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Top marks for Munich Re in the 2019 PRI Assessment



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    Munich Re has been awarded the best possible rating of "A+" in the 2019 PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) Assessment, in the module "Strategy and Governance". Only 29% of the 384 "asset owners" participating in the assessment from around the world gained this rating.Within the group of comparable asset owners, the median rating is "A". Munich Re, together with ERGO and MEAG, was among the first German signatories of the UN-supported PRI, and it also played a key role in the drafting of these principles.

    Philipp Waldstein, CEO of MEAG, Munich Re (Group's) asset manager: "We are happy about this outstanding result, which reinforces us in our conviction to invest responsibly. For us that means firstly consistently integrating ESG factors into the investment processes of all asset classes, secondly enabling specific investments in climate-friendly projects such as renewable energies and CO2-reducing projects, and thirdly disabling – or ruling out – entire sectors that are not reconcilable with sustainable investment."

    In addition, Munich Re and MEAG also answered questions about the "bonds" asset class, and achieved an excellent "A" rating in each and every module of it. Indeed, all of Munich Re's ratings are above the median in the individual modules, placing Munich Re in the top half of its competitors.

    MEAG manages the assets of Munich Re and ERGO. It has representations in Europe, Asia and North America and also offers its extensive know-how to institutional investors and private clients from outside the company group. MEAG currently manages assets to the value of around € 268 billion.

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