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Specialty Reinsurance for agriculture risks in North America

Partner with us to grow your business

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    Munich Re Specialty Reinsurance delivers premium reinsurance solutions for agricultural risks in North America. Team up with us and harvest the fruits of collaboration and insight. 

    Mitigate agriculture risks, empower sustainable growth

    Mitigate agriculture risks, empower sustainable growth
    © Obradovic / Getty Images

    The agricultural sector faces unprecedented challenges. According to the IPCC, climate change is already affecting food security today and will continue to do so in the future.

    In addition, population growth, evolving market demands, and technological advancements are constantly reshaping the risk landscape for agriculture insurance.

    As the world’s most reliable and knowledgeable specialty reinsurer, we help you manage your agriculture portfolio and make your business thrive.

    Engage in a partnership that delivers extraordinary services for exceptional clients!

    Discover our reinsurance solutions for agriculture in North America

    We believe knowledge is the best seed for growth. Our dedicated team combines deep farming expertise with innovative risk assessment skills. Our ambition is to understand your insurance business – and use data and insights to jointly develop customised solutions. Why guess at the future when you can grow with us?

    Our comprehensive agriculture reinsurance solutions include:  
    • Proportional and non-proportional treaty reinsurance
    • Coverage for all lines of agriculture insurance, including crop, revenue, livestock, forestry plantations, and aquaculture
    • Risk modelling
    • Portfolio management
    • Product co-design
    Why guess at the future? Grow with us!
    Discover our premium reinsurance solutions for agriculture

    Your benefits of partnering with us

    Cross-functional expertise

    Customised services

    Collaborative partnership

    • Leverage our excellent risk assessment and farming expertise as well as our interdisciplinary team of specialists ​
    • Move forward with our ambition to understand your business​
    • Rely on the safety of our solid, proprietary models
    • Work with us to develop structured programmes based on your needs​
    • Grow with our customised services that meet your individual needs such as ​
      • Financial valuation
      • Portfolio benchmarking​
      • Climatological consulting​
      • Risk modelling
    • Benefit from a partnership that aligns interests and shares risks to foster mutual growth and success
    • Take advantage of our open-minded approach, e.g. by combining classes of business​ or accommodating portfolio growth shifts​
    • Engage in a long-term partnership that shares uplifts with you 
    Lambert Muhr
    Engage with us to empower sustainable growth. We help you manage your agriculture portfolio – with customised services and expertise in farming and risk assessment.
    Lambert Muhr
    Head of Agriculture Reinsurance, North America

    About Munich Re Specialty Reinsurance 

    Munich Re Specialty Reinsurance unites four lines of business – agriculture, aviation, contingency, and marine – into one powerful division. We combine data-driven insights and deep domain expertise to deliver premium specialty reinsurance solutions and services to insurers and brokers worldwide.