Top Grade for Munich Re in the 2017 PRI Survey
Munich Re has scored an "A+" in the latest PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) assessment for 2017 in the "Strategy and Governance" module. Only 30% of the 340 asset owners worldwide who signed the PRI principles received the "A+" rating. Within the relevant benchmark group of "asset owners", the median is "A".
Munich Re and MEAG also answered questions on the "bonds" asset class for 2017. They gained the very good "A" grade in all four modules of this asset class. Munich Re's ratings for all four individual modules are above the median, i.e. Munich Re is always in the upper half among the competitors.
Dr. Thomas Kabisch, CEO of MEAG, Munich Re (Group's) asset manager, says: "We are very happy about the excellent result, which reflects what we demand of ourselves in terms of responsible investment and ensuring that we meet our short and long-term obligations, both vis-à-vis our clients in the Group and our institutional and private clients from outside the Group as well."
MEAG manages the assets of Munich Re and ERGO. It has representations in Europe, Asia and North America and also offers its extensive know-how to institutional investors and private clients from outside the Group. MEAG currently manages assets to the value of € 251 billion.