipe and pipe fittings from purchased metal pipes by processes such as cutting, threading, and bending. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing cast iron pipe and fittings, including cast and forged pipe fittings which have been machined and threaded, are classified in Industry 3321; those manufacturing welded and heavy riveted pipe and seamless steel pipe are classified in Industry 3317; and those manufacturing products such as banisters, railings, and guards from pipe are classified in Industry 3446.

Bends, pipe: fabricated from purchased metal pipe Coils, pipe: fabricated from purchased metal pipe Couplings, pipe: fabricated from purchased metal pipe Manifolds, pipe: fabricated from purchased metal pipe Nipples, metal pipe: except pressure and soil pipe Pipe and fittings, fabricated from purchased metal pipe Pipe headers, welded: fabricated from purchased metal pipe Pipe, fabricated from purchased metal pipe Piping systems, metal: for pulp, paper and chemical industries Sections, pipe: fabricated from purchased metal pipe Tube fabricating (contract bending and shaping); metal

3499 Fabricated Metal Products, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Products

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fabricated metal products, not elsewhere classified, such as fire or burglary resistive steel safes and vaults and similar fire or burglary resistive products; and collapsible tubes of thin flexible metal. Also included are establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing metal boxes, metal ladders, and metal household articles, such as ice cream freezers and ironing boards. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing concrete burial vaults are classified in Industry 3272, and metal burial vaults are classified in Industry 3995. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing advertising novelties are classified in Industry 3993.

Aerosol valves, metal Ammunition boxes metal Aquarium accessories, metal Automobile seat frames, metal Bank chests, metal Barricades, metal Book ends, metal Boxes for packing and shipping, metal Chair frames, metal Chests, fire or burglary resistive: metal Collapsible tubes for viscous products, metal Doors, safe and vault: metal Drain plugs, magnetic: metal Drill stands, metal Ferrules, metal Fountains, metal (except drinking) Friction material, made from powdered metal Furniture parts, metal Hoops, metal: other than wire Ice cream freezers, household, nonelectric: metal Ironing boards, metal Ladder assemblies, combination workstand: metal Ladders, metal: portable Linings, safe and vault: metal Locks, safe and vault: metal Machine bases, metal Magnets, permanent: metallic Marine horns, compressed air or steam: metal Money chests, metal Novelties and specialties, metal: except advertising novelties Powder metal products, custom molding Reels, cable: metal Safe deposit boxes and chests, metal Safes, metal Shims, metal Spray nozzles, aerosol Stabilizing bars (cargo), metal Strapping, metal Tablets, metal Target drones for use by ships, metal Toilet ware, metal: except silver, nickel, silver, pewter and plated Trophies, metal: except silver, nickel, silver, pewter, and plated Vaults, except burial vaults: metal Wheels, stamped metal, disc type: wheelbarrow, stroller, lawnmower

3511 Steam, Gas, And Hydraulic Turbines, And Turbine Generator Set Units
3519 Internal Combustion Engines, Not Elsewhere Classified
3523 Farm Machinery And Equipment
3524 Lawn And Garden Tractors And Home Lawn And Garden Equipment
3531 Construction Machinery And Equipment
3532 Mining Machinery And Equipment, Except Oil And Gas Field
3533 Oil And Gas Field Machinery And Equipment
3534 Elevators And Moving Stairways
3535 Conveyors And Conveying Equipment
3536 Overhead Traveling Cranes, Hoists, And Monorail Systems
3537 Industrial Trucks, Tractors, Trailers, And Stackers
3541 Machine Tools, Metal Cutting Types
3542 Machine Tools, Metal Forming Types
3543 Industrial Patterns
3544 Special Dies And Tools, Die Sets, Jigs And Fixtures, And Industrial
3545 Cutting Tools, Machine Tool Accessories, And Machinists' Precision
3546 Power-driven Handtools
3547 Rolling Mill Machinery And Equipment
3548 Electric And Gas Welding And Soldering Equipment
3549 Metalworking Machinery, Not Elsewhere Classified
3552 Textile Machinery
3553 Woodworking Machinery
3554 Paper Industries Machinery
3555 Printing Trades Machinery And Equipment
3556 Food Products Machinery
3559 Special Industry Machinery, Not Elsewhere Classified
3561 Pumps And Pumping Equipment
3562 Ball And Roller Bearings
3563 Air And Gas Compressors
3564 Industrial And Commercial Fans And Blowers And Air Purification
3565 Packaging Machinery
3566 Speed Changers, Industrial High-speed Drives, And Gears
3567 Industrial Process Furnaces And Ovens
3568 Mechanical Power Transmission Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified
3569 General Industrial Machinery And Equipment, Not Elsewhere
3581 Automatic Vending Machines
3582 Commercial Laundry, Drycleaning, And Pressing Machines
3585 Air-conditioning And Warm Air Heating Equipment And Commercial
3586 Measuring And Dispensing Pumps
3589 Service Industry Machinery, Not Elsewhere Classified
3592 Carburetors, Pistons, Piston Rings, And Valves
3593 Fluid Power Cylinders And Actuators
3594 Fluid Power Pumps And Motors
3596 Scales And Balances, Except Laboratory
3599 Industrial And Commercial Machinery And Equipment, Not Elsewhere
3612 Power, Distribution, And Specialty Transformers
3613 Switchgear And Switchboard Apparatus
3621 Motors And Generators
3624 Carbon And Graphite Products
3625 Relays And Industrial Controls
3629 Electrical Industrial Apparatus, Not Elsewhere Classified
3631 Household Cooking Equipment
3632 Household Refrigerators And Home And Farm Freezers
3633 Household Laundry Equipment
3634 Electric Housewares And Fans
3635 Household Vacuum Cleaners
3639 Household Appliances, Not Elsewhere Classified
3641 Electric Lamp Bulbs And Tubes
3643 Current-carrying Wiring Devices
3644 Noncurrent-carrying Wiring Devices
3645 Residential Electric Lighting Fixtures
3646 Commercial, Industrial, And Institutional Electric Lighting Fixtures
3647 Vehicular Lighting Equipment
3648 Lighting Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified
3651 Household Audio And Video Equipment
3652 Phonograph Records And Prerecorded Audio Tapes And Disks
3661 Telephone And Telegraph Apparatus
3663 Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment
3669 Communications Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified
3691 Storage Batteries
3692 Primary Batteries, Dry And Wet
3694 Electrical Equipment For Internal Combustion Engines
3695 Magnetic And Optical Recording Media
3699 Electrical Machinery, Equipment, And Supplies, Not Elsewhere
3911 Jewelry, Precious Metal
3914 Silverware, Plated Ware, And Stainless Steel Ware
3915 Jewelers' Findings And Materials, And Lapidary Work
3931 Musical Instruments
3942 Dolls And Stuffed Toys
3944 Games, Toys, And Children's Vehicles, Except Dolls And Bicycles
3949 Sporting And Athletic Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified
3951 Pens, Mechanical Pencils, And Parts
3952 Lead Pencils, Crayons, And Artists' Materials
3953 Marking Devices
3955 Carbon Paper And Inked Ribbons
3961 Costume Jewelry And Costume Novelties, Except Precious Metal
3965 Fasteners, Buttons, Needles, And Pins
3991 Brooms And Brushes
3993 Signs And Advertising Specialties
3995 Burial Caskets
3996 Linoleum, Asphalted-felt-base, And Other Hard Surface Floor
3999 Manufacturing Industries, Not Elsewhere Classified
3731 Ship Building and Repair
3732 Boat Building and Repairing

3714 Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Motor Vehicles And Motor Vehicle Equipment

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing motor vehicle parts and accessories, but not engaged in manufacturing complete motor vehicles or passenger car bodies. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing or assembling complete automobiles and trucks are classified in Industry 3711; those manufacturing tires and tubes are classified in Industry 3011; those manufacturing automobile glass are classified in Major Group 32; those manufacturing automobile stampings are classified in Industry 3465; those manufacturing vehicular lighting equipment are classified in Industry 3647; those manufacturing ignition systems are classified in Industry 3694; those manufacturing storage batteries are classified in Industry 3691; and those manufacturing carburetors, pistons, piston rings, and engine intake and exhaust valves are classified in Industry 3592.

Air brakes, motor vehicle Automotive wiring harness sets, except ignition Axle housings and shafts, motor vehicle Axles, motor vehicle Ball joints, motor vehicle Bearings, motor vehicle: except ball and roller Brake drums Brakes and brake parts, motor vehicle Bumpers and bumperettes, motor vehicle Camshafts, motor vehicle gasoline engine Cleaners, air: motor vehicle Connecting rods, motor vehicle: gasoline engine Control equipment, motor vehicle: acceleration mechanisms and Crankshaft assemblies, motor vehicle: gasoline engine Cylinder heads, motor vehicle: gasoline engines Defrosters, motor vehicle Differentials and parts, motor vehicle Directional signals, motor vehicle Drive shafts, motor vehicle Dump truck lifting mechanisms Engines and parts, except diesel: motor vehicle Exhaust systems and parts, motor vehicle Fifth wheels Filters: oil, fuel, and air-motor vehicle Frames, motor vehicle Fuel pumps, motor vehicle Fuel systems and parts, motor vehicle Gas tanks, motor vehicle Gears, motor vehicle Governors, motor vehicle Heaters, motor vehicle Hoods, motor vehicle Horns, motor vehicle Hydraulic fluid power pumps for auto motive steering mechanisms Instrument board assemblies, motor vehicle Lubrication systems and parts, motor vehicle Manifolds, motor vehicle: gasoline engine Motor vehicle gasoline engine rebuilding on a factory basis Motor vehicle parts and accessories, except motor vehicle stampings Mufflers, exhaust: motor vehicle Oil filters, motor vehicle Pipes, fuel: motor vehicle Power transmission equipment, motor vehicle Pumps, motor vehicle: oil, water, fuel, and power steering Radiators and radiator shells and cores, motor vehicle Rear axle housings, motor vehicle Rebuilding motor vehicle gasoline engines and transmissions on a Rims, wheel: motor vehicle Sanders, motor vehicle safety Shock absorbers, motor vehicle Steering mechanisms, motor vehicle Thermostats, motor vehicle Third axle attachments or six wheel units for motor vehicles Tie rods, motor vehicle Tire valve cores Tops, motor vehicle: except stamped metal Transmission housings and parts, motor vehicle Transmissions, motor vehicle Universal joints, motor vehicle Vacuum brakes, motor vehicle Wheels, motor vehicle Windshield frames, motor vehicle Windshield wiper systems, all types Winterfronts, motor vehicle Wiring harness sets motor vehicles, except ignition

3721 Aircraft

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Aircraft And Parts

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing or assembling complete aircraft. This industry also includes establishments owned by aircraft manufacturers and primarily engaged in research and development on aircraft, whether from enterprise funds or on a contract or fee basis. Also included are establishments engaged in repairing and rebuilding aircraft on a factory basis. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing engines and other aircraft parts and auxiliary equipment are classified in Industries 3724 and 3728; and those manufacturing guided missiles and space vehicles and parts are classified in Industry Group 376. Establishments primarily engaged in the repair of aircraft, except on a factory basis, are classified in Transportation, Industry 4581; and research and development on aircraft by establishments not owned by aircraft manufacturers are classified in Services, Industry 8731.

