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The dividend at a glance

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    Munich Re's Annual General Meeting on 25 April 2024 voted to distribute a dividend of €15.00 per share for the business year 2023 to the shareholders. In relation to the 2023 year-end share price the dividend yield is equal to 4.0 percent. The dividend notice can be found in the section “Annual General Meeting 2024”.
    Business year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
    Dividend (in €/Share) 5.50 5.50 5.75 6.25 6.25 7.00 7.25 7.75 8.25 8.60 8.60 9.25 9.80 9.80 11.00 11.60 15.00
    Yield (in %) 4.1 5.0 5.3 5.5 6.6 5.1 4.5 4.7 4.5 4.8 4.8 4.9 3.7 4.0 4.2 3.8 4.0

    Dividend paying stocks

    Year Total number of shares Treasury shares Dividend-paying stocks
    2023 136,468,150 2,707,863 133,760,287
    2022 140,098,931 3,630,781 136,468,150
    2021 140,098,931 0 140,098,931
    2020 140,098,931 0 140,098,931
    2019 144,317,861 4,218,930 140,098,931
    2018 149,538,477 5,220,616 144,317,861
    2017 155,027,908 5,489,431 149,538,477
    2016 161,053,897 6,025,989 155,027,908
    Year Total number of shares Treasury shares Dividend-paying stocks
    2015 166,843,961 5,790,264 161,053,697
    2014 172,942,618 6,099,887 166,842,731
    2013 179,341,212 6,407,095 172,934,117
    2012 179,341,212 42,313 179,298,899
    2011 179,341,212 1,711,014 177,630,198
    2010 188,468,471 10,886,068 177,582,403
    2009 197,401,624 10,929,717 186,471,907
    2008 206,403,804 11,315,953 195,087,851
    2007 217,888,670 13,468,959 204,419,711
    2006 229,580,233 9,934,789 219,645,444
    2005 229,580,233 1,572,570 228,007,663
    2004 229,580,233 1,060,826 228,519,407
    2003 229,580,233 577,074 229,003,159

    Development of the dividend payout ratio*

    The implicit dividend commitment of recent decades is now an explicit target of the Munich Re Group Ambition 2025. In “normal” years, the dividend per share is to rise by ≥5% on average, similarly to the increase in earnings per share. In years with unusually high claims expenditure, it is expected that the dividend per share will at least remain the same.
    2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
    Dividend payout ratio (in %) 28.5 70.2 41.8 45.7 155.9 39.0 37.5 40.8 42.6 51.7 328.1 58.7 50.7 113.4 52.6 46.3 43.6
    * Dividend payout ratio = Overall dividend amount divided by Group IFRS profit for the year.

    Payout ratio in relation to the IFRS consolidated profit of Munich Re (Group)

    Year IFRS consolidated profit (Group) (€m) Dividend payout for the financial year (€m) Payout ratio %
    2023 4,597 2,006 43.6
    2022 3,419 1,583 46.3
    2021 2,932 1,541 52.6
    2020 1,211 1,373 113.4
    2019 2,707 1,373 50.7
    2018 2,275 1,335 58.7
    2017 392 1,286 328.1
    2016 2,581 1,333 51.7
    Year IFRS consolidated profit (Group) (€m) Dividend payout for the financial year (€m) Payout ratio %
    2015 3,122 1,329 42.6
    2014 3,171 1,293 40.8
    2013 3,342 1,254 37.5
    2012 3,211 1,255 39.0
    2011 712 1,110 155.9
    2010 2,430 1,110 45.7
    2009 2,564 1,072 41.8
    2008 1,528 1,073 70.2
    2007 3,937 1,124 28.5
    2006 3,536 988 27.9
    2005 2,743 707 25.8
    2004 1,833 457 24.9