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Cyber Solutions from Munich Re
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Cyber solutions

Our solutions help you get a clear perspective on cyber risks

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    Understanding Cyber

    Our strategy is based on understanding cyber risks, assessing them adequately and making them insurable - in close collaboration with experts from insurance and reinsurance, external partners and with you – our cedants and clients.  We maintain a disciplined approach to market growth, guided by a clearly defined risk appetite.

    As the cyber insurance market evolves, we continue to stay at the forefront of risk assessment, actively engaging with clients and model vendors to enhance our accumulation modeling.

    The results of our Global Cyber Risk and Insurance Survey shows that there is a significant gap between being aware of the general risk, and actively pushing for action.  

    State-of-the-art solutions for cyber risks

    In today's digital landscape, cybersecurity is more crucial than ever. We understand that transparency, standardization, and accumulation controls are indispensable aspects of a sustainable cyber insurance market.

    We offer solutions that go beyond traditional insurance and reinsurance, including a comprehensive network covering every aspect of cyber claims, providing you with quick and direct access to professional service providers.

    Our more than 15 years of experience in this still uncharted territory is our commitment to you. This is how we stand out from our competition.

    A resilient digital future - Join us in cultivating a sustainable cyber insurance market.

    Learn more about specific market solutions

    Munich Re is the leading cyber (re)insurer and is committed to shaping a sustainable and profitable cyber insurance market.
    Get in Contact with our cyber experts:
    Jürgen Reinhart
    Chief Underwriter Cyber
    Stephanie Deml
    Stephanie Deml
    Head of Cyber Global Clients and Lloyds – Centre of Excellence, Global and North American Reinsurance
    Bengt von Toll
    Bengt von Toll
    Head of Cyber Europe and Latin America
    Margit Hoffmann
    Margit Hoffmann
    Head of Cyber – Asia-Pacific/Africa
    Sophia Waßner
    Sophia Waßner
    Chief Underwriting Officer F&C Cyber
    Tom Allen
    Tom Allen
    Chief Underwriting Officer, Cyber
    Munich Re Specialty - Global Markets
    Timothy Zeilman
    Timothy Zeilman
    Vice President, Global Product Owner - Cyber & Privacy Insurance, Hartford Steam Boiler