Aircraft Airplanes, fixed or rotary wing Airships Autogiros Balloons (aircraft) Blimps Dirigibles Gliders (aircraft) Hang gliders Helicopters Research and development on aircraft by the manufacturer

3724 Aircraft Engines And Engine Parts

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Aircraft And Parts

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing aircraft engines and engine parts. This industry also includes establishments owned by aircraft engine manufacturers and primarily engaged in research and development on aircraft engines and engine parts whether from enterprise funds or on a contract or fee basis. Also included are establishments engaged in repairing and rebuilding aircraft engines on a factory basis. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing guided missile and space vehicle propulsion units and parts are classified in Industry 3764; those manufacturing aircraft intake and exhaust valves and pistons are classified in Industry 3592; and those manufacturing aircraft internal combustion engine filters are classified in Industry 3714. Establishments primarily engaged in the repair of aircraft engines, except on a factory basis, are classified in Transportation, Industry 4581; and research and development on aircraft engines on a contract or fee basis by establishments not owned by aircraft engine manufacturers are classified in Services, Industry 8731.

Air scoops, aircraft Aircraft engines and engine parts, internal combustion and jet Airfoils, aircraft engine Cooling systems, aircraft engine Engine heaters, aircraft Engine mount parts, aircraft Exhaust systems, aircraft External power units, aircraft: for hand-inertia starters Jet assisted takeoff devices (JATO) Lubricating systems, aircraft Pumps, aircraft engine Research and development on aircraft engines and engine parts by the Rocket motors, aircraft Starters, aircraft: nonelectric Turbines, aircraft type Turbo-superchargers, aircraft

3728 Aircraft Parts And Auxiliary Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Aircraft And Parts

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing aircraft parts and auxiliary equipment, not elsewhere classified. This industry also includes establishments owned by manufacturers of aircraft parts and auxiliary equipment and primarily engaged in research and development on aircraft parts, whether from enterprise funds or on a contract or fee basis. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing or assembling complete aircraft are classified in Industry 3721; those manufacturing aircraft engines and parts are classified in Industry 3724; those manufacturing aeronautical instruments are classified in Industry 3812; those manufacturing aircraft engine electrical (aeronautical electrical) equipment are classified in Industry 3694; and those manufacturing guided missile and space vehicle parts and auxiliary equipment are classified in Industry 3769. Establishments not owned by manufacturers of aircraft parts but primarily engaged in research and development on aircraft parts on a contract or fee basis are classified in Services, Industry 8731.

Adapter assemblies, hydromatic propeller Ailerons, aircraft Aircraft armament, except guns Aircraft arresting device system Aircraft assemblies, subÄassemblies, and parts, except engines Aircraft body assemblies and parts Aircraft power transmission equipment Aircraft propeller parts Airframe assemblies, except for guided missiles Airplane brake expanders Alighting assemblies (landing gear), aircraft Beaching gear, aircraft Blades, aircraft propeller: metal or wood Bomb racks, aircraft Brakes, aircraft Chaffing dispensers, aircraft Countermeasure dispensers, aircraft Deicing equipment, aircraft Dive brakes, aircraft Dusting and spraying equipment, aircraft Dynetric balancing stands, aircraft Elevators, aircraft Empennage (tail) assemblies and parts aircraft Fins, aircraft Flaps, aircraft wing Fuel tanks, aircraft: including self-sealing Fuselage assemblies, aircraft Gears, power transmission: aircraft Governors, aircraft propeller feathering Hubs, aircraft propeller Instrument panel mockups: aircraft training units Landing gear, aircraft Landing skis and tracks, aircraft Link trainers (aircraft training mechanisms) Nacelles, aircraft Oleo struts, aircraft Oxygen systems for aircraft Panel assemblies (hydromatic propeller test stands), aircraft Pontoons, aircraft Propeller alining tables Propellers, variable and fixed pitch and parts-aircraft Pumps, propeller feathering Refueling equipment, airplane: for use in night Research and development on aircraft parts and auxiliary equipment Roto-blades for helicopters Rudders, aircraft Seat ejector devices, aircraft Spinners, aircraft propeller Stabilizers, aircraft Target drones, aircraft Targets, trailer type: aircraft Tow targets, aircraft Training aids, aircraft: except electronic Transmissions, aircraft Turret test fixtures, aircraft Turrets and turret drives, aircraft Wheels, aircraft Wing assemblies and parts, aircraft

3743 Railroad Equipment

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Railroad Equipment

Establishments primarily engaged in building and rebuilding locomotives (including frames and parts, not elsewhere classified) of any type or gauge; and railroad, street, and rapid transit cars and car equipment for operation on rails for freight and passenger service. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing mining cars are classified in Industry 3532. Repair shops, owned and operated by railroads or local transit companies, repairing locomotives or cars for their oWn use are classified in Transportation, Major Groups 40 and 41. Establishments primarily engaged in repairing railroad cars on a contract or fee basis are classified in Transportation, Industry 4789; and those repairing locomotive engines on a contract or fee basis are classified in Services, Industry 7699.

Brakes, railway: air and vacuum Cars and car equipment, freight or passenger Dining cars and car equipment Engines, steam (locomotives) Freight cars and car equipment Industrial locomotives and parts Interurban cars and car equipment Locomotives, locomotive frames, and parts Lubrication systems, locomotive Mining locomotives and parts Railroad car rebuilding Railway motor cars Rapid transit cars and equipment Sleeping cars, railroad Streetcars and car equipment Switching locomotives and parts, electric and nonelectric Tank freight cars and car equipment Tenders, locomotive Trolley buses, trackless

3761 Guided Missiles And Space Vehicles

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Guided Missiles And Space Vehicles And Parts

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing complete guided missiles and space vehicles. This industry also includes establishments owned by guided missile and space vehicle manufacturers and primarily engaged in research and development on these products, whether from enterprise funds or on a contract or fee basis. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing guided missile and space vehicle propulsion units and propulsion unit parts are classified in Industry 3764; those manufacturing space satellites are classified in Industry 3669; those manufacturing guided missile and space vehicle airborne and ground guidance, checkout, and launch electronic systems and components are classified in Industry 3812; and those manufacturing guided missile and space vehicle airframes, nose cones, and space capsules are classified in Industry 3769. Research and development on guided missiles and space vehicles, on a contract or fee basis, by establishments not owned by guided missile or space vehicle manufacturers are classified in Services, Industry 8731.

Ballistic missiles, complete Guided missiles, complete Research and development on guided missiles and space vehicles, by Rockets (guided missiles), space and military: complete Space vehicles, complete

3764 Guided Missile And Space Vehicle Propulsion Units And Propulsion

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Guided Missiles And Space Vehicles And Parts

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing guided missile propulsion units and propulsion unit parts. This industry also includes establishments owned by manufacturers of guided missile and space vehicle propulsion units and parts and primarily engaged in research and development on such products, whether from enterprise funds or on a contract or fee basis. Research and development on guided missile and space propulsion units, on a contract or fee basis by establishments not owned by manufacturers of guided missile and space vehicle propulsion units and parts, are classified in Services, Industry 8731.

Engines and engine parts, guided missile Propulsion units for guided missiles and space vehicles Research and development on guided missile and space vehicle Rocket motors, guided missile

3769 Guided Missile And Space Vehicle Parts And Auxiliary Equipment

Division: Manufacturing
Group: Guided Missiles And Space Vehicles And Parts

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing guided missile and space vehicle parts and auxiliary equipment, not elsewhere classified. This industry also includes establishments owned by manufacturers of guided missile and space vehicle parts and auxiliary equipment, not elsewhere classified, and primarily engaged in research and development on such products, whether from enterprise funds or on a contract or fee basis. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing navigational and guidance systems are classified in Industry 3812. Research and development on guided missile and space vehicle parts, on a contract or fee basis by establishments not owned by manufacturers of such products, are classified in Services, Industry 8731.

Airframe assemblies, for guided missiles Casings for missiles and missile components shipping and storage Nose cones, guided missile Research and development on guided missile and space vehicle Space capsules

1521 General Contractors-single-family Houses

Division: Construction
Group: General Building Contractors-residential

General contractors primarily engaged in construction (including new work, additions, alterations, remodeling, and repair) of single-family houses.

Townhouse construction-general contractors

1522 General Contractors-residential Buildings, Other Than Single-family

Division: Construction
Group: General Building Contractors-residential

General contractors primarily engaged in construction (including new work, additions, alterations, remodeling, and repair) of residential buildings other than single-family houses.

Apartment building construction-general contractors Building alterations, residential: except single-family-general Building construction, residential: except single-family-general Custom builders, residential: except single-family-general contractors Designing and erecting, combined: residential, except single-family- Dormitory construction-general contractors Home improvements, residential: except single-family-general Hotel construction-general contractors Motel construction-general contractors Prefabricated building erection, residential: except Remodeling buildings, residential: except single-family-general Renovating buildings, residential: except single-family-general Repairing buildings, residential: except single-family-general Residential construction, except single-family-general contractors

1531 Operative Builders

Division: Construction
Group: Operative Builders

Builders primarily engaged in the construction of single-family houses and other buildings for sale on their own account rather than as contractors. Establishments primarily engaged in the construction (including renovation) of buildings for lease or rental on their own account are classified in Real Estate, Industry Group 651.

Condominium developers on own account Cooperative apartment developers on own account Operative builders on own account Speculative builders

1541 General Contractors-industrial Buildings And Warehouses

Division: Construction
Group: General Building Contractors-nonresidential

General contractors primarily engaged in the construction (including new work, additions, alterations, remodeling, and repair) of industrial buildings and warehouses, such as aluminum plants, automobile assembly plants, pharmaceutical manufacturing plants, and commercial warehouses.

Aluminum plant construction-general contractors Building alterations, industrial and warehouse-general contractors Building components manufacturing plant construction-general Building construction, industrial and warehouse-general contractors Clean room construction-general contractors Cold storage plant construction-general contractors Commercial warehouse construction-general contractors Custom builders, industrial and warehouse-general contractors Designing and erecting, combined: industrial-general contractors Drycleaning plant construction-general contractors Factory construction-general contractors Food products manufacturing or packing plant construction-general Grain elevator construction-general contractors Industrial building construction-general contractors Industrial plant construction-general contractors Paper pulp mill construction-general contractors Pharmaceutical manufacturing plant construction-general contractors Prefabricated building erection, industrial-general contractors Remodeling buildings, industrial and warehouse-general contractors Renovating buildings, industrial and warehouse-general contractors Repairing buildings, industrial and warehouse-general contractors Truck and automobile assembly plant construction-general contractors Warehouse construction-general contractors

1542 General Contractors-nonresidential Buildings, Other Than Industrial

Division: Construction
Group: General Building Contractors-nonresidential

General contractors primarily engaged in the construction (including new work, additions, alterations, remodeling, and repair) of nonresidential buildings, other than industrial buildings and warehouses. Included are nonresidential buildings, such as commercial, institutional, religious, and amusement and recreational buildings. General contractors primarily engaged in the construction of industrial buildings and warehouses are classified in Industry 1541.

Administration building construction-general contractors Auditorium construction-general contractors Bank building construction-general contractors Building alterations, nonresidential: except industrial and Building construction, nonresidential: except industrial and Church, synagogue, and related building construction-general Civic center construction-general contractors Commercial building construction-general contractors Custom builders, nonresidential except industrial and Designing and erecting, combined commercial-general contractors Dome construction-general contractors Farm building construction, except residential-general contractors Fire station construction-general contractors Garage construction-general contractors Hospital construction-general contractors Institutional building construction nonresidential-general contractors Mausoleum construction-general contractors Museum construction-general contractors Office building construction-general contractors Passenger and freight terminal building construction-general Post office construction-general contractors Prefabricated building erection, nonresidential except industrial and Remodeling buildings, nonresidential except industrial and Renovating buildings, nonresidential except industrial and Repairing buildings, nonresidential except industrial and Restaurant construction-general contractors School building construction-general contractors Service station construction-general contractors Shopping center construction-general contractors Silo construction, agricultural-general contractors Stadium construction-general contractors Store construction-general contractors

1611 Highway And Street Construction, Except Elevated Highways

Division: Construction
Group: Highway And Street Construction, Except

General and special trade contractors primarily engaged in the construction of roads, streets, alleys, public sidewalks, guardrails, parkways, and airports. Special trade contractors primarily engaged in the construction of private driveways and sidewalks are classified in Industry 1771.

