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Diana Daury, Principal Engineer

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Flooding due to climate change

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    The trendspotter

    “I’ve always been interested in climate change, but it wasn’t until I joined HSB that I started looking at it in a different way. With climate change, water is now appearing in places it had never been before, where there is going to be equipment that is not designed for it - shutting down substations, overwhelming sump pumps, and corroding equipment.”

    Diana Daury,
    Principal Engineer

    You probably don’t think about the effects of increased flooding caused by climate change on the equipment businesses rely on to operate. We do.

    Climate change is rippling through almost every aspect of our lives. Some impacts are obvious. Others, less so - like the impact of flooding on commercial equipment.

    Click image above to expand infographic

    What is the problem?

    • Heavy precipitation is raising water levels in streams and rivers.
    • Water is building up on rooftops, affecting rooftop equipment.
    • Debris in runoff is contaminating water and can damage equipment.
    • Drainage and runoff systems may be undersized and are being overwhelmed.
    • Storm surge, high winds, and King tides are causing coastal flooding farther inland.
    • Water is invading basements and areas below street level.

    What are the risks?

    • Equipment is often located underground, at ground level, in low-lying areas, or on rooftops.
    • Ponding has become a new threat to outdoor equipment.
    • The make-up of saltwater adds to the severity of its effects.
    • Automatic controls to stop/start equipment based on water level are not typical.
    • Excessive equipment operation, such as sump pumps, can lead to premature failure.
    • Overwhelmed, outdated, undersized, and poorly maintained storm water runoff and drainage systems result in water accumulation on or around equipment not designed for it.

    How HSB is taking on the trend

    At HSB, we look for trends impacting equipment in order to develop solutions so we can better protect our customers and the equipment that powers their businesses.

    • We study the impact water is having on equipment and share our recommendations for loss prevention.
    • We offer insurance solutions. HSB TechAdvantageTM equipment breakdown insurance includes coverage to dry out electrical covered equipment that comes in contact with water as a result of flooding. Coverage pays for the costs actually expended to dry out this equipment, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, so that it can be placed back into service.
    • We offer technology solutions. HSB Sensor SolutionsTM detect water where it should not be indoors as well as temperature and humidity conditions that could lead to mold growth.

    Access our knowledge base and learn more about HSB’s innovative risk solutions in the links below.

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