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Wildfire facts
The frequency and intensity of extreme wildfires has more than doubled in the last two decades, according to a 2024 study.¹
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    A wildfire is a fire that burns out of control in natural areas, such as
    forests, grasslands, or prairies.
    Wild fire approaching homes in California
    © f00sion / Getty Images

    Drivers of wildfire losses

    Changing climate
    Rising emissions and global warming can cause increased heat and extended drought.
    Human activity
    This includes carelessness with campfires, improperly discarded cigarettes, fireworks, arson, and problems with power transmission.
    Land-cover changes
    Communities spread and develop into
    areas with higher fire risk.

    Wildfire losses in the US

    Of the US population lives in counties with high wildfire risk²
    Value of homes at risk for wildfires estimated by US Fire Administration in 2023
    Acres burned in the US in 2022³

    Five ways businessowners and homeowners can reduce wildfire risk

    Top 5 states for wildfires ranked by number of fires (2022)4

    1Cunningham, C.X., Williamson, G.J. & Bowman, D.M.J.S. (2024). Increasing frequency and intensity of the most extreme wildfires on Earth. Nat Ecol Evol.
    2USDA. 2024. Updates to identify communities with increased risk and provide resources to mitigate wildfire. May 29.
    3National Interagency Fire Center. (2024). Wildfires and acres statistics.
    4Triple-III. (2023). Facts + statistics: Wildfires.
    Munich Re US expert
    Jay Rosario
    Jay Rosario
    Head of Digital Solutions
    Munich Re US