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Insure the performance of your Artificial Intelligence solutions

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    Innovative coverage for Artificial Intelligence solutions

    It’s a recurring concern when using AI: Does the algorithm deliver on its promises? Even in dynamic environments? 

    Commercial providers of AI solutions have long been able to insure the performance of their offerings with aiSure™. Now this is also possible for users who implement self-developed AI solutions in their own companies.

    With our solution you can implement your self-developed and purchased AI solutions with confidence and convince your decision makers of their reliability and financial benefit. This new cover enables you to mitigate the underperformance, unreliability and drift of machine learning models.

    How does it work?

    Get covered for consequential losses

    Protect your company against sudden underperformance of your AI models
    Smoothen your internal AI adaptation processes
    Increase the acceptance of the novel technologies at board level
    Solidify confidence in the financial benefit of your AI performance
    Drive time-efficient implementation of your solution

    Five reasons you should talk to us

    Tailored product
    Our solution is designed to address the KPIs of the AI most important to you.
    Technical expertise
    Profit from our global team’s risk assessment expertise.
    Structured process
    We offer a rapid co-creation process which aligns with your timelines to secure a smooth implementation of your AI solution.
    Reliable partnership
    With Munich Re as a partner, your AI model is covered by a financially stable, AA- rated global player.
    Proven track record
    Numerous AI providers are already using aiSure™ to secure the performance of their AI Solutions.

    A large regional bank acts as a mortgage lender. It has hitherto used property valuers to value properties before giving out loans. The bank now wants to use self-developed AI models to take over the task.

    Having been protected against overvaluation risks through its professional indemnity insurance, the bank is now worried about the risk of its models being inaccurate, resulting in overvaluation of the property on the date of signing.

    This is where Munich Re comes in: after reviewing the model, Munich Re insures its performance. If the AI makes a mistake that a human valuer would not have made, Munich Re covers the financial losses. The bank is financially protected against the underperformance of its AI and can now confidently use its innovative technology.

    Would you like to know more?
    Get in touch with us right away

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