Airport runway construction-general contractors Alley construction-general contractors Asphalt paving: roads, public sidewalks, and streets-contractors Concrete construction: roads, highways, public sidewalks, and Grading for highways, streets, and airport runways-contractors Guardrail construction on highways-contractors Highway construction, except elevated-general contractors Highway signs, installation of-contractors Parkway construction-general contractors Paving construction-contractors Surfacing street and highways-contractors Road construction, except elevated-general contractors Sidewalk construction, public-contractors Street maintenance or repair-contractors Street paving-contractors

1622 Bridge, Tunnel, And Elevated Highway Construction

Division: Construction
Group: Heavy Construction, Except Highway And Street

General contractors primarily engaged in the construction of bridges; viaducts; elevated highways; and highway, pedestrian, and railway tunnels. General contractors engaged in subway construction are classified in Industry 1629. Special trade contractors primarily engaged in guardrail construction or installation of highway signs is classified in Industry 1611.

Abutment construction-general contractors Bridge construction-general contractors Causeway construction on structural supports-general contractors Highway construction, elevated-general contractors Overpass construction-general contractors Trestle construction-general contractors Tunnel construction-general contractors Underpass construction-general contractors Viaduct construction-general contractors

1623 Water, Sewer, Pipeline, And Communications And Power Line

Division: Construction
Group: Heavy Construction, Except Highway And Street

General and special trade contractors primarily engaged in the construction of water and sewer mains, pipelines, and communications and power lines.

Aqueduct construction-general contractors Cable laying construction-contractors Cable television line construction-contractors Conduit construction-contractors Distribution lines construction, oil and gas field-general contractors Gas main construction-general contractors Manhole construction-contractors Natural gas compressing station construction-general contractors Pipelaying-general contractors Pipeline construction-general contractors Pipeline wrapping-contractors Pole line construction-general contractors Power line construction-general contractors Pumping station construction-general contractors Radio transmitting tower construction-general contractors Sewage collection and disposal line construction-general contractors Sewer construction-general contractors Telegraph line construction-general contractors Telephone line construction-general contractors Television transmitting tower construction-general contractors Transmission line construction-general contractors Water main line construction-general contractors

1629 Heavy Construction, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Construction
Group: Heavy Construction, Except Highway And Street

General and special trade contractors primarily engaged in the construction of heavy projects, not elsewhere classified.

Athletic field construction-general contractors Blasting, except building demolition-contractors Breakwater construction-general contractors Bridle path construction-general contractors Brush clearing or cutting-contractors Caisson drilling-contractors Canal construction-general contractors Central station construction-general contractors Channel construction-general contractors Channel cutoff construction-general contractors Chemical complex or facilities construction-general contractors Clearing of land-general contractors Cofferdam construction-general contractors Coke oven construction-general contractors Cutting right-of-way-general contractors Dam construction-general contractors Dike construction-general contractors Discharging station construction, mine-general contractors Dock construction-general contractors Drainage project construction-general contractors Dredging-general contractors Earth moving, not connected with building construction-general Flood control project construction-general contractors Furnace construction for industrial plants-general contractors Golf course construction-general contractors Harbor construction-general contractors Hydroelectric plant construction-general contractors Industrial incinerator construction-general contractors Industrial plant appurtenance construction-general contractors Irrigation projects construction-general contractors Jetty construction-general contractors Kiln construction-general contractors Land clearing-contractors Land drainage-contractors Land leveling (irrigation)-contractors Land reclamation-contractors Levee construction-general contractors Light and power plant construction-general contractors Loading station construction, mine-general contractors Lock and waterway construction-general contractors Marine construction-general contractors Mine loading and discharging station construction-general contractors Mining appurtenance construction-general contractors Missile facilities construction-general contractors Nuclear reactor containment structure construction-general contractors Oil refinery construction-general contractors Oven construction for industrial plants-general contractors Oven construction, bakers'-general contractors Petrochemical plant construction-general contractors Petroleum refinery construction-general contractors Pier construction-general contractors Pile driving-contractors Pond construction-general contractors Power plant construction-general contractors Railroad construction-general contractors Railway roadbed construction-general contractors Reclamation projects construction-general contractors Reservoir construction-general contractors Revetment construction-general contractors Rock removal, underwater-contractors Sewage treatment plant construction-general contractors Ski tow erection-general contractors Soil compacting service-contractors Submarine rock removal-general contractors Subway construction-general contractors Tennis court construction, outdoor-general contractors Timber removal, underwater-contractors Tipple construction-general contractors Trail building-general contractors Trailer camp construction-general contractors Trenching-contractors Washeries construction, mining-general contractors Waste disposal plant construction-general contractors Water power project construction-general contractors Water treatment plant construction-general contractors Waterway construction-general contractors Wharf construction-general contractors

1711 Plumbing, Heating And Air-conditioning

Division: Construction
Group: Plumbing, Heating And Air-conditioning

Special trade contractors primarily engaged in plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, and similar work. Sheet metal work performed by plumbing, heating, and air-conditioning contractors in conjunction with the installation of plumbing, heating, and air-conditioning equipment is included here, but roofing and sheet metal work contractors are classified in Industry 1761. Special trade contractors primarily engaged in electrical work are classified in Industry 1731.

Air system balancing and testing-contractors Air-conditioning, with or without sheet metal work-contractors Boiler erection and installation-contractors Drainage system installation, cesspool and septic tank-contractors Dry well construction, cesspool-contractors Fuel oil burner installation and servicing-contractors Furnace repair-contractors Gas line hookup-contractors Heating equipment installation-contractors Heating, with or without sheet metal work-contractors Lawn sprinkler system installation-contractors Mechanical contractors Piping, plumbing-contractors Plumbing and heating-contractors Plumbing repair-contractors Plumbing, with or without sheet metal work-contractors Refrigeration and freezer work-contractors Sewer hookups and connections for buildings-contractors Sheet metal work combined with heating or Solar heating apparatus-contractors Sprinkler system installation-contractors Steam fitting-contractors Sump pump installation and servicing-contractors Ventilating work, with or without sheet metal work-contractors Water pump installation and servicing-contractors Water system balancing and testing-contractors

1721 Painting And Paper Hanging

Division: Construction
Group: Painting And Paper Hanging

Special trade contractors primarily engaged in painting and paper hanging. Special trade contractors primarily engaged in roof painting are classified in Industry 1761.

Bridge painting-contractors Electrostatic painting on site (including of lockers and fixtures)- House painting-contractors Painting of buildings and other structures, except roofs-contractors Paper hanging-contractors Ship painting-contractors Traffic lane painting-contractors Whitewashing-contractors

1731 Electrical Work

Division: Construction
Group: Electrical Work

Special trade contractors primarily engaged in electrical work at the site. The construction of transmission lines is classified in Industry 1623, and electrical work carried on in repair shops is classified in Services, Industry Group 762. Establishments primarily engaged in monitoring of burglar and fire alarms with incidental installation are classified in Services, Industry 7382.

Burglar alarm installation-contractors Cable splicing, electrical-contractors Cable television hookup-contractors Communications equipment installation-contractors Electrical repair at site of construction-contractors Electrical work-contractors Electronic control system installation-contractors Fire alarm installation-contractors Highway lighting and electrical signal construction-contractors Intercommunications equipment installation-contractors Sound equipment installation-contractors Telecommunications equipment installation-contractors Telephone and telephone equipment installation-contractors

1741 Masonry, Stone Setting, And Other Stone Work

Division: Construction
Group: Masonry, Stonework, Tile Setting, And Plastering

Special trade contractors primarily engaged in masonry work, stone setting, and other stone work. Special trade contractors primarily engaged in concrete work are classified in Industry 1771; those engaged in digging foundations are classified in Industry 1794; and those engaged in the construction of streets, highways, and alleys are classified in Industry 1611

Bricklaying-contractors Chimney construction and maintenance-contractors Concrete block laying-contractors Foundations, building of: block, stone, or brick-contractors Marble work, exterior construction-contractors Masonry-contractors Refactory brick construction-contractors Retaining wall construction: block, stone, or brick-contractors Stone setting-contractors Stonework erection-contractors Tuck pointing-contractors

1742 Plastering, Drywall, Acoustical, And Insulation Work

Division: Construction
Group: Masonry, Stonework, Tile Setting, And Plastering

Special trade contractors primarily engaged in applying plain or ornamental plaster, including the installation of lathing and other appurtenances to receive plaster, or in drywall, acoustical, and building insulation work.

Acoustical work-contractors Ceilings, acoustical installation-contractors Drywall construction-contractors Insulation installation, buildings-contractors Lathing-contractors Plastering, plain or ornamental-contractors Solar reflecting insulation film-contractors Taping and finishing drywall-contractors

1743 Terrazzo, Tile, Marble, And Mosaic Work

Division: Construction
Group: Masonry, Stonework, Tile Setting, And Plastering

Special trade contractors primarily engaged in setting and installing ceramic tile, marble, and mosaic, and in mixing marble particles and cement to make terrazzo at the site of construction. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing precast terrazzo steps, benches, and other terrazzo articles are classified in Manufacturing, Industry 3272.

Fresco work-contractors Mantel work-contractors Marble installation, interior: including finishing-contractors Mosaic work-contractors Terrazzo work-contractors Tile installation, ceramic-contractors Tile setting, ceramic-contractors

1751 Carpentry Work

Division: Construction
Group: Carpentry And Floor Work

Special trade contractors primarily engaged in carpentry work. Establishments primarily engaged in building and installing cabinets at the job site are classified in this industry. Establishments primarily engaged in building custom cabinets for individuals in a shop are classified in Retail Trade, Industry 5712. Carpentry work performed by general contractors engaged in building construction is classified in Major Group 15.

Cabinet work performed at the construction site Carpentry work-contractors Folding door installation-contractors Framing-contractors Garage door installation-contractors Joinery, ship-contractors Ship joinery-contractors Store fixture installation-contractors Trim and finish-contractors Window and door (prefabricated) installation-contractors

1752 Floor Laying And Other Floor Work, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Construction
Group: Carpentry And Floor Work

Special trade contractors primarily engaged in the installation of asphalt tile, carpeting, linoleum, and resilient flooring. This industry also includes special trade contractors engaged in laying, scraping, and finishing parquet and other hardwood flooring. Establishments primarily engaged in installing stone and ceramic floor tile are classified in Industry Group 174; those installing or finishing concrete floors are classified in Industry 1771; and those installing artificial turf are classified in Industry 1799.

Asphalt tile installation-contractors Carpet laying or removal service-contractors Fireproof flooring construction-contractors Floor laying, scraping, finishing, and refinishing-contractors Flooring, wood-contractors Hardwood flooring-contractors Linoleum installation-contractors Parquet flooring-contractors Resilient floor laying-contractors Vinyl floor tile and sheet installation-contractors

1761 Roofing, Siding, And Sheet Metal Work

Division: Construction
Group: Roofing, Siding, And Sheet Metal Work

Special trade contractors primarily engaged in the installation of roofing, siding, and sheet metal work. Sheet metal work performed by plumbing, heating, and air-conditioning contractors in conjunction with the installation of plumbing, heating, and air-conditioning equipment are classified in Industry 1711.

