Munich Re wins awards for its performance in the field of sustainability
In January, Munich Re was given a bronze ranking by RobecoSAM in its Sustainability Yearbook. This signifies that we rank among the best and most sustainable companies in the insurance industry. RobecoSAM is one of the leading rating agencies for socially responsible investment (SRI). It continuously analyses the sustainability performance of all global players. In the autumn, Munich Re qualified for the Dow Jones Sustainability Index DJSI World/Europe for the 15th consecutive year.
Munich Re also successfully maintained its position in the ECPI Index, in which we have been continuously listed for the past six years. Italian asset management company ECPI has specialised in analysing ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria in financial services companies. It advises global investors on non-financial criteria for investment decisions.
In November 2016, for the third time in succession, Munich Re also won the Most Outstanding Retakaful Operator award, presented by the Islamic Finance Forum in Kuala Lumpur. This award honours activities worldwide, and in Malaysia in particular, that are aimed at promoting this special type of cover.