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Insurance and risk transfer solutions for captives
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Insurance and risk management for captives

Unlock the full potential of your captive

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    We offer comprehensive insurance and risk transfer solutions for captives. Partner with us to assess and manage your parent company’s risks and profitably steer your captive.

    Enhance your captive’s risk management

    Natural catastrophes, cyber risks, liability: In today’s complex and rapidly evolving risk landscape, we support you to cover relevant business risks and make your parent company more resilient.

    Our experts are not only insurance specialists. They are also engineers, IT or geo scientists. That’s why they understand your parent company’s industry-specific risk exposure in detail.  

    Munich Re Facultative and Corporate (F&C) provides customised insurance solutions aligned with your captive strategy. With our extensive expertise in (re)insurance, risk, compliance and capital management, we help you enhance your insurance value chain and profitability. Munich Re F&C is a reliable partner for your captive – today and tomorrow!

    Benefits for your captive

    In-depth know-how and risk expertise in ~60 industry sectors
    Financial stability
    Net capacity backed by the financial strength of Munich Re
    Customised solutions
    Tailored (re)insurance solutions and services for captives
    +25 years of experience with single-parent captives

    Discover our solutions and services for captives

    Traditional P&C risks

    Emerging P&C risks

    Weather/NatCat risks

    Capital management

    Partner with us to mitigate business risks and develop tailored, industry-specific coverages. 

    • Property
    • Liability
    • Executive liability and professional risks
    • Engineering
    • Cyber
    • Power & Utilities
    • Downstream Energy
    • Mining

    Let’s work closely together to cover emerging business risks and address future challenges.

    • Access to emerging risk think tank
    • Monitoring of individual risks in industry-specific ecosystems
    • Intelligence database to identify and verify the causal chains of emerging risks
    • Regulation and compliance expertise 

    Benefit from our risk expertise regarding extreme weather, natural catastrophes and climate change. 

    • Derivative and (re)insurance solutions for extreme weather based on parametric triggers
    • OneCat insurance cover for natural catastrophes based on parametric triggers
    • Munich Re’s Location Risk Intelligence: Identify and assess physical risks caused by natural hazards and climate change

    Our alternative risk transfer solutions help you improve your capital management and profitability.

    • Redeployment of risk-bearing capital from dormant run-off portfolios
    • Regulatory and event-driven solutions
    • KPI optimisation
    • Retrospective covers, Complex Aggregate XLs and multi-year solutions
    • Asset Liability Management (ALM) consulting service 

    About Munich Re Facultative & Corporate

    We bundle the worldwide Facultative & Corporate business at Munich Re in one unit: facultative reinsurance solutions for single risks and corporate insurance for large businesses and captives. We combine in-depth industry know-how, financial stability and customer-centricity. In this way, we are able to deliver traditional and innovative risk-transfer solutions for industrial clients and captives around the globe and in all lines of business.  

    Would you like to know more? Contact us!

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    We are happy to help you
    Elisabeth Wolf
    Elisabeth Wolf
    Head of Business Development
    Munich Re Facultative & Corporate
    Fabrizio Zoni
    Fabrizio Zoni
    Client Manager
    Munich Re Facultative & Corporate

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