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Laying a sewage pipe at the corner of a terraced house construction site.

Personal Service Line Insurance

Insurance for service or utility line failure

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    Insurance to pay repairs or replacement of damaged underground service lines

    Many homeowners don’t realize that the outdoor, underground service utility lines that run from the street to their home or from their home to a well, septic tank, or out-building are not covered by traditional homeowner’s insurance. That’s where HSB’s Personal Service Line coverage comes in.

    Personal service line insurance from HSB

    Personal lines insurers can get a step ahead of the competition by adding HSB's Personal Service Line Insurance to their homeowner’s policies. Coverage is affordable, goes beyond simple service line repair, and makes your product more complete and comprehensive.

    Broad, competitive coverage for service line failures

    HSB’s Personal Service Line Insurance covers multiple types of utility lines and includes damage from wear and tear, root invasion, freezing conditions, and other incidents that cause damage.

    More than just a service line repair

    Service line repairs often go beyond simply replacing damaged pipes or wiring. In many cases, repairs mean digging up landscaping, driveways, and sidewalks to get to the site of the break. HSB Personal Service Line insurance includes costs to repair or replace outdoor property such as trees, shrubs, plants, lawns, sidewalks, and other property damaged in the service line failure.

    What a loss can cost

    Homeowners face a multitude of risks when it comes to underground utility and service lines. The claim examples below offer a look at what could happen and how insurance can help pay for the damage and expenses.
    Deteriorating sewer pipe
    An old sewer pipe running under a driveway deteriorated over time, causing the pipe to leak.
    Water line break
    The ground in the homeowner’s front lawn had lifted and water was coming into the yard. The repair company discovered a crack caused by freezing and thawing conditions and frost heaves.
    Gas line damage
    While building an addition onto the homeowner's home, large construction vehicles parked in the yard. After noticing a gas smell, the homeowner found that the weight of the vehicles had caused a portion of the natural gas line to collapse.

    Why trust HSB for service line insurance

    HSB has been protecting homeowners from risk for over 150 years.
    HSB has been providing service line coverage for over 10 years.
    HSB is rated A++ (Superior) by A.M. Best Company, an independent rating agency.

    Additional product information

    Additional personal lines coverages

    Protect your personal lines clients from risks due to service line breakdown

    A breakdown to a service utility line can cost a homeowner thousands of dollars in repairs. Many people don’t realize that these costs are not covered under their homeowner’s policy That’s why they need Personal Service Line Insurance to cover the cost of repairs if something happens.