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2011 will go down on record as being one of the deadliest years on record for Tornado fatalities in the United States after over 500 deaths were reported in the 1st half of the year alone.
© Dustie/Shutterstock

We handle your property risks

Extreme losses caused by disasters can be a major headache for insurers, banks, investors and the public sector alike. We have solutions.

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    Property coverage from a high-capacity reinsurance partner

    © Munich Re
    A solid foundation: trust in our know-how and capital strength
    Get more details on our Investor Relations site

    Loss potentials from natural disasters such as storms, floods or earthquakes are rising at an alarming rate. In times of growing economic interdependencies, globe-spanning supply chains and changing risks resulting from climate change more and more assets are exposed to natural catastrophes. Rely on us as a partner that understands these risks and the consequences you face.  

    With our capital strength and expertise, we can bear a substantial share of these risks as a reinsurer, absorbing financial shock events and supporting risk mitigation.

    Over 200 facultative property underwriters are at the disposal of our clients to analyse their exposure, supported by over 30 nat cat experts, with every one of them tapped into a global research network. This ensures we always have the latest research available and remain a reliable partner at your side  — even after large losses. We only use our own risk models or ones from leading providers that we have scrutinised and further developed in-house.

    Our solutions for your property-related risks

    Hurricanes Jose, Irma and Katia seen from the space
    © Planet Observer / Getty Images
    Munich Re is known for its in-depth expertise and long-term engagement. Depending on the line of business and region concerned, we also offer substantial underwriting capacity in areas with high exposure, such as Japan (earthquakes and typhoons), California (earthquakes and wildfires) and Florida (hurricanes).
    Remote industries - Aerial view of damages
    © mauritius images / Masterfile

    More often than not, a standardised solution is not the right approach for dealing with complex risk transfer. Our property underwriters are specialists in their respective  fields  and can provide extensive support.

    We use digital technologies such as aerial images for automated and more efficient claims handling. The “Remote Industries” application permits automated recording of damage following a hurricane. High-resolution aerial imagery is used to estimate damage to buildings with the help of special AI-based algorithms, so insurers often know how severe damage is even before the policyholder does.

    Remote Industries is currently available in the USA, including the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, as well as in the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands.

    yellow road sign as a warning of risk ahead
    © Sergey Nivens / Shutterstock.com
    Our experts assess your exposure in different locations and develop strategies to mitigate  the  risks.  
    Stock exchange market display
    © d3sign / Getty Images
    Munich Re has strong ratings (AA) that have only improved over the past decade. This is particularly beneficial when you require a stable partner following a large loss.
    Cancun Caribbean houses after a hurricane
    © lunamarina / Shutterstock.com
    We take a holistic approach to providing support: from risk assessment to risk mitigation, transfer and smooth claims processing. Our claims department will talk with you at eye level and help assess complex claims promptly.

    Our range of services — Providing support for all risk-related issues

    As a premium reinsurer, we offer products and services that support broad sections of your value chain and increase your competitive strength. We offer reinsurance solutions, (data) analyses, consulting services and software tools that are key to a successful business. 

    By offering tailor-made solutions, we are able to help meet your growing capital management requirements. Our capital strength means that we are in a position to take on large risks and ease our clients’ financial burden. 

    We are working hard to automate and speed up processes, and to bring new, digital applications for risk assessment and claims settlement to market. In-house data analytics teams and experts on AI systems help our clients develop new products and business models.

    Optimizing your facultative reinsurance strategy

    The three fundamental pillars of our business:

    • We offer first-class, dependable security and underwriting capacity.
    • We support our reinsurance clients by analysing complex, new or changing risks and by structuring risk transfer as a means of capital optimisation and capital relief.
    • We are a partner for growth and expertise to our clients, providing support for product development, services and white label products. 

    Our cover includes:

    • Property all risks
    • Multiline/multiyear
    • NatCat stand-alone and second event
    • Quota share
    • Excess of loss
    • Complement treaty capacity

    Solutions that go beyond traditional reinsurance

    Solutions based on parametric triggers and insurance-linked securities (ILS) complement traditional reinsurance. Coverage with parametric triggers is based on objectively measurable phenomena (e.g. earthquake strength or hurricane wind speeds) and are also used in capital market solutions. We regularly issue cat bonds and sidecars to strengthen our balance sheet, and offer our clients this expertise in structuring insurance-linked securities. 

    What makes Munich Re stand out as a reinsurer

    € bn
    With more than €31bn in gross premiums written, Munich Re is one of the largest reinsurers
    Our solid finances make us a reliable partner when it comes to major natural catastrophes.
    are constantly analysing the global nat cat exposure and changes to the risk situation.
    With more than 30,000 entries, our NatCatSERVICE is one of the most in-demand databases for natural catastrophes


    Beatrix Hartinger
    Beatrix Hartinger
    Chief Underwriting Officer and Head of Property
    Munich Re Facultative & Corporate

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