Architectural sheet metal work-contractors Ceilings, metal: erection and repair-contractors Coppersmithing, in connection with construction work-contractors Downspout installation, metal-contractors Duct work, sheet metal-contractors Gutter installation, metal-contractors Roof spraying, painting, or coating-contractors Roofing work, including repairing-contractors Sheet metal work: except plumbing, heating, or Siding-contractors Skylight installation-contractors Tinsmithing, in connection with construction work-contractors

1771 Concrete Work

Division: Construction
Group: Concrete Work

Special trade contractors primarily engaged in concrete work, including portland cement and asphalt. This industry includes the construction of private driveways and walks of all materials. Concrete work incidental to the construction of foundations and concrete work included in an excavation contract are classified in Industry 1794; and those engaged in construction or paving of streets, highways, and public sidewalks are classified in Industry 1611.

Asphalting of private driveways and private parking areas-contractors Blacktop work: private driveways and private parking Concrete finishers-contractors Concrete work: private driveways, sidewalks, and parking areas- Culvert construction-contractors Curb construction-contractors Foundations, building of: poured concrete-contractors Grouting work-contractors Gunite work-contractors Parking lot construction-contractors Patio construction, concrete-contractors Sidewalk construction, except public-contractors Stucco construction-contractors

1781 Water Well Drilling

Division: Construction
Group: Water Well Drilling

Special trade contractors primarily engaged in water well drilling. Establishments primarily engaged in drilling oil or gas field water intake wells on a contract or fee basis are classified in Mining, Industry 1381.

Drilling water wells-contractors Geothermal drilling-contractors Servicing water wells-contractors Well drilling, water: except oil or gas field water intake-contractors

1791 Structural Steel Erection

Division: Construction
Group: Miscellaneous Special Trade Contractors

Special trade contractors primarily engaged in the erection of structural steel and of similar products of prestressed or precast concrete.

Building front installation, metal-contractors Concrete products, structural precast or prestressed: placing of- Concrete reinforcement, placing of-contractors Curtain wall installation-contractors Elevator front installation, metal-contractors Iron work, structural-contractors Metal furring-contractors Steel work, structural-contractors Storage tanks, metal: erection-contractors Store front installation, metal-contractors

1793 Glass And Glazing Work

Division: Construction
Group: Miscellaneous Special Trade Contractors

Special trade contractors primarily engaged in glass and glazing work. Establishments primarily engaged in the installation of automotive glass are classified in Services, Industry 7536.

Glass installation, except automotive-contractors Glass work, except automotive-contractors Glazing work-contractors

1794 Excavation Work

Division: Construction
Group: Miscellaneous Special Trade Contractors

Special trade contractors primarily engaged in excavation work and digging foundations, including digging and loading. Contractors in this industry may also perform incidental concrete work. Contractors primarily engaged in concrete work are classified in Industry 1771; and those primarily engaged in trenching or in earth moving and land clearing not related to building construction are classified in Major Group 16.

Excavation work-contractors Foundation digging (excavation)-contractors Grading: except for highways, streets, and airport runways-contractors

1795 Wrecking And Demolition Work

Division: Construction
Group: Miscellaneous Special Trade Contractors

Special trade contractors primarily engaged in the wrecking and demolition of buildings and other structures, except marine. They may or may not sell material derived from demolishing operations. Establishments primarily engaged in marine wrecking are classified in Transportation, Industry 4499.

Concrete breaking for streets and highways-contractors Demolition of buildings or other structures, except marine-contractors Dismantling steel oil tanks, except oil field work-contractors Wrecking of buildings or other structures, except marine-contract

1796 Installation Or Erection Of Building Equipment, Not Elsewhere

Division: Construction
Group: Miscellaneous Special Trade Contractors

Special trade contractors primarily engaged in the installation or erection of building equipment, not elsewhere classified, such as elevators, pneumatic tube systems, and dust collecting equipment. This industry also includes contractors primarily engaged in the installation or dismantling of machinery or other industrial equipment. Contractors primarily engaged in the construction of industrial incinerator, furnace, and oven structures are classified in Industry 1629.

Conveyor system installation-contractors Dismantling of machinery and other industrial equipment-contractors Dumbwaiter installation-contractors Dust collecting equipment installation-contractors Elevator installation, conversions and repair-contractors Incinerator installation, small-contractors Installation of machinery and other industrial equipment-contractors Machine rigging-contractors Millwrights Pneumatic tube system installation-contractors Power generating equipment installation-contractors Revolving door installation-contractors Vacuum cleaning systems, built-in-contractors

1799 Special Trade Contractors, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Construction
Group: Miscellaneous Special Trade Contractors

Special trade contractors primarily engaged in construction work, not elsewhere classified, such as construction of swimming pools and fences, erection and installation of ornamental metal work, house moving, shoring work, waterproofing, dampproofing, fireproofing, sandblasting, and steam cleaning of building exteriors.

Antenna installation, except household type-contractors Artificial turf installation-contractors Awning installation-contractors Bath tub refinishing-contractors Boring for building construction-contractors Bowling alley installation and service-contractors Cable splicing service, nonelectrical-contractors Caulking (construction)-contractors Cleaning building exteriors-contractors Cleaning new buildings after construction-contractors Coating of concrete structures with plastics-contractors Core drilling for building construction-contractors Counter top installation-contractors Dampproofing buildings-contractors Dewatering-contractors Diamond drilling for building construction-contractors Epoxy application-contractors Erection and dismantling of forms for poured concrete-contractors Fence construction-contractors Fire escape installation-contractors Fireproofing buildings-contractors Forms for poured concrete, erection and dismantling-contractors Gas leakage detection-contractors Gasoline pump installation-contractors Glazing of concrete surfaces-contractors Grave excavation-contractors House moving-contractors Insulation of pipes and boilers-contractors Lead burning-contractors Lightning conductor erection-contractors Mobile home site setup and tie down-contractors Ornamental metalwork-contractors Paint and wallpaper stripping-contractors Plastics wall tile installation-contractors Posthole digging-contractors Sandblasting of building exteriors-contractors Scaffolding construction-contractors Service and repair of broadcasting stations-contractors Service station equipment installation, maintenance, and repair- Shoring and underpinning work-contractors Spectator seating installation-contractors Steam cleaning of building exteriors-contractors Steeplejacks Swimming pool construction-contractors Television and radio stations, service and repair of-contractors Test boring for construction-contractors Tile installation, wall: plastics-contractors Tinting glass-contractors Wallpaper removal-contractors Waterproofing-contractors Weather stripping-contractors Welding contractors, operating at site of construction Window shade installation-contractors
5012 Automobiles And Other Motor Vehicles

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Motor Vehicles And Motor Vehicle Parts

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of new and used passenger automobiles, trucks, trailers, and other motor vehicles, including motorcycles, motor homes, and snowmobiles. Automotive distributors primarily engaged in selling at retail to individual consumers for personal use, and also selling a limited amount of new and used passenger automobiles and trucks at wholesale, are classified in Retail Trade, Industry 5511.

Ambulances-wholesale Automobile auction-wholesale Automobiles-wholesale Bodies, automotive-wholesale Buses-wholesale Campers (pickup couches) for mounting on trucks-wholesale Mopeds-wholesale Motor homes-wholesale Motor scooters-wholesale Motor vehicles, commercial-wholesale Motorcycles-wholesale Popup campers-wholesale Recreational vehicles-wholesale Snowmobiles-wholesale Taxicabs-wholesale Trailers for passenger automobiles-wholesale Truck tractors-wholesale Truck trailers-wholesale Trucks-wholesale Vans-wholesale

5013 Motor Vehicle Supplies And New Parts

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Motor Vehicles And Motor Vehicle Parts

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of motor vehicle supplies, accessories, tools, and equipment; and new motor vehicle parts.

Automobile engine testing equipment electrical-wholesale Automobile glass-wholesale Automobile service station equipment-wholesale Automotive accessories-wholesale Automotive engines, new-wholesale Automotive parts, new-wholesale Automotive stampings-wholesale Automotive supplies-wholesale Batteries, automotive-wholesale Engine electrical equipment, automotive-wholesale Garage service equipment-wholesale Hardware, automotive-wholesale Motorcycle parts-wholesale Pumps, measuring and dispensing: gasoline and oil-wholesale Seat belts, automotive-wholesale Seat covers, automotive-wholesale Service station equipment, automobile-wholesale Testing equipment, electrical: automotive-wholesale Tools and equipment, automotive-wholesale Wheels, motor vehicle: new-wholesale

5014 Tires And Tubes

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Motor Vehicles And Motor Vehicle Parts

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of tires and tubes for passenger and commercial vehicles.

Repair materials, tire and tube-wholesale Tires, used-wholesale Tires and tubes, new-wholesale Tires, used-wholesale

5015 Motor Vehicle Parts, Used

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Motor Vehicles And Motor Vehicle Parts

Establishments primarily engaged in the distribution at wholesale or retail of used motor vehicle parts. This industry includes establishments primarily engaged in dismantling motor vehicles for the purpose of selling parts. Establishments primarily engaged in dismantling motor vehicles for scrap are classified in Industry 5093.

Automobile engines, used-wholesale or retail Automobile parts, used-wholesale or retail Motor vehicle parts, used-wholesale or retail

5021 Furniture

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Furniture And Home Furnishings

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of furniture, including bedsprings, mattresses, and other household furniture; office furniture; and furniture for public parks and buildings. Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of partitions, shelving, lockers, and store fixtures are classified in Industry 5046.

Bar furniture-wholesale Bedsprings-wholesale Cafeteria furniture-wholesale Chairs household, office, and public building-wholesale Church pews-wholesale Desks, including school-wholesale Furniture, juvenile-wholesale Furniture, unfinished-wholesale Furniture household, office, restaurant, and public building-wholesale Lawn furniture-wholesale Mattresses-wholesale School desks-wholesale Theater seats-wholesale Waterbeds-wholesale

5023 Home Furnishings

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Furniture And Home Furnishings

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of home furnishings and housewares, including antiques; china; glassware and earthenware; lamps (including electric); curtains and draperies; linens and towels; and carpets, linoleum, and all other types of hard and soft surface floor coverings. Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of other electrical household goods are classified in Industry 5064, and those distributing precious metal flatware are classified in Industry 5094.

Aluminum ware-wholesale Bedspreads-wholesale Blankets-wholesale Carpets-wholesale China-wholesale Crockery-wholesale Curtains-wholesale Draperies-wholesale Floor coverings-wholesale Glassware, household-wholesale Home furnishings-wholesale Kitchen tools and utensils, except precious metal flatware-wholesale Lamps: floor, boudoir, desk-wholesale Linens-wholesale Linoleum-wholesale Pillow cases-wholesale Rugs-wholesale Sheets, textile-wholesale Slipcovers, furniture-wholesale Table linens-wholesale

5031 Lumber, Plywood, Millwork, And Wood Panels

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Lumber And Other Construction Materials

Establishments, with or without yards, primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of rough, dressed, and finished lumber (but not timber); plywood; reconstituted wood fiber products; doors and windows and their frames (all materials); wood fencing; and other wood or metal millwork.

Composite board products, wood-based-wholesale Door frames, all materials-wholesale Enameled tileboard (hardboard)-wholesale Fencing, wood-wholesale Hardboard-wholesale Kitchen cabinets to be built in-wholesale Lumber rough, dressed, and finished-wholesale Medium density fiberboard-wholesale Metal doors, sash and trim-wholesale Millwork-wholesale Molding all materials-wholesale Paneling wood-wholesale Particleboard-wholesale Plywood-wholesale Shingles wood-wholesale Structural assemblies prefabricated wood-wholesale Veneer-wholesale Wallboard-wholesale Window frames all materials-wholesale Windows and doors-wholesale Wood siding-wholesale

5032 Brick, Stone, And Related Construction Materials

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Lumber And Other Construction Materials

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of stone, cement, lime, construction sand, and gravel; brick (except refractory); asphalt and concrete mixtures; and concrete, stone, and structural clay products (other than refractories). Distributors of industrial sand and of refractory materials are classified in Industry 5085. Establishments primarily engaged in producing ready-mixed concrete are classified in Manufacturing, Industry 3273.

