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Life and Health

Client Programme 2025

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    If you are interested in one of our seminar offerings, please get in touch with your client manager or contact lifeseminars@munichre.com
    Seminar title Location Level/Language Month/Day Time/Length
    Fortgeschrittenenseminar „Leistungsprüfung in der Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung“ Online Intermediate/ German March 11-13 9.00 a.m. (CET) 3 days
    Tagung Biometrische Portfolio-Analyse (Deutschland) Online Intermediate, Advanced, Professional)/ German March 18-19 9.00 a.m. (CET) 2 morning dates
    Munich Re Lebenstagung Österreich On-site seminar (Wien) Advanced, Professional/ German 27 May 10.00 a.m. (CEST) 1 day
    Grundlagenseminar Risikoprüfung Online Introductory/ German April 8-10 9.00 a.m. (CEST) 3 morning dates
    Tagung Biometrische Portfolio-Analyse (Österreich) Online Intermediate, Advanced, Professional/ German June tbd
    Life Insurance Seminar In-house Advanced, Professional/ English July 21-25 9.00 a.m. (CEST) 5 days
    Roundtable Datenschutz und IT-Security In-house Intermediate, Advanced, Professional/ German October 8 9.00 a.m. (CEST) 1 day
    Fortgeschrittenenseminar Risikoprüfung Schwerpunkt Berufsunfähigkeit Online Intermediate/ German October 21-23 9.00 a.m. (CEST) 3 forenoons
    Munich Re Life Forum In-house Advanced, Professional/ German October 28-29 5.00 p.m. (CET) 1,5 days
    Herbsttagung Risiko- und Leistungsprüfung in der Lebens- und Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung In-house Professional/ German November 11-12 9.00 a.m. (CET) 2 half days
    Grundlagenseminar Leistungsprüfung in der Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung Online Introductory/ German November 18-20 9.00 a.m. (CET) 3 days

    Level descriptions

    We have indicated different course levels in order to help identify which seminars are appropriate for each participant, based on individual experience and expertise.
    • Participants have already a few years of insurance industry experience
    • 1-2 years of experience in the respective work area or topic
    • Participants have already gained a basic understanding of a specific topic or work area.

    Understand: Participants gain a deeper understanding of fundamental topics, develop a solid overview on the various aspects of the respective subject and develop their skills about a certain topic or work area.​

    • Professionals with several years experience in the insurance industry 
    • 3-5 years experience on the specific topic in order to enable practice related exchange and dialogue
    • The participants have a good knowledge base and know different aspects of the particular subject or work area.

    Practice: Participants gain a more in-depth knowledge about a certain topic or work area and are able to identify first interdependencies between various aspects of topics and become a more effective technical expert.

    • Experts with long-standing experience in the insurance industry
    • At least 5 or more years experience in the particular topic in order to allow an in-depth approach with different aspects of the topic and to engange in an expert level dialogue.
    • The participants have a sound knowledge and a very good overview over the different aspects and of the particular subject or work area.

    Manage: Participants gain deep insights about specific topics and their consequences for their area of responsibility and are deriving interdependencies between various aspects of topics. Based on their learnings participants could generate impulses for their own business activities.

    • Participants are dedicated experts in their working area or on particular subjects based on long-standing expertise in these topics.
    • The participants have a profound knowledge, excellent overview and know various aspects of the respective topic in detail.

    Deepen: In-depth approach to particular topics on basis of expert discussions and workshops with the aim to identify strategic implications on the topic/business strategy.