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Munich Re excellent in the 2016 PRI survey


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    Munich Re has scored an "A" in the latest PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) assessment for 2016 in the "Strategy and Governance" module, being awarded 28 of 30 possible stars.

    Munich Re and MEAG also answered questions on the "bonds" asset class for 2016 – this is mandatory for respondents with more than 10% of their investments in bonds. They gained the very good "B" grade in all four modules of this asset class.

    Dr. Thomas Kabisch, CEO of MEAG, Munich Re (Group's) dedicated asset manager, says: "We are very happy about the outstanding results, which reflect what we demand of ourselves in terms of responsible investment and ensuring that we meet our short and long-term obligations, both vis-à-vis our clients in the Group and our institutional and private clients from outside the Group as well."

    Responsible business and investment has been a top priority at Munich Re for years now. An holistic investment strategy at MEAG, based on ESG criteria (Environmental, Social, Governance), has a positive effect on risk and returns over the long term.

    That is why we invest in accordance with the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), which we helped to develop and were one of the first Germany signatories of in 2006. Munich Re and MEAG work hard to maintain and improve the excellent results gained in the survey.

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