Aggregate-wholesale Asphalt mixtures-wholesale Blocks building-wholesale Brick, except refractory-wholesale Building stone-wholesale Cement-wholesale Ceramic construction materials except refractory-wholesale Ceramic wall and floor tile-wholesale Cinders-wholesale Clay construction materials except refractory-wholesale Concrete building products-wholesale Concrete mixtures-wholesale Granite building stone-wholesale Gravel-wholesale Lime except agricultural-wholesale Limestone-wholesale Marble building stone-wholesale Masons materials-wholesale Paving mixtures-wholesale Plaster-wholesale Sand, construction-wholesale Sewer pipe clay-wholesale Stone, building-wholesale Stone crushed or broken-wholesale Stucco-wholesale Terra cotta-wholesale Tile clay or other ceramic except refractory-wholesale Tile structural clay-wholesale

5033 Roofing, Siding, And Insulation Materials

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Lumber And Other Construction Materials

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of roofing and siding (except wood) and insulation materials.

Asphalt felts and coatings-wholesale Felts, tarred-wholesale Fiberglass insulation materials-wholesale Insulation, thermal-wholesale Mineral wool insulation materials-wholesale Roofing, asphalt and sheet metal-wholesale Shingles except wood-wholesale Siding except wood-wholesale

5039 Construction Materials, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Lumber And Other Construction Materials

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of mobile homes and of construction materials, not elsewhere classified, including prefabricated buildings and glass. Establishments selling construction materials to the general public and known as retail in the trade are classified in Retail Trade, Industry 5211. Establishments primarily engaged in marketing heavy structural metal products are classified in Industry 5051.

Architectural metalwork-wholesale Awnings-wholesale Fencing and accessories wire-wholesale Glass flat: except automotive-wholesale Grain storage bins-wholesale Metal buildings-wholesale Mobile homes-wholesale Plate glass-wholesale Prefabricated buildings-wholesale Septic tanks-wholesale Structural assemblies prefabricated: non-wood-wholesale Window glass-wholesale

5043 Photographic Equipment And Supplies

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Professional And Commercial Equipment

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of photographic equipment and supplies. Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of photocopy, microfilm, and similar equipment are classified in Industry 5044.

Cameras equipment, and supplies-wholesale Darkroom apparatus-wholesale Developing apparatus photographic-wholesale Film photographic-wholesale Identity recorders for photographing checks and fingerprints-wholesale Motion picture cameras equipment and supplies-wholesale Photographic cameras, projectors, equipment and supplies-wholesale Printing apparatus photographic-wholesale Projection apparatus, motion picture and slide: photographic-wholesale

5044 Office Equipment

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Professional And Commercial Equipment

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of office machines and related equipment, including photocopy and microfilm equipment and safes and vaults. These establishments frequently also sell office supplies. However, establishments primarily engaged in wholesaling most office supplies are classified in Industry Group 511. Establishments primarily engaged in wholesaling office furniture are classified in Industry 5021, and those wholesaling computers and peripheral equipment are classified in Industry 5045.

Accounting machines-wholesale Adding machines-wholesale Addressing machines-wholesale Bank automatic teller machines-wholesale Blueprinting equipment-wholesale Brownprinting equipment-wholesale Calculating machines-wholesale Cash registers-wholesale Duplicating machines-wholesale Mailing machines-wholesale Microfilming equipment-wholesale Mimeograph equipment-wholesale Photocopy machines-wholesale Typewriters-wholesale Vaults and safes-wholesale Whiteprinting equipment-wholesale

5045 Computers And Computer Peripheral Equipment And Software

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Professional And Commercial Equipment

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of computers, computer peripheral equipment, and computer software. These establishments frequently also may sell related supplies, but establishments primarily engaged in wholesaling supplies are classified according to the individual product (for example, computer paper in Industry 5112). Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of modems and other electronic communications equipment are classified in Industry 5065. Establishment primarily engaged in selling computers and computer peripheral equipment and software for other than business or professional use are classified in Retail Trade, Industry 5734.

Computer terminals-wholesale Computers-wholesale Disk drives-wholesale Keying equipment-wholesale Peripheral equipment computer-wholesale Printers computer-wholesale Software computer-wholesale

5046 Commercial Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Professional And Commercial Equipment

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of commercial and related machines and equipment, not elsewhere classified, such as commercial cooking and food service equipment; partitions, shelving, lockers, and store fixtures; electrical signs; and balances and scales, except laboratory.

Balances, except laboratory-wholesale Coffee urns, commercial-wholesale Cooking equipment, commercial-wholesale Fixtures, store, not refrigerated-wholesale Food warming equipment, commercial-wholesale Lockers, not refrigerated-wholesale Mannequins-wholesale Merchandising machines, automatic-wholesale Neon signs-wholesale Ovens, microwave: commercial-wholesale Partitions-wholesale Phonographs, coin-operated-wholesale Scales, except laboratory-wholesale Shelving-wholesale Signs, electrical-wholesale Soda fountain fixtures, except refrigerated-wholesale Vending machines-wholesale

5047 Medical, Dental, And Hospital Equipment And Supplies

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Professional And Commercial Equipment

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of surgical and other medical instruments, apparatus, and equipment; dentist equipment; artificial limbs; operating room and hospital equipment; X-ray machines; and other electromedical equipment and apparatus used by physicians and in hospitals. Also included in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of professional supplies used by medical and dental practitioners.

Baths, whirlpool-wholesale Beds, hospital-wholesale Dental equipment-wholesale Dental laboratory equipment-wholesale Dentists' professional supplies-wholesale Diagnostic equipment, medical-wholesale Electromedical equipment-wholesale Hearing aids-wholesale Hospital equipment-wholesale Hospital furniture-wholesale Industrial safety devices: first-aid kits, Face and eye masks-wholesale Laboratory equipment, dental and medical-wholesale Medical equipment-wholesale Medical glass-wholesale Orthopedic equipment-wholesale Patient monitoring equipment-wholesale Physicians' equipment-wholesale Physicians' supplies-wholesale Surgical and medical instruments-wholesale Surgical equipment-wholesale Therapy equipment-wholesale

5048 Ophthalmic Goods

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Professional And Commercial Equipment

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of professional equipment and goods used, prescribed, or sold by ophthalmologists, optometrists, and opticians, including ophthalmic frames, lenses, and sunglass lenses.

Frames, ophthalmic-wholesale Lenses, ophthalmic-wholesale Ophthalmic goods-wholesale Optometric equipment and supplies-wholesale

5049 Professional Equipment And Supplies, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Professional And Commercial Equipment

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of professional equipment and supplies, not elsewhere classified, such as drafting instruments, laboratory equipment, and scientific instruments.

Analytical instruments: photometers, spectrographs, and Architects' equipment and supplies-wholesale Drafting instruments and tables-wholesale Engineers' equipment and supplies-wholesale Laboratory equipment, except medical or dental-wholesale Scientific instruments-wholesale

5051 Metals Service Centers And Offices

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Metals And Minerals, Except Petroleum

Establishments primarily engaged in marketing semifinished metal products, except precious metals. Establishments in this industry may operate with warehouses (metals service centers) or without warehouses (metals sales offices). Establishments primarily engaged in marketing precious metals are classified in Industry 5094.

Aluminum bars, rods, ingots, sheets, pipes, plates, etc.-wholesale Anode metal-wholesale Bale ties, wire-wholesale Bars, metal-wholesale Bearing piles, iron and steel-wholesale Black plate, iron and steel-wholesale Castings, rough iron and steel-wholesale Concrete reinforcing bars-wholesale Copper sheets, plates, bars, rods, pipes, etc.-wholesale Ferroalloys-wholesale Forgings, ferrous-wholesale Forms, concrete construction steel-wholesale Foundry products-wholesale Ingots-wholesale Iron and steel flat products-wholesale Iron and steel semifinished products-wholesale Lead-wholesale Mercury-wholesale Metals, except precious-wholesale Nails-wholesale Nonferrous metal, except precious e.g. sheets, bars, rods-wholesale Pig iron-wholesale Piling, iron and steel-wholesale Pipe and tubing, steel-wholesale Pipe, cast iron-wholesale Plates, metal-wholesale Rails and accessories-wholesale Reinforcement mesh, wire-wholesale Rods, metal-wholesale Sheets, galvanized or other coated-wholesale Sheets, metal-wholesale Steel-wholesale Strip, metal-wholesale Structural shapes, iron and steel-wholesale Terneplate-wholesale Tin and tin base metals, shapes, forms, etc.-wholesale Tin plate bars-wholesale Tin plate-wholesale Track spikes-wholesale Tubing, metal-wholesale Wire rods-wholesale Wire rope or cable, not insulated-wholesale Wire screening-wholesale Wire, not insulated-wholesale Zinc-wholesale

5052 Coal And Other Minerals And Ores

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Metals And Minerals, Except Petroleum

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of coal and coke; copper, iron, lead, and other metallic ores, including precious metal ores; and crude nonmetallic minerals (including concentrates), except crude petroleum. Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of nonmetallic minerals used in construction, such as sand and gravel, are included in Industry 5032.

Coal-wholesale Coke-wholesale Copper ore-wholesale Gold ore-wholesale Iron ore-wholesale Lead ore-wholesale Metallic concentrates-wholesale Metallic ores-wholesale Nonmetallic minerals and concentrates crude: except Silver ore-wholesale Zinc ore-wholesale

5063 Electrical Apparatus And Equipment, Wiring Supplies

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Electrical Goods

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of electrical power equipment for the generation, transmission, distribution, or control of electric energy; electrical construction materials for outside power transmission lines and for electrical systems; and electric light fixtures and bulbs. Construction contractors primarily engaged in installing electrical systems and equipment from their own stock are classified in Construction, Industry 1731.

Alarm signal systems-wholesale Batteries, except automotive-wholesale Boxes and fittings, electrical-wholesale Bus bars and trolley ducts-wholesale Cable conduit-wholesale Capacitors, except electronic-wholesale Circuit breakers-wholesale Coaxial cable-wholesale Conduits and raceways-wholesale Construction materials, electrical: interior and exterior-wholesale Distribution equipment, electrical-wholesale Flashlights-wholesale Fuses and accessories-wholesale Generators, electrical-wholesale Hanging and fastening devices, electrical-wholesale Industrial motor controls-wholesale Insulators, electrical-wholesale Lamp bulbs-wholesale Light bulbs, electric-wholesale Lighting fixtures: residential, commercial, and industrial-wholesale Lugs and connectors, electrical-wholesale Motor controls, electric-wholesale Motors, electric-wholesale Panelboards-wholesale Pole line hardware-wholesale Power transmission equipment, electric-wholesale Receptacles, electrical-wholesale Relays-wholesale Safety switches-wholesale Service entrance equipment, electrical-wholesale Signaling equipment, electrical-wholesale Storage batteries, industrial-wholesale Switchboards, electrical distribution-wholesale Switches, except electronic-wholesale Switchgear-wholesale Time switches-wholesale Transformers, electric: except electronic-wholesale Transmission equipment, electrical-wholesale Unit substations-wholesale Wire rope or cable, insulated-wholesale Wire, insulated-wholesale Wiring devices-wholesale Wiring materials, interior-wholesale Wiring supplies-wholesale

5064 Electrical Appliances, Television And Radio Sets

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Electrical Goods

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of radio and television receiving sets, other household electronic sound or video equipment, self-contained air-conditioning room units, and household electrical appliances. Also included are establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of household nonelectric laundry equipment and refrigerators and freezers.

