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Risk solutions for the circular economy industry

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    Smart coverage to encourage investment in innovative energy generation

    Green technologies, including those in the Circular Economy, face the daunting task of managing the transition to a low carbon future. As part of the goal of net zero emissions by 2050, new business opportunities are opening up for the Circular Economy industry, which in turn require new insurance solutions.

    Munich Re supports the energy transition by enabling the financing of the new technologies with an innovative insurance solution, the Technology Performance Guarantee Insurance.

    $0 bn
    Global investment in energy transition in 2021
    Increase from 2020
    $0 tr
    = x3 increase in clean energy investment needed by 2030 to achieve net zero goal by 2050

    Technology Performance Insurance featuring:

    Revenue guarantee and production output guarantee for plant start-up and long term operations
    Major equipment repair and replacement coverage to address incorrect design or engineering
    Multi-year policy with flexible duration up to 10 years
    Debt and equity protection insurance structures

    How to benefit from our tailored solution:

    Improved bankability
    Higher attractiveness to investors
    Increased revenue
    Flexible allocation of capital
    Decreased financing costs
    Silke Jolowicz
    Munich Re aims to actively combat climate change and its consequences. Enabling new sustainable technologies is a key aspect of our ambition to help our clients succeed in a low-carbon economy
    Silke Jolowicz
    Munich Re Group
    Head of Sustainability

    Technologies we back up:

    Waste to X, recycling, upcycling
    Thermal and biological conversion processes such as digestion, fermentation, gasification, pyrolysis
    Bioenergy, biofuels, biochemicals, renewable natural gas (RNG), biodiesel, renewable diesel, sustainable aviation fuel
    Carbon Capture and Utilization, low carbon H2 production, water treatment

    Munich Re's Green Tech Solutions-
    your reliable partner in a dynamic market:

    Munich Re's Green Tech Solutions insures the technology risk in the circular economy sector with customized and flexible insurance solutions. The Technology Performance Insurance supports project developers, investors and lenders with a complete and single-source insurance solutions to meet all individual needs for business growth.
    • World’s largest reinsurer with commitments to climate change mitigation
    • Reliable business partner with strong capital base to strengthen client balance sheet backed by AA credit rating
    • Global expertise in emerging renewable technologies, risk transfer, and project finance
    • More than $3 billion exposure in support of over $40 billion capital in green technologies
    • 12 years-track-record in all green technologies
    • Globally experienced and locally responsive in-house experts

    Scaling Up the Bioeconomy Conference

    How carbon is changing the landscape of project insurance & investment –
    Panel participation 

    Derek Griffin – Risk Management Consultant 

    November 26th, 2024 – 11:10

    Where: Scaling Up 2024 Bioeconomy Conference

    Derek Griffin
    Derek Griffin
    Risk Management Consultant

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