WKN 843002
ISIN DE0008430026
(Credit Suisse)
Credit Suisse Group AG, Zurich, Switzerland has informed us according to Section 21, para. 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) as follows:
The share of the voting rights of Credit Suisse Group AG, Zurich, Switzerland, in our company had exceeded the threshold of 3% on 14 April 2015 and as of this date totalled 3.57% (6,168,058 voting rights). Thereof 3.57% (6,168,058 voting rights) are attributable to it in accordance with Section 22, para. 1 sentence 1 item 1. The names of controlled undertakings holding 3% or more are Credit Suisse AG, Credit Suisse Investments (UK), Credit Suisse Investment Holdings (UK) and Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited.
The share of the voting rights of Credit Suisse AG, Zurich, Switzerland, in our company had exceeded the threshold of 3% on 14 April 2015 and as of this date totalled 3.57% (6,168,058 voting rights). Thereof 3.52% (6,080,933 voting rights) are attributable to it in accordance with Section 22, para. 1 sentence 1 item 1. The names of controlled undertakings holding 3% or more are Credit Suisse Investments (UK), Credit Suisse Investment Holdings (UK) and Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited.
The share of the voting rights of Credit Suisse Investments (UK), London, UK in our company had exceeded the threshold of 3% on 14 April 2015 and as of this date totalled 3.51% (6,067,712 voting rights). Thereof 3.51% (6,067,712 voting rights) are attributable to it in accordance with Section 22, para. 1 sentence 1 item 1. The names of controlled undertakings holding are Credit Suisse Investment Holdings (UK) and Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited.
3% or more
The share of the voting rights of Credit Suisse Investment Holdings (UK), London, UK in our company had exceeded the threshold of 3% on 14 April 2015 and as of this date totalled 3.51% (6,067,712 voting rights). Thereof 3.51% (6,067,712 voting rights) are attributable to it in accordance with Section 22, para. 1 sentence 1 item 1. The name of the controlled undertaking holding 3% or more is Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited.
The share of the voting rights of Credit Suisse Securities (Europe)Limited, London, UK in our company had exceeded the threshold of 3% on 14 April 2015 and as of this date totalled 3.51% (6,067,712 voting rights). Thereof 3.51% (6,067,712 voting rights) are attributable to it in accordance with Section 22, para. 1 sentence 1 item 1.
Munich, 21 April 2015
The Board of Management