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Other memberships by Board members

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    Supervisory Board¹ Memberships on Supervisory Boards of other German companies² Membership of comparable bodies of German and foreign business enterprises²
    Dr. Nikolaus von Bomhard (Chair) Deutsche Post AG, Bonn (Chair)⁴
    Dr. Anne Horstmann (Deputy Chair) ERGO Group AG, Düsseldorf³
    Matthias Beier ERGO Group AG, Düsseldorf³
    Clement B. Booth Howden Deutschland AG, Munich⁵ ⁶ Howden Group Holdings Limited, United Kingdom
    Dr. Roland Busch Siemens Healthineers AG, Munich⁴ ⁸ Siemens Mobility GmbH, Munich (Chair)⁸
    Grzegorz Czlowiekowski
    Martina Grundler
    Julia Jäkel Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf (UKE), Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts, Hamburg Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, Stuttgart dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH, Berlin
    Renata Jungo Brüngger Daimler Truck Holding AG, Stuttgart⁴ ⁷ Daimler Truck AG, Stuttgart
    Stefan Kaindl
    Dr. Carinne Knoche-Brouillon
    Gabriele Mücke
    Dr. Victoria E. Ossadnik E.ON Digital Technology GmbH, Hannover (Chair)⁹ Linde plc., Dublin, Ireland⁴
    Ulrich Plottke
    Carsten Spohr
    Anita Stocker-Napravnik
    Susanne Terhoeven
    Jens-Jürgen Vogel
    Prof. Dr. Jens Weidmann Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt/Main (Chair)⁴
    Dr. Maximilian Zimmerer Deutsche Beteiligungs AG, Frankfurt/Main⁴ KfW Capital GmbH & Co. KG, Frankfurt/Main
    1 Status: June 2024. 2 Seats held on supervisory boards of German companies and memberships of comparable bodies of German. and foreign business enterprises. 3 Own Group company within the meaning of Section 18 of the German Stock Corporation Act. 4 Listed on the stock exchange.  5 Company with fewer than 500 employees. 6 Seat held within Howden Group Holding Limited Group. 7 The Company Daimler Truck Holding AG holds all shares in Daimler Truck AG. 8 Seat held within Siemens Group. 9 Seat held within E.ON Group.