Air-conditioning room units, self-contained-wholesale Answering machines, telephone-wholesale Clothes dryers, household: electric and gas-wholesale Dishwashers, household: electric-wholesale Electric appliances, household-wholesale Electric housewares and household fans-wholesale Electric irons-wholesale Electric ranges-wholesale Electric razors-wholesale Electric washing machines-wholesale Freezers, household-wholesale Garbage disposals, electric-wholesale Humidifiers and dehumidifiers, portable-wholesale Ironers, household: electric-wholesale Microwave ovens, household-wholesale Motor vehicle radios-wholesale Percolators, electric-wholesale Phonographs, except coin-operated-wholesale Radios, receiving only, household and automotive-wholesale Refrigerators, household: electric and gas-wholesale Sewing machines, household: electric-wholesale Stereo equipment-wholesale Stoves, cooking or heating, household electric-wholesale Tape players and recorders, household-wholesale Television sets-wholesale Toothbrushes, electric-wholesale Vacuum cleaners, household-wholesale Video disc players-wholesale Waffle irons, electric-wholesale Washing machines, household electric-wholesale Water heaters, electric-wholesale

5065 Electronic Parts And Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Electrical Goods

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of electronic parts and electronic communications equipment, not elsewhere classified, such as telephone and telegraphic equipment; radio and television broadcasting and communications equipment; and intercommunications equipment. Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of radio and television receiving sets, phonographs, and other household sound or video equipment are classified in Industry 5064.

Amateur radio communications equipment-wholesale Capacitors, electronic-wholesale Cassettes, recording-wholesale Cathode ray picture tubes-wholesale Citizens' band radios-wholesale Coils, electronic-wholesale Communications equipment, except household-wholesale Condensers, electronic-wholesale Connectors, electronic-wholesale Diodes-wholesale Diskettes-wholesale Electronic parts-wholesale Electronic tubes: receiving, transmitting, and industrial-wholesale Intercommunications equipment, electronic-wholesale Magnetic recording tape-wholesale Modems-wholesale Public address equipment-wholesale Radio parts and accessories-wholesale Rectifiers, electronic-wholesale Resistors, electronic-wholesale Semiconductor devices-wholesale Tapes, audio and video recording-wholesale Telegraph equipment-wholesale Telephone equipment-wholesale Television receiving and transmitting tubes-wholesale Transformers, electronic-wholesale Transistors-wholesale Transmitters-wholesale

5072 Hardware

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Hardware, And Plumbing And Heating Equipment

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of cutlery and general hardware, including handsaws; saw blades; brads, staples, and tacks; and bolts, nuts, rivets, and screws. Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of nails, non-insulated wire, and screening are classified in Industry 5051.

Bolts, nuts, rivets, and screws-wholesale Brads-wholesale Builders' hardware-wholesale Cutlery-wholesale Fasteners, hardware-wholesale Handsaws-wholesale Handtools, except automotive and machinists' precision-wholesale Hardware, heavy-wholesale Hardware, shelf or light-wholesale Locks and related materials-wholesale Power handtools-wholesale Saw blades-wholesale Staples-wholesale Tacks-wholesale Washers, hardware-wholesale

5074 Plumbing And Heating Equipment And Supplies (hydronics)

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Hardware, And Plumbing And Heating Equipment

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of hydronic plumbing and heating equipment and supplies. Construction contractors primarily engaged in installing plumbing and heating equipment from their own stock are classified in Construction, Industry 1711.

Boilers, power: industrial-wholesale Boilers, steam and hot water heating-wholesale Burners, fuel oil and distillate oil-wholesale Convectors-wholesale Fireplaces, prefabricated-wholesale Furnaces, except electric and warm air-wholesale Hydronic heating equipment and supplies-wholesale Metal sanitary ware-wholesale Oil burners-wholesale Pipe and boiler covering-wholesale Plumbers' brass goods, fittings, and valves-wholesale Plumbing and heating valves-wholesale Plumbing fixtures, equipment, and supplies-wholesale Radiators and parts, heating: nonelectric-wholesale Ranges, except electric-wholesale Sanitary ware, china or enameled iron-wholesale Sauna heaters, except electric-wholesale Solar heating panels and equipment-wholesale Steam fittings-wholesale Stoves, cooking: except electric-wholesale Stoves, wood burning-wholesale Valves, plumbing and heating-wholesale Water conditioning equipment-wholesale Water heaters, except electric-wholesale Water softeners-wholesale

5075 Warm Air Heating And Air-conditioning Equipment And Supplies

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Hardware, And Plumbing And Heating Equipment

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of warm air heating and air-conditioning equipment and supplies. Construction contractors primarily engaged in installing warm air heating and air-conditioning equipment are classified in Construction, Industry 1711.

Air pollution control equipment and supplies-wholesale Air-conditioning equipment, except room units-wholesale Automotive air-conditioners-wholesale Compressors, air-conditioning-wholesale Condensing units, air-conditioning-wholesale Dust collection equipment-wholesale Furnaces, heating: electric-wholesale Furnaces, warm air-wholesale Humidifiers and dehumidifiers, except portable-wholesale Ventilating equipment and supplies-wholesale Warm air heating and cooling equipment-wholesale

5078 Refrigeration Equipment And Supplies

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Hardware, And Plumbing And Heating Equipment

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of refrigeration equipment and supplies. Construction contractors primarily engaged in the installation of refrigeration equipment from their own stock are classified in Construction, Industry 1711.

Beverage coolers-wholesale Cold storage machinery-wholesale Condensing units, refrigeration-wholesale Display cases, refrigerated-wholesale Drinking water coolers, mechanical-wholesale Fixtures, refrigerated-wholesale Ice cream cabinets-wholesale Ice making machines-wholesale Refrigerators, commercial: reach-in and walk-in-wholesale Show cases, refrigerated-wholesale Soda fountain fixtures, refrigerated-wholesale

5082 Construction And Mining (except Petroleum) Machinery

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Machinery, Equipment, And Supplies

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of construction or mining cranes, excavating machinery and equipment, power shovels, road construction and maintenance machinery, tractor-mounting equipment and other specialized machinery and equipment used in the construction, mining, and logging industries. Establishments engaged in marketing oil well machinery and equipment are classified in Industry 5084.

Bituminous processing equipment-wholesale Concrete processing equipment-wholesale Construction machinery and equipment-wholesale Cranes, construction-wholesale Crushing, pulverizing and screening machinery for construction and Dredges and draglines, except ships-wholesale Excavating machinery and equipment-wholesale Forestry equipment-wholesale Front-end loaders-wholesale Graders, motor-wholesale Logging equipment-wholesale Mineral beneficiation machinery-wholesale Mining machinery and equipment, except petroleum-wholesale Mixers, construction and mining-wholesale Pavers-wholesale Quarrying machinery and equipment-wholesale Road construction and maintenance machinery-wholesale Scaffolding-wholesale Shovels, power-wholesale Tracklaying equipment-wholesale Tractor-mounting equipment-wholesale Tractors, construction-wholesale Well points (drilling equipment)-wholesale

5083 Farm And Garden Machinery And Equipment

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Machinery, Equipment, And Supplies

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of agricultural machinery and equipment for use in the preparation and maintenance of the soil, the planting and harvesting of crops, and other operations and processes pertaining to work on the farm or the lawn or garden; and daily and other livestock equipment.

Agricultural machinery-wholesale Cream separators, farm-wholesale Cultivating machinery and equipment-wholesale Dairy farm machinery and equipment-wholesale Farm machinery and equipment-wholesale Garden machinery and equipment-wholesale Harvesting machinery and equipment-wholesale Haying machinery-wholesale Irrigation equipment-wholesale Land preparation machinery, agricultural-wholesale Lawn machinery and equipment-wholesale Milking machinery and equipment-wholesale Mowers, power-wholesale Planting machinery and equipment-wholesale Poultry equipment-wholesale Tractors, agricultural-wholesale Wind machines (frost protection equipment)-wholesale

5084 Industrial Machinery And Equipment

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Machinery, Equipment, And Supplies

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of industrial machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified.

Blanks, tips and inserts-wholesale Broaches-wholesale Cement making machinery-wholesale Chainsaws-wholesale Citrus processing machinery-wholesale Compressors, except air-conditioning and refrigeration-wholesale Controlling instruments and accessories, industrial-wholesale Conveyor systems-wholesale Counterbores-wholesale Countersinks-wholesale Cranes, industrial-wholesale Cream separators, except farm-wholesale Crushing machinery and equipment, industrial-wholesale Dairy products manufacturing machinery-wholesale Derricks-wholesale Dies, metalworking-wholesale Diesel engines and engine parts, industrial-wholesale Drilling bits-wholesale Elevators-wholesale Fans, industrial-wholesale Food product manufacturing machinery-wholesale Heat exchange equipment, industrial-wholesale Hobs-wholesale Hoists-wholesale Indicating instruments and accessories-wholesale Jigs-wholesale Ladders-wholesale Lift trucks-wholesale Machine tool accessories-wholesale Machine tools-wholesale Machinists' precision-measuring tools-wholesale Materials handling equipment-wholesale Measuring and testing equipment, electrical, except Metal refining machinery and equipment-wholesale Metalworking machinery-wholesale Metalworking tools: drills, taps, dies, grinding wheels, and Milk products manufacturing machinery and equipment-wholesale Oil refining machinery, equipment, and supplies-wholesale Oil well machinery, equipment, and supplies-wholesale Oil well supply houses-wholesale Packing machinery and equipment-wholesale Paint spray equipment, industrial-wholesale Paper manufacturing machinery-wholesale Power plant machinery, except electrical-wholesale Printing trades machinery, equipment, and supplies-wholesale Pulp (wood) manufacturing machinery-wholesale Pulverizing machinery and equipment, industrial-wholesale Pumps and pumping equipment, industrial-wholesale Reamers-wholesale Recapping machinery for tires-wholesale Recording instruments and accessories-wholesale Screening machinery and equipment, industrial-wholesale Sewing machines, industrial-wholesale Shoe manufacturing and repairing machinery-wholesale Smelting machinery and equipment-wholesale Stackers, industrial-wholesale Tapping attachments-wholesale Textile machinery and equipment-wholesale Threading tools-wholesale Tool holders (e.g., chucks, turrets)-wholesale Tractors, industrial-wholesale Trailers industrial-wholesale Trucks, industrial-wholesale Twist drills-wholesale Water pumps, industrial-wholesale Welding machinery and equipment-wholesale Winches-wholesale Woodworking machinery-wholesale

5085 Industrial Supplies

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Machinery, Equipment, And Supplies

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of industrial supplies, not elsewhere classified.

Abrasives-wholesale Barrels, new and reconditioned-wholesale Bearings-wholesale Bort-wholesale Bottlers' supplies: caps, bottles, etc.-wholesale Bottles, glass or plastics-wholesale Box shooks-wholesale Boxes, crates, etc., other than paper-wholesale Cans for fruits and vegetables-wholesale Chain, power transmission-wholesale Cooperage stock-wholesale Cordage-wholesale Cork-wholesale Crates, except paper-wholesale Crowns and closures, metal-wholesale Diamonds, industrial: natural and crude-wholesale Drums, new and reconditioned-wholesale Gaskets-wholesale Gears-wholesale Glass bottles-wholesale Grommets-wholesale Hose, belting, and packing industrial-wholesale Hydraulic and pneumatic pistons and valves-wholesale Industrial fittings-wholesale Industrial sewing thread-wholesale Industrial wheels-wholesale Ink, printers'-wholesale Lapidary equipment-wholesale Leather belting, packing-wholesale Mill supplies-wholesale Pails, metal-wholesale Pistons and valves, industrial-wholesale Power transmission supplies, mechanical-wholesale Refractory material-wholesale Rope, except wire rope-wholesale Rubber goods, mechanical-wholesale Seals, gaskets, and packing-wholesale Sprockets-wholesale Textile printers' supplies-wholesale Twine-wholesale Valves and fittings, except plumbers'-wholesale

5087 Service Establishment Equipment And Supplies

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Machinery, Equipment, And Supplies

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of equipment and supplies for barber shops, beauty parlors, power laundries, drycleaning plants, upholsterers, undertakers, and related personal service establishments.

