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Andreas Chwatal · Sebastian Dacey · Veronika Hilger · Leonhard Hurzlmeier
Munich Re Art Gallery I September 2017 – March 2018

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    STARTUPART II is the second exhibition that presents four artistic positions. Despite their different working methods and forms of expression, the artists have one thing in common: they were all born at the beginning of the 1980s and studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich at almost the same time. In their mid-thirties, they are still in the beginning stages of their career yet already have some exhibition experience under their belt. 

    STARTUPART II reflects the diversity of current artistic trends. The works of Andreas Chwatal, Sebastian Dacey, Veronika Hilger and Leonhard Hurzlmeier represent four outstanding artistic positions which at their core all deal with the medium of painting and whose artistic themes explore new and exciting paths.

    Andreas Chwatal

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    Sebastian Dacey

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    Veronika Hilger

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    Leonhard Hurzlmeier

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    © Andreas Chwatal, Sebastian Dacey, Veronika Hilger, Leonhard Hurzlmeier / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2025, Photo: Munich Re