Munich Re appoints Bernhard Kaufmann Chief Risk Officer
Munich Re has appointed Bernhard Kaufmann (44) Group Chief Risk Officer with effect from 1 January 2014. He succeeds Joachim Oechslin, who will be joining the Executive Board of the Credit Suisse Group from that date.
Kaufmann has been with Munich Re since 2000, working in several positions. Since 2008, he has been Chief Risk Officer and Head of Integrated Risk Management with Munich Re’s ERGO Insurance Group.
CEO Nikolaus von Bomhard: “Prudent risk management that actively supports our business has been and will remain key to Munich Re's success. We are pleased that, in the person of Bernhard Kaufmann, we are acquiring a new Chief Risk Officer who not only knows all the facets of risk management but is also already familiar with the business segments of Munich Re.”
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