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Green Bond Framework and Reporting

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    The objective of issuing Green Bonds is to increase our investment in green and sustainable projects and initiatives, thereby playing a key role in the transition to a low-carbon economy. The issuance of these Green Bonds will also enable Munich Re to engage with those investors who are committed to allocating capital in support of this effort.

    Munich Re’s Green Bond Framework is designed to ensure that any Green Bond(s) issued by Munich Re are aligned with market best practices outlined by the ICMA Green Bond Principles 2018. It includes the following sections and describes the approach to external review: 

    • Use of Proceeds
    • Process for Project Evaluation and Selection
    • Management of Proceeds
    • Reporting

    This Framework will apply to any Green Bond issued by Munich Re and will be applied as long as any such instrument is outstanding. This Framework may be updated from time to time to ensure continued alignment with voluntary market practices, emerging standards and classification systems. Any updated version of this framework will either maintain or improve the current levels of transparency and reporting disclosures, including the corresponding external review.