Investing in Munich Re
Why invest in Munich Re
Executing business opportunities
Track record
Despite the difficult economic environment, we are well on track, continuing to generate sound income thanks to our balance sheet strength. We are a reliable partner for our clients and shareholders.
Rigorous risk management
A high degree of diversification, balanced investment portfolios and disciplined underwriting are the cornerstones of our risk management.
Business strategy
We focus on creating sustainable value from underwriting risks. Innovative covers pushing out the boundaries of insurability enable us to tap new sources of income
Strong capital position
Very good capital position continuously built up over the years. Continuing the long-term track record of attractive capital repatriation while retaining the flexibility to exploit opportunities for profitable growth.
Outlook 2025
Group | Reinsurance | ERGO |
Insurance revenue (gross) ~ €64bn | Insurance revenue (gross) ~ €42bn | Insurance revenue (gross) ~ €22bn |
Net result ~ €6.0bn | Net result ~ €5.1bn | Net result ~ €0.9bn |
Return on investment > 3.0% | Combined ratio P&C ~ 79% | Combined ratio Germany ~ 89% |
Combined ratio GSI ~ 90% | Combined ratio International ~ 90% | |
Total technical result Life & Health ~ €1.7bn |