Further developing the Stewardship efforts of Munich Re and MEAG*
Stewardship has become a tool of choice for ESG implementation thanks to its potential to create real-world impact through the dialogue with investee companies. After successful engagements with a focus on climate, Munich Re and MEAG are excited to now expand the scope to Human Rights starting with a first step to become endorser of the PRI Advance Stewardship Initiative. The initiative serves as a platform for investors to discuss Human Rights and social issues in investee companies and to foster positive change for employees and society. Besides the climate and net zero focus, Human Rights is another key aspect within the ESG integration approach of Munich Re Group’s Responsible Investment Guideline (RIG).
The RIG provides our framework for Munich Re Group investment activities on an entity-level, and specifies, amongst others, exclusion criteria for investments in companies not in line with expected Human Rights conduct.
Our support of the PRI Advance stewardship initiative now expands the instruments we can use to integrate Human Rights aspects into the investment decision process with the potential to generate real world impact.
Therefore, we support the investor statement of PRI Advance: a stewardship initiative for human rights and social issues