Barber shop equipment and supplies-wholesale Beauty parlor equipment and supplies-wholesale Boot and shoe cut stock and findings-wholesale Carnival and amusement park equipment-wholesale Carwash equipment and supplies-wholesale Caskets, burial-wholesale Chairs, hydraulic: beauty and barber shop-wholesale Concrete burial vaults and boxes-wholesale Drycleaning plant equipment and supplies-wholesale Dryers, beauty shop-wholesale Findings, shoe repair-wholesale Firefighting equipment-wholesale Janitors' supplies-wholesale Laundry equipment and supplies-wholesale Morticians' goods-wholesale Shoe heels-wholesale Shoe patterns-wholesale Shoe repair materials-wholesale Soles, shoe-wholesale Sprinkler systems, except agricultural-wholesale Tailors' supplies-wholesale Undertakers' equipment and supplies-wholesale Upholsterers' equipment and supplies, except fabrics-wholesale Upholstery filling and padding-wholesale Vacuum cleaning systems-wholesale Voting machines-wholesale

5088 Transportation Equipment And Supplies, Except Motor Vehicles

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Machinery, Equipment, And Supplies

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of transportation equipment and supplies. Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts are classified in Industry Group 501, and those distributing pleasure boats are classified in Industry 5091.

Aeronautical equipment and supplies-wholesale Aircraft and parts-wholesale Aircraft engines and engine parts-wholesale Aircraft equipment and supplies-wholesale Boats, except pleasure-wholesale Combat vehicles, except trucks-wholesale Golf carts, self-propelled-wholesale Guided missiles and space vehicles-wholesale Marine propulsion machinery and equipment-wholesale Marine supplies (dunnage)-wholesale Railroad equipment and supplies-wholesale Ships-wholesale Space propulsion units and parts-wholesale Tanks and tank components-wholesale Transportation equipment and supplies except motor

5091 Sporting And Recreational Goods And Supplies

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Miscellaneous Durable Goods

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of sporting goods and accessories, billiard and pool supplies; sporting firearms and ammunition; and marine pleasure craft, equipment, and supplies. Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of motor vehicles and trailers are classified in Industry 5012; those distributing self-propelled golf carts are classified in Industry 5088; and those distributing athletic apparel and footwear are classified in Industry Group 513.

Ammunition, sporting-wholesale Archery equipment-wholesale Athletic goods, except apparel and footwear-wholesale Bait, artificial-wholesale Bicycle tires and tubes-wholesale Bicycles-wholesale Billiards equipment and supplies-wholesale Boats, pleasure: canoes, motorboats, and sailboats-wholesale Bowling equipment-wholesale Camping equipment-wholesale Camping tents and equipment-wholesale Firearms, sporting-wholesale Gocarts-wholesale Golf carts, except self-propelled-wholesale Golf equipment-wholesale Hot tubs-wholesale Outboard motors-wholesale Pool equipment and supplies-wholesale Skiing equipment-wholesale Swimming pools and equipment-wholesale Underwater sports equipment-wholesale

5092 Toys And Hobby Goods And Supplies

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Miscellaneous Durable Goods

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of games, toys, hobby goods and supplies, and related goods, such as fireworks and playing cards.

Craft kits-wholesale Dolls-wholesale Fireworks-wholesale Games (including electronic), except coin-operated-wholesale Hobby kits-wholesale Model kits-wholesale Playing cards-wholesale Stamps, philatelist-wholesale Toys (including electronic)-wholesale Vehicles, children's-wholesale

5093 Scrap And Waste Materials

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Miscellaneous Durable Goods

Establishments primarily engaged in assembling, breaking up, sorting, and wholesale distribution of scrap and waste materials. This industry includes auto wreckers engaged in dismantling automobiles for scrap. However, those engaged in dismantling cars for the purpose of selling secondhand parts are classified in Industry 5015.

Automotive wrecking for scrap-wholesale Bag Bottles, waste-wholesale Boxes, waste-wholesale Fur cuttings and scraps-wholesale Iron and steel scrap-wholesale Junk and scrap, general line-wholesale Metal waste and scrap-wholesale Nonferrous metals scrap-wholesale Oil, waste-wholesale Plastics scrap-wholesale Rags-wholesale Rubber scrap-wholesale Scavengering-wholesale Scrap and waste materials-wholesale Textile waste-wholesale Wastepaper, including paper recycling-wholesale Wiping rags, including washing and reconditioning-wholesale

5094 Jewelry, Watches, Precious Stones, And Precious Metals

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Miscellaneous Durable Goods

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of jewelry, precious stones and metals, costume jewelry, watches, clocks, silverware, and jewelers' findings. Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of precious metal ores are classified in Industry 5052.

Bullion, precious' metals-wholesale Clocks-wholesale Coins-wholesale Diamonds (gems)-wholesale Gem stones-wholesale Jewelers, findings-wholesale Jewelry-wholesale Medallions-wholesale Metals, precious-wholesale Pearls-wholesale Precious metal mill shapes-wholesale Precious metals-wholesale Precious stones (gems)-wholesale Silverware and plated ware-wholesale Trophies-wholesale Watchcases-wholesale Watches and parts-wholesale

5099 Durable Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Miscellaneous Durable Goods

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of durable goods, not elsewhere classified, such as musical instruments and forest products, except lumber.

Ammunition, except sporting-wholesale Cassettes, prerecorded: audio-wholesale Cordwood-wholesale Fire extinguishers-wholesale Firearms, except sporting-wholesale Firewood-wholesale Game machines, coin-operated-wholesale Gas lighting fixtures-wholesale Logs, hewn ties, posts, and poles-wholesale Luggage-wholesale Machine guns-wholesale Monuments and grave markers-wholesale Musical instruments-wholesale Phonograph records-wholesale Portraits-wholesale Pulpwood-wholesale Roundwood-wholesale Signs, except electric-wholesale Tapes, audio prerecorded-wholesale Timber products, rough-wholesale Wood chips-wholesale

5111 Printing And Writing Paper

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Paper And Paper Products

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of printing and writing paper, including envelope paper; fine paper; and groundwood paper.

Paper, fine or printing and writing-wholesale Printing paper-wholesale

5112 Stationery And Office Supplies

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Paper And Paper Products

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of stationery and office supplies, including computer and photocopy supplies, envelopes, typewriter paper, file cards and folders, pens, pencils, social stationery, and greeting cards.

Albums (photo) and scrapbooks-wholesale Blankbooks-wholesale Business forms-wholesale Carbon paper-wholesale Commercial stationers (not printers)-wholesale Computer paper-wholesale Envelopes-wholesale File cards-wholesale File folders-wholesale Greeting cards-wholesale Inked ribbons-wholesale Looseleaf binders-wholesale Manifold business forms-wholesale Marking devices-wholesale Mimeograph paper-wholesale Office supplies-wholesale Pencils-wholesale Pens, writing-wholesale Photocopying supplies-wholesale Ribbons, inked-wholesale Sales and receipt books-wholesale Scrapbooks-wholesale Stationery and stationery supplies-wholesale Tabulation cards-wholesale Writing ink-wholesale

5113 Industrial And Personal Service Paper

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Paper And Paper Products

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of wrapping and other coarse paper, paperboard, and converted paper and related disposable plastics products, such as bags, boxes, dishes, eating utensils, napkins, and shipping supplies.

Bags, paper and disposable plastics-wholesale Boxes, paperboard and disposable plastics-wholesale Cardboard and products-wholesale Closures, paper and disposable plastics-wholesale Containers, paper and disposable plastics-wholesale Corrugated and solid fiber boxes-wholesale Cups, paper and disposable plastics-wholesale Dishes, paper and disposable plastics-wholesale Eating utensils forks, knives, spoons-disposable plastics-wholesale Fiber cans and drums-wholesale Folding paperboard boxes-wholesale Napkins, paper-wholesale Paper and products, wrapping or coarse-wholesale Paper, except printing or writing and office supplies-wholesale Paperboard and products, except office supplies-wholesale Patterns, paper-wholesale Pressed and molded pulp goods-wholesale Pressure sensitive tape-wholesale Sanitary food containers paper, paperboard, and disposable Setup paperboard boxes-wholesale Shipping supplies, paper and disposable plastics (e g, cartons, Towels, paper-wholesale

5122 Drugs, Drug Proprietaries, And Druggists' Sundries

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Drugs, Drug Proprietaries, And Druggists' Sundries

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of prescription drugs, proprietary drugs, druggists' sundries, and toiletries. Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of surgical, dental, and hospital equipment are classified in Industry 5047.

Antiseptics-wholesale Bandages-wholesale Biologicals and allied products-wholesale Blood plasma-wholesale Cosmetics-wholesale Drug proprietaries-wholesale Druggists' sundries-wholesale Drugs-wholesale Hair preparations-wholesale Medical rubber goods-wholesale Medicinals and botanicals-wholesale Medicine cabinet sundries-wholesale Patent medicines-wholesale Perfumes-wholesale Pharmaceuticals-wholesale Proprietary (patent) medicines-wholesale Razor blades-wholesale Razors, nonelectric-wholesale Toilet articles-wholesale Toilet preparations-wholesale Toilet soap-wholesale Toothbrushes, except electric-wholesale Vitamins-wholesale

5131 Piece Goods, Notions, And Other Dry Good

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Apparel, Piece Goods, And Notions

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of piece goods or yard goods of natural or manmade fibers, notions (sewing and hair accessories, etc.), and other dry goods. Converters who buy fabric goods (except knit goods) in the grey, have them finished on contract, and sell at wholesale are included here. Converters of knit goods are classified in Manufacturing, Industry Group 225. This industry does not include establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of home furnishings which are classified in Industry 5023.

Belt and buckle assembly kits-wholesale Binding, textile-wholesale Broadwoven fabrics-wholesale Buttons-wholesale Cheesecloth-wholesale Circular knit fabrics-wholesale Coated fabrics-wholesale Cotton piece goods-wholesale Drapery material-wholesale Fiberglass fabrics-wholesale Hair accessories-wholesale Hat and cap material-wholesale Jute piece goods-wholesale Knit fabrics-wholesale Lace fabrics-wholesale Linen piece goods-wholesale Millinery supplies-wholesale Narrow fabrics-wholesale Net goods-wholesale Notions-wholesale Nylon piece goods-wholesale Piece goods-wholesale Rayon piece goods-wholesale Ribbon, textile-wholesale Sewing accessories-wholesale Sewing thread, except industrial-wholesale Shoulder pads-wholesale Silk piece goods-wholesale Tape, textile-wholesale Textile converters except knit goods-wholesale Textiles-wholesale Thread, except industrial-wholesale Trimmings, apparel-wholesale Warp knit fabrics-wholesale Weft knit fabrics-wholesale Woolen and worsted piece goods-wholesale Yard goods-wholesale Zippers-wholesale

5136 Men's And Boy's Clothing And Furnishings

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Apparel, Piece Goods, And Notions

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of men's and boys' apparel and furnishings, sportswear, hosiery, underwear, nightwear, and work clothing.

Apparel belts, men's and boys'-wholesale Beachwear, men's and boys'-wholesale Caps, men's and boys'-wholesale Clothing, men's and boys'-wholesale Coats, men's and boys'-wholesale Furnishings, except shoes: men's and boys'-wholesale Gloves (all materials), men's and boys'-wholesale Handkerchiefs, men's and boys'-wholesale Hats, men's and boys'-wholesale Hosiery, men's and boys'-wholesale Leather and sheep-lined clothing, men's and boys'-wholesale Mittens, men's and boys'-wholesale Mufflers, men's and boys'-wholesale Neckwear, men's and boys'-wholesale Nightwear, men's and boys'-wholesale Outerwear, men's and boys'-wholesale Overcoats, men's and boys'-wholesale Raincoats, men's and boys'-wholesale Robes, men's and boys'-wholesale Scarves, men's and boys'-wholesale Shirts, men's and boys'-wholesale Sportswear, men's and boys'-wholesale Suits, men's and boys'-wholesale Ties, men's and boys'-wholesale Trousers, men's and boys'-wholesale Umbrellas, men's and boys'-wholesale Underwear, men's and boys'-wholesale Uniforms, men's and boys'-wholesale Waterproof outer garments, men's and boys'-wholesale Work clothing, men's and boys'-wholesale

5137 Women's, Children's, And Infants' Clothing And Accessories

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Apparel, Piece Goods, And Notions

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of women's, children's, and infants' clothing and accessories, including hosiery, lingerie, millinery, and furs.

Apparel belts: women's and children's-wholesale Baby goods-wholesale Blouses-wholesale Caps and gowns: women's and children's-wholesale Caps: women's and children's-wholesale Clothing accessories: women's, children's, and infants'-wholesale Clothing. women's, children's, and infants'-wholesale Coats: women's, children's, and infants'-wholesale Coordinate sets: women's, children's, and infants'-wholesale Corsets-wholesale Diapers-wholesale Dresses-wholesale Fur clothing-wholesale Furnishings, clothing except shoes: women's, children's, and Gloves, (all materials): women's, children's, and infants'-wholesale Handbags-wholesale Handkerchiefs: women's and children's-wholesale Hats: women's, children's, and infants'-wholesale Hosiery: women's, children's, and infants'-wholesale Hospital gowns: women's and children's-wholesale Infants' wear-wholesale Karate uniforms: women's and children's-wholesale Ladies' handkerchiefs-wholesale Ladies' purses-wholesale Leather and sheep-lined clothing women's and children's-wholesale Lingerie-wholesale Millinery-wholesale Mittens: women's, children's, and infants'-wholesale Nightwear: women's, children's, and infants'-wholesale Outerwear: women's, children's, and infants'-wholesale Purses: women's and children's-wholesale Raincoats: women's and children's-wholesale Robes and gowns: women's and children's-wholesale Scarves: women's, children's and infant's-wholesale Skirts-wholesale Sportswear: women's and children's-wholesale Suits: women's, children's, and infants'-wholesale Underwear: women's, children's, and infants'-wholesale Uniforms: women's and children's-wholesale Unisex clothing women's and children's-wholesale Waterproof outer garments: women's and children's-wholesale

5139 Footwear

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Apparel, Piece Goods, And Notions

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of footwear (including athletic) of leather, rubber, and other materials.

Athletic footwear-wholesale Footwear-wholesale Shoe accessories-wholesale Shoes-wholesale

5141 Groceries, General Line

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Groceries And Related Products

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of a general line of groceries. Establishments primarily engaged in roasting coffee, blending tea, or grinding and packaging spices are classified in Manufacturing, Major Group 20.

Food brokers, general line-wholesale Groceries, general line-wholesale

5142 Packaged Frozen Foods

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Groceries And Related Products

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of packaged quick-frozen vegetables, juices, meats, fish, poultry, pastries, and other "deep freeze" products. Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of frozen dairy products are classified in Industry 5143, and those distributing frozen poultry, fish, and meat which are not packaged are classified in Industries 5144, 5146, and 5147, respectively.

Bakery products, frozen-wholesale Bread, frozen: packaged-wholesale Cakes, frozen: packaged-wholesale Dinners, frozen-wholesale Fish, frozen: packaged-wholesale Frozen foods, packaged-wholesale Frozen vegetables-wholesale Fruit juices, frozen-wholesale Fruits, frozen-wholesale Meat pies, frozen-wholesale Meat, frozen: packaged-wholesale Pies, fruit: frozen-wholesale Poultry pies, frozen-wholesale Poultry, frozen: packaged-wholesale Seafoods, frozen: packaged-wholesale Soup, frozen-wholesale

5143 Dairy Products, Except Dried Or Canned

Division: Wholesale Trade
Group: Groceries And Related Products

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of dairy products, such as butter, cheese, ice cream and ices, and fluid milk and cream. This industry does not include establishments primarily engaged in pasteurizing and bottling milk, which are classified in Manufacturing, Industry Group 202. Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of dried or canned dairy products are classified in Industry 5149.

Butter-wholesale Cheese-wholesale Cream stations-wholesale Dairy depots-wholesale Dairy products, except dried or canned-wholesale Frozen dairy desserts-wholesale Ice cream and ices-wholesale Milk and cream, fluid-wholesale Milk cooling stations, operated by farm assemblers Milk depots-wholesale Yogurt-wholesale

5144 Poultry And Poultry Products
5145 Confectionery
5146 Fish And Seafoods
5147 Meats And Meat Products
5148 Fresh Fruits And Vegetables
5149 Groceries And Related Products, Not Elsewhere Classified
5153 Grain And Field Beans
5154 Livestock
5159 Farm-product Raw Materials, Not Elsewhere Classified
5162 Plastics Materials And Basic Forms And Shapes
5169 Chemicals And Allied Products, Not Elsewhere Classified
5171 Petroleum Bulk Stations And Terminals
5172 Petroleum And Petroleum Products Wholesalers, Except Bulk Stations
5181 Beer And Ale
5182 Wine And Distilled Alcoholic Beverages
5191 Farm Supplies
5192 Books, Periodicals, And Newspapers
5193 Flowers, Nursery Stock, And Florists' Supplies
5194 Tobacco And Tobacco Products
5198 Paints, Varnishes, And Supplies
5199 Nondurable Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified
5511 Motor Vehicle Dealers (new And Used)
5521 Motor Vehicle Dealers (used Only)
5531 Auto And Home Supply Stores
5541 Gasoline Service Stations
5551 Boat Dealers
5561 Recreational Vehicle Dealers
5571 Motorcycle Dealers
5599 Automotive Dealers, Not Elsewhere Classified
7622 Radio And Television Repair Shops
7623 Refrigeration And Air-conditioning Service And Repair Shops
7629 Electrical And Electronic Repair Shops, Not Elsewhere Classified
7692 Welding Repair
7694 Armature Rewinding Shops
7699 Repair Shops And Related Services, Not Elsewhere Classified
4011 Railroads, Line-Haul Operating
4013 Railroad Switching and Terminal Establishments
4111 Local and Suburban Transit
4119 Local Passenger Transportation, Not Elsewhere Classified
4121 Taxicabs
4131 Intercity and Rural Bus Transportation
4141 Local Bus charter Service
4142 Bus Charter Service, Except Local
4151 School Buses
4173 Terminal and Service Facilities for Motor Vehicle Passenger Transportation
4212 Local Trucking Without Storage
4213 Trucking, Except Local
4214 Local Trucking With Storage
4215 Courier Services, Except by Air
4221 Farm Product Warehousing and Storage
4222 Refrigerated Warehousing and Storage
4225 General Warehousing and Storage
4226 Special Warehousing and Storage, Not Elsewhere Classified
4231 Terminal and Joint Terminal Maintenance Facilities for Motor Freight Transportation
4311 United States Postal Service
4412 Deep Sea Foreign Transportation of Freight
4424 Deep Sea Domestic Transportation of Freight
4432 Freight Transportation on the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway
4449 Water Transportation of Freight, Not Elsewhere Classified
4481 Deep Sea Transportation of Passengers, Except by Ferry
4482 Ferries
4489 Water Transportation of Passengers, Not Elsewhere Classified
4491 Marine Cargo Handling
4492 Towing and Tugboat Services
4493 Marinas
4499 Water Transportation Services, Not Elsewhere Classified
4512 Air Transportation, Scheduled
4513 Air Courier Services
4522 Air Transportation, Nonscheduled
4581 Airports, Flying Fields, and airport Terminal Services
4612 Crude Petroleum Pipelines
4613 Refined Petroleum Pipelines
4619 Pipelines, Not Elsewhere Classified
4724 Travel Agencies
4725 Tour Operators
4729 Arrangement of Passenger Transportation, Not Elsewhere Classified
4731 Arrangement of Transportation of Freight and Cargo
4741 Rental of Railroad
4783 Packing and Crating
4785 Fixed Facilities and Inspection and Weighing Services for Motor Vehicle Transportation
4789 Transportation Services, Not Elsewhere Classified
6411 Insurance Agents, Brokers, And Service
7311 Advertising Agencies
7312 Outdoor Advertising Services
7313 Radio, Television, And Publishers' Advertising Representatives
7319 Advertising, Not Elsewhere Classified
7322 Adjustment And Collection Services
7323 Credit Reporting Services
7331 Direct Mail Advertising Services
7334 Photocopying And Duplicating Services
7335 Commercial Photography
7336 Commercial Art And Graphic Design
7338 Secretarial And Court Reporting Services
7342 Disinfecting And Pest Control Services
7349 Building Cleaning And Maintenance Services, Not Elsewhere
7352 Medical Equipment Rental And Leasing
7353 Heavy Construction Equipment Rental And Leasing
7359 Equipment Rental And Leasing, Not Elsewhere Classified
7361 Employment Agencies
7363 Help Supply Services
7371 Computer Programming Services
7372 Prepackaged Software
7373 Computer Integrated Systems Design
7374 Computer Processing And Data Preparation And Processing Services
7375 Information Retrieval Services
7381 Detective, Guard, And Armored Car Services
7382 Security Systems Services
7383 News Syndicates
7384 Photofinishing Laboratories
7389 Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified
8711 Engineering Services
8734 Testing Laboratories
8741 Management Services
8742 Management Consulting Services
8743 Public Relations Services
8744 Facilities Support Management Services
8748 Business Consulting Services, Not Elsewhere Classified
7311 Advertising Agencies
7312 Outdoor Advertising Services
7313 Radio, Television, And Publishers' Advertising Representatives
7319 Advertising, Not Elsewhere Classified
7322 Adjustment And Collection Services
7323 Credit Reporting Services
7331 Direct Mail Advertising Services
7334 Photocopying And Duplicating Services
7335 Commercial Photography
7336 Commercial Art And Graphic Design
7338 Secretarial And Court Reporting Services
7342 Disinfecting And Pest Control Services
7349 Building Cleaning And Maintenance Services, Not Elsewhere
7352 Medical Equipment Rental And Leasing
7353 Heavy Construction Equipment Rental And Leasing
7359 Equipment Rental And Leasing, Not Elsewhere Classified
7361 Employment Agencies
7363 Help Supply Services
7371 Computer Programming Services
7372 Prepackaged Software
7373 Computer Integrated Systems Design
7374 Computer Processing And Data Preparation And Processing Services
7375 Information Retrieval Services
7381 Detective, Guard, And Armored Car Services
7382 Security Systems Services
7383 News Syndicates
7384 Photofinishing Laboratories
7389 Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified
8211 Elementary And Secondary Schools
8221 Colleges, Universities, And Professional Schools
8222 Junior Colleges And Technical Institutes
8231 Libraries
8243 Data Processing Schools
8244 Business And Secretarial Schools
8249 Vocational Schools, Not Elsewhere Classified
8299 Schools And Educational Services, Not Elsewhere Classified

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