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CLARA plus
© Daniel Grizelj / Munich Re

CLARA plus

For the first time, a system-based calculation of the degree of disability

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    CLARA plus accelerates and increases the consistency of the processes leading to the final decision on disability benefit

    Fully process up to 80% of all disability insurance benefit claims using CLARA plus
    For a long time now, application, risk assessment and policy issuance have been automated processes at many disability insurers. However, it is a different story in the claims departments. Most applications for benefits are still checked manually. This is time-consuming, ties up resources and leads to a lack of consistency and reproducibility in terms of the decisions. With CLARA plus, disability insurers can exploit this improvement potential and determine the degree of disability with support from the system. CLARA plus thus represents an ideal expansion to CLARA, the claims risk assessment tool in the MIRA Digital Suite, which structures disability claims with the help of rule-based interviews, halving processing times in the process.

    NEW: Comorbidity Calculator

    For the first time, CLARA plus also enables the automated calculation of disability degree with comorbidities. The new tool is highly relevant because more than 50 percent of all disability claims involve more than one illness relevant to disability. Now, with CLARA plus, this multitude of claims can also be processed in a system-supported manner.  

    Automated claim assessment with CLARA plus

    CLARA plus calculates the degree of disability with the help of highly standardised queries that are adjusted to the individual case.
    The questions relate to the occupational profile and the medical diagnoses.
    CLARA plus covers all current occupational profiles and examines these in a fragmented way according to the tasks of the individual job description.
    The system also knows all standard diagnoses – including the most frequent mental illnesses.
    The algorithm links the individual occupational profile with the medical diagnoses and identifies any functional limitations.
    With CLARA plus it will be possible to fully process up to 80% of all disability insurance benefit claims.

    CLARA plus in a nutshell

    Automated claim assessment with CLARA plus


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    CLARA plus – The benefits at a glance

    CLARA plus saves resources through automating the claim assessment and focusing on the factors that are relevant for the decision. This accelerates procedures and reduces administrative costs.
    A further acceleration in processing times, in conjunction with consistent and transparent decisions on claims, will boost customer satisfaction and enhance the reputation of the provider.
    CLARA plus makes dedicated review recommendations based on the medical diagnosis and progression. The system also simplifies the review by comparing and contrasting the medical documents. This can increase reactivation rates and further reduce claims costs.
    As an expert digital system within the MIRA Digital Suite, CLARA plus opens up a wide range of options in terms of data analytics. In future, these will provide more detailed risk categorisation and portfolio analysis and, as a knock-on benefit, optimised risk management with improved pricing.

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