HSB Claims Services
How to report a claim
Step 1: Click on the appropriate link below.
> Property notice of loss form - Download
- Commercial Equipment Breakdown
- Farmowner Equipment Breakdown
- Homeowner Equipment Breakdown
- Service Line
> Specialty notice of loss form - Download
- Employment Practices Liability
- Miscellaneous Professional Liability
- Contractors Errors and Omissions
- Directors and Officers
- Crisis Care
- Cyber Commercial
- Data Compromise
- Identity Recovery
- Cyber Personal
Step 2: Complete the form.
Step 3: Email the form or call our toll-free claims hotline at
888-HSB-LOSS (888-472-5677).
HSB's Claims Value Proposition
For more than 150 years, HSB has been recognized as the leader of equipment breakdown claims adjustment excellence.
As HSB’s product offerings have expanded to include many types of personal and specialty lines insurance, so too has our claims expertise. The ongoing involvement by HSB Claims in product development to address new risks puts us in a strong position to understand the insureds’ needs and to develop effective claim practices.
Our goal in HSB Claims remains simple - to restore the customer back to the position they were in before the loss. The credibility we have earned through the years can be depended on to provide exceptional service and expert claims management – every customer, every claim, every time.
To achieve that goal, HSB upholds its Claims Value Proposition, which is based on the following principles:
- Customer Experience: Delivering a best in class claim experience every time.
- Relationship Management: Fostering long term partnerships and reinforcing values.
- Claims Expertise: Exhibiting expert skills in claims adjudication and